Her Story

Her Story

“O.. kay?”

I was in the middle of going to the subway station when he called saying he couldn't make it this time. He rambled about something which I couldn't comprehend while I just continued to walk towards the station.

“..... I'm sorry?” I heard he talked again on the other side of the line.


“Seriously Jung, am I forgiven?”

It was too sudden for me, and I wasn't on my right mind either because of all the stressed I felt in the past couple of weeks. I thought I could get some fun today, but maybe I was being too greedy to expect something more when he suddenly asked me to help him choosing something for his younger sister birthday.

“It's okay, seriously”

I knew I couldn't get mad at him, even just a slightest.

“You're the best Jung. I'll make up to you sometimes later. Bye!” and then I heard the line had cut off. I was already inside the subway, and I was considering to just go home or not.

Might as well get some real fun today


It was good to finally have my own free time after plenty stressful week. I went to my favorite bookstore just to scan through newly arrived books and recommendations. Reading was my hobby, and I found peace while doing so.

Afternoon came, and I found myself walking to my favorite cafe on the corner of the busy street I was at.

“Hey Krys! It's been awhile. The usual?”

I looked up to find one of my favorite smiling face grinning to me from the other side of the cashier.

“Hi Chan. The usual please...” he nodded “...and yes I was very busy organizing some events on the campus, and all of the work studies, and all other things. Well to be short, my hands were tight buddy” I smiled at him and proceeded to seat by the window.

Chanyeol. He is one of my very first friend since I came to this city. I met him when I was strolling around this very same street, and couldn't seem to find my way around. He's 2 years older than me, and he's a campus dropout. He had preferred to pursue his dream in music, and now he's a song writer to some of music industries in the country. He hide his identity though, and went by an alias for his job.

“Here you go, Caramel Frappucino with whipped cream on top” he brought my drink and seat in front of me.

“It must be quiet busy today, considering you took the time to entertain me here” I joked on him, and he just laughed.

“Anyway, how's your songwriting life going on? Do you have some project to take care of these days? Come on you know I'm always interested in hearing your stories” I asked him after my first sip of caramel frappucino.

“No, I've just finished something last week, so work had been quite peaceful lately. I have so many free time, you must know it just by the fact that I'm here right now” I giggled because he's right. He always come around the cafe whenever he's not busy, to help his grandmother. Yes the cafe belonged to his grandmother.

“But! I've been helping one of my best buddy back in high school days. He also know that I'm a songwriter, and he had been asking me for some help” he said excitedly. It intrigued me seeing his excited face.

“Help? What kind of help?”

“Well it's no big deal. He wanted to write a song. And he constantly sending me some part of the lyrics of the song. It's quite good I think, it's a bit hmm what you called... honest?”

I like words. I really like the idea of using good words to create something special. That's why I like books, that's why I'm interested in Chanyeol's work.

“Really? Can I see it?” his eye lit up, well I practically realized he coincidentally brought that topic up, knowing that I will ask that question. He took out his phone and began pressing something on it. Then he gave it to me, and I looked at the screen showing I think some kind of an email.

Picking up my old guitar,
The confession that I couldn’t make
Pretending I made one song, I’m about to tell
Just listen, I’ll sing for you

“What? Is he some kind of the fainthearted romance kind of guy?” I asked still reading the part of the lyrics. Chanyeol just smiled and wait for me to finish reading it.

I love you a lot but I don’t say the words,
It’s awkward that pride doesn’t allow me
Today I will take courage and tell you, but just
Listen to it carelessly, I’ll sing for you

After I finished reading it, I gave back his phone and he was staring at me.

“What do you think of it?”

“It's good. Really good. Are you sure he's an amateur? Because damn those line hits home quite well. You were right when you said that it has this honesty feels all over the place. Why did he write this though? Does he want to be a songwriter too like you?”

“No, I'm sure he's not. He wants to give it to someone I think, reading the lines. Maybe his girlfriend? I don't know, it's not really my business though” he said while getting up preparing himself to head back to the cashier since there are some people coming in.

“It really is cute indeed if he do give the song to someone. I'd like someone to do that for me too you know” I sighed.

“Since when did you become this hopeless romantic kind of girl?”

I just smiled and shooed him to get back to his job properly. I continued to sit there until the sun was down. It's a good thing that I bring my book inside my bag. Chanyeol offered to walk me home, but I declined because it's not too far from my house too, and he obeyed my wish.

Since when did you become this hopeless romantic kind of girl?


It was a fine Monday morning, and it was in front of my first class of the day when I saw him again.

“Hi there Jung! How was your weekend? I really am sorry for ditching you just like that you know” he said with a sorry look written all over his face.

“It's really okay Jong. I got to have my own me time also, so it's not a very bad day either. Why don't we just forget about it and get inside the class shall we? The class is about to get started” I said while ushering him inside the class.

Jongin. Known as Kai. He's the head of my campus organization, which I took participate in. He's a very hardworking person to the point it worried me. He's a nice guy, and always tried to not bothering other people. He's a perfectionist person, which sometimes it frustrating me because of that perfectionism, he couldn't trust many people with the work.

I had known him since I came in to this campus, and looking for some organization that I could participate in. At that time, he was my senior of two years, and I joined the same organization that he did. We're fast becoming friends, because he found out my love for books and words, and apparently he did too.

And his birthday was coming in three days. And I still didn't know what to give to him. Which was the reason that brought me to the cafe again, to think. As expected, Chanyeol was already there and it wasn't a peak time, so he could accompany me on the table.

“Why the long face?”

“You know, his birthday is coming. And I still don't know what to give him”

Chanyeol understood, and he looked like he was trying to help me also. I continued to rack my brains to get some ideas. But it's none. I really didn't know what to give him.

“Hey, you had said that he's the type that overworked himself right? Can't you do something about that fact? Or what about his hobbies? You can do something about that right?” Chanyeol tried to give me some ideas. I nodded and tried to work on that fact.

“Should I write something? You know he likes books and words like me”. Chanyeol smiled and went inside for a moment, just to came back a minute later with papers and pencil. He put those things on the table in front of me.



Two days had past since my discussion with Chanyeol that fine afternoon. I had managed to finally prepare something for him, but I didn't quite know for sure whether he'll like it or not. I met Jongin like usual for the organization meeting, and we acted like always. He was always joking, and I would always smile at his jokes.

The day came. I wrapped my gift and decided to just drop by his house to give it to him in the morning. When I arrived upon his doorstep, I realized that his car was no where to be seen. I knocked on the door, and found his sister opening the door. She looked sleepy, but when she saw me, the look of realization came upon her face.

“You're my brother's friend right?” I was surprised because she knew who I was.

“Yes I am. Is he home?”

“No. Unfortunately, he left early in the morning, I don't know why though, it's even his birthday but he just left like that” she muttered with a displeased tone. I laughed because she was so cute muttering like that, just like her brother. I ruffled her hair and gave her my present.

“Can I give this to you then? It's for your brother. Just say it's from Krystal Jung” I smiled and handed out my thing. She nodded and took it from my hand.

“I'll tell him one of his pretty friend gave him this” she winked at me. I grinned and say my goodbye to her. My work was done, and I headed back to my house. I didn't have any classes for the day, so might as well spend it inside the comfort of my room. Reading some novels with music playing and a cup of chocolate. Perfect day, I imagined.

When I arrived upon my house, I was a bit surprised to find his car had parked in front of my lawn. I hurried to check whether it was really his car or not, and yes, it really was his car.

What is he doing here?

I opened my house door and found him seating on my living room sofa, chatting with my mom for I didn't know what reason. Both of them looked up to me when they heard my footsteps.

“Ooh Krystal! You're friend here, Kai, was coming to pick you up. But since you're away, I just invited him to have a cup of tea with me. You don't mind right?” My mom was just being my mom, and I knew what she meant behind those eyes and smile.

“What are you doing here Jong? I thought we don't have any appointment today?” I asked him puzzled with his sudden visit.

“I said that I'll make up to you for last time right, and now is the day that I'll make it up to you! I know we both don't have classes today, so I decided to just drop by and kidnap you” he said brightly.

I was a bit perplexed with his sudden invitation, and my mind immediately diverted back to my plan for today. I was ready to decline his invitation, when my mom decided to interrupt our little conversation.

“She doesn't have anything to do today also, so you can just take her anywhere Kai” she sounded excited and pushed us towards the door. I tried to protest but her knowing look made me shut up. Jongin looked happy, and he bowed towards my mom to show his gratitude.

Jongin guided me towards his car and opened the passenger door for me. I was silent and when he opened up his driver seat, I looked to his direction while raising my eyebrows. Asking explanation. He laughed and ruffled my head. And just quietly started out the engine and began driving.

“You'll know when we arrived”

He didn't know that what he just did made me silent for the entire drive.



I couldn't believe my eyes. He just brought me to my cafe. Chanyeol's cafe. As I was about to say something, he interrupted me.

“This cafe is really good. I like the atmosphere. And beside, my friend owns this cafe” he said casually whilst we got out from the car. I was surprised, because it meant that his friend is Ch-

“Chanyeol! Did you prepared my request?”


That smiling idiot came outside the cafe, like he was waiting for us. He looked a bit surprised when he saw me, and for a flash, I saw a look of understanding appeared on his eyes.

“Of course I did Kai. Anything for my best buddy! Come inside, I had marked the table beside the window for you” he said while bumping fist with Jongin. When Jongin went inside first, I quickly grab Chanyeol's hand for explanation.

“What the hell is happening here?”

Chanyeol just laughed and pushed me inside.

“You'll know. For now, just enjoy the drinks and cake that I had made for you on your table” he brought me to the table and left the two of us behind. I was still confused, and I just sit with so many thought running inside my head.

“What's the matter?” Jongin finally realized my discomfort and asked.

“Nothing. It was weird, because I frequently come to this cafe too and I never saw you. I even befriended Chanyeol too! And I never knew that you are his friend” I explained to him while took a sip of my Caramel Frappucino. Everything is suspicious, even my drink is suspicious.

Jongin looked a bit surprised too when he heard I was friend with Chanyeol also. But he quickly let it go and tried to make a conversation with me. He was an enjoyable company, so it was not long until I forgot about my suspicions.

When suddenly Jongin stand up and walked towards the live music corner in the cafe, I felt something in the pit of my stomach. I didn't know what was going to happen, but it certainly made me nervous.

The cafe was a bit crowded too, and to my horror, Jongin took the microphone and started to talk with it.

“Hmm test.. test..” He said while trying to adjust the microphone to his height. He took the guitar and began to try it also. I saw Chanyeol coming from his post at the cashier, and casually leaned against the bar, he certainly enjoyed what his friend was about to do.

“Okay so Hi. My name is Jongin and I would like to entertained you guys for this afternoon with a song that myself had written with the help of my friend over there, Chanyeol!” he said and the visitor of the cafe started to clap their hand.

“I wrote this song for a friend. A girl to be exact. I want to say that on this special day, I'd like to express my gratitude towards her. She always there when I needed help, and maybe she doesn't know this, but I know that she secretly took parts of my work, so I didn't overworked myself”

I felt self-conscious because some people started to look at my direction. Chanyeol looked at me too and laughed. I felt my face warming up because of whatever he's saying on the microphone.

“I also wanted her to know how precious she is. Maybe she doesn't realize this herself, but she is one of the realest person I ever met. She is bright, yet calm. She is smart, yet she has those clumsy traits. She always tried her best whenever she focused on something.

She liked to dance, and damn how I really want her to go after her passion instead of doing whatever other people asked her to do. She is a good listener, and for only a short amount of time, I know that she is a person to be trusted. She is perfect just the way her imperfections show.

So, you know that they say that forever is very long time, and blessed is a big word. I am blessed to meet a person like you, and I will forever be grateful to have a friend like you. This song is for you”

I teared up upon his speech. I didn't know that he noticed those things. I started walking up towards the mini-stage, when suddenly I halt my step. It was at the exact time when he started singing.

Picking up my old guitar,
The confession that I couldn’t make
Pretending I made one song, I’m about to tell
Just listen, I’ll sing for you

Right there and there, my eyes searched for Chanyeol for confirmation. And he put up his thumbs towards me while grinning. Now, it made sense, whatever suspicions I was feeling since I came to the cafe earlier on.

It’s a bit funny to me, although you’re everything
To me, sometimes I am no better than a stranger

Everyday I am thankful that you are with me
My gift that God gave to me
After today, I might act awkward again
But today I really want to say today
So listen

The way you cry, the way you smile
I wonder how much they mean to me.
The words I want to say, but missed the chance
I will confess and it’s a bit awkward, but
Just listen I will sing for you
Just listen once and smile

He finished the song, and searched for my eyes. Right there and there, he opened his mouth, and I knew that this moment, will forever be engraved in my mind whether I like it or not.

“Happy birthday Jung”

He remembers

And I smiled.

The song in the story is the english translation of EXO's Sing For You

Once again, happy birthday!

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