I Need U


In life, seven minus one doesn't automatically means that there's six left. In the case of seven miserable boys that found their sanctuary in each other's presence, losing one was equivalent to having nothing left. Seven minus one meant a zero.


A oneshot based on I Need U MV so you all now have an idea of what this will contain. I will give each of them a little background and stuff. Reasons to why they did what they did in the MV. Meanings to their actions, the flashbacks and even the little details included in the music video :) Hope you look forward to it :)


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Qwertypie #1
Ahhh oh my gosh that little foreword ;-; this sounds super angsty and interesting and I'm super looking forward to it! I've read some of your fics as well so I know it's gonna be really well written! \o/