Welcome Back



*12 years later*

Narrator: Jessica, along with 8 other girls, became a member of a group consisting of Korea’s 9 best female agents.


Chapter 1

“Chief, welcome back. I think you’ve totally changed. How long has it been?”

“Well, it’s been 20 years.”

“Well, Chief, during that 20 years, a lot has changed in this headquarters. We will show you around.”

“That’ll be great. It’ll be embarrassing getting lost in the company I’ve been working on for more than 25 years now, won’t it?”

“This way, please.”

“Please, drop the honorifics.”

“Nae~”The Chief of the headquarters was shown around the whole headquarters until they reached the time to introduce the new agents. Agents are put into groups that has major similarities. The Chief was introduced to F(x), KARA and Secret until they reached the last group, Girls’ Generation.

They walked in in Girls’ Generation’s practice room.

“Chief, this is our best group of agents, Girls’ Generation.”

Jessica saw them.

“Ohh? Annyeonghaseyo! *bows*”

Everyone else did the same.

“They’re so happy.”

“Yeah. But wait, if you look deeply into their eyes, all you see is angst, hatred and that sign of need of revenge”

“You haven’t changed a bit after all, Chief. You still notice that. Chief, those things you see, they’re all true. That’s because they have had a tragic past.”

“Is that so?”


“They’re pretty good.”

“Of course, Chief. Their parents were former agents here. And they were legends. Guess that was passed down to their daughters.”

“Ohh. But wait, you mentioned something about their parents being FORMER agents here. What’s that all about?”

“Their parents were agents here before.”

“But they should still be here.”

The manager gave something to the Chief.

“These are the files of their parents.”

“Wait? The agents from this group are these girls’ parents?”


“They were real legends. But they why are these files so dusty? Haven’t you been cleaning the Files Room?”

“It’s because those files have been kept for a while now.”

“Why is it kept? It should still be in our file room?”

“They are now former agents of this agency.”

“Why? They’re supposed to work here until they retire.”

“I don’t think you understand, Chief.”

“Well, it’s been 20 years, I have missed a lot.”

“These girls’ parents have passed away. They have been deceased for more than a decade now.”




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Wow..!! Your tittle really got my attention.. Please update soon..
who's the chief? hmmm
I thought Sooyoung english name was Summer? Nvm but ~ updateee soon ^^
Aw~~ Poor Jessica. :"( <br />
Update soon, kay! :DD Really interesting. <br />
'Korea's Best Agents' <---- I like that. :DD