Happy Birthday, Taeminnie!

Happy Birthday, Taeminnie!

Taemin's P.O.V

  I skipped happily across my living room. Today is the day - July 18. My birthday & also the day Choi Minho, the captain of the basketball, football and baseball team confessed his feelings to me - Lee Taemin, the lonely dancer. I still remember that day I first saw him, how I got those little butterflies in my tummy ..

                Flashback :

" Class! I have an announcement to make! ", the teacher Ms. Jessica said. After the class finally settled down, she coughed & and continued speaking " As you know, the schools talent show is this monday. Today is your last chance to sign up! I will now tell you the names of the kids who are competing in the talent show from our class.. "

Ah, the talent show. This is the 3rd time we are having it at my school, and it's the first time I am going to compete in it. What am I going to do for it? Of course my only passion - dancing. I'm an excellent dancer, people always tell me how great I am. Their compliments mean a lot to me, but I wish I could hear a compliment about my dancing from my father. Sadly, he does not approve of my dream to become a famous dancer. He always tells me how girly it is - But I don't care. I have my mom's & my best friends approval, so that's all that matters.

I awoke from my daydream and continued to listen to Ms. Jessica. She has already announced the names of the kids that are competing, now she is explaining the rules. It's all so boring, why does a talent show even have rules?

Thank god the bell finally rang. I quickly got my backpack and made my way out of the boring class. This was my last class for Friday. Finally the weekend has come, I will be able to practice my dance. As I was walking past the music room, a beautiful noise caught my attention. It was coming from in there..

I listen for a moment: " Gosh, that's such a beautiful song ", I thought " I wonder what it's called ". So, I sneaked to the door & stood on my tip toes & what I saw astounded me; Choi Minho was playing the piano. The Choi Minho; The fastest boy of our school, the top athlete , the guy every girl wants. I stood there for what seemed like forever, just listening to the beautiful music his piano made. He had his eyes closed, his fingers sliding over the piano keys softly. I felt my heart skip a beat, my stomach fill with butterflies. I had never expected Choi Minho to know how to play the piano.

Sadly, the song ended. He sat there for a moment with his eyes closed. " What is he thinking..? ", I whispered to no one.

Maybe he heard me? Because after I said that, he turned over to my direction. I stood there frozen, gazing into his eyes. I didn't know what to do.. Should I run? Should I open the door & say " Hello! "? Or should I just stand here & see what happens? But he just had to do it.. He smiled.

That oh so beautiful, gorgeous smile that melts everyone's hearts. He stood up, and that's when I made my move; I ran without looking back.

Soon, I found myself in the boys bathroom on the first floor. I clutched my chest where my heart was & leaned against a wall. I started to pant. " Why-Why is my heart racing? " I slid down to the floor and wrapped my arms around my legs bringing them to my chest. I sat there in complete silence. I don't understand what's happening to me, why am I suddenly like this?

And that's when I realized what had happened to me.. I fell in love.. with Choi Minho?!

                 Flashback End :

I sat down on my black leather couch & rested my feet on the coffee table. I eyed every little thing in my apartment; the white refrigerator, the black curtains, and many other things. None seemed to capture my attention.

But that's when I gazed at the small picture sitting comfortably on the TV. It was the picture where me & Minho took when we were visiting his parents in Busan. I remember it like it was yesterday..

                Flashback : 

I stood in front of Mr. & Ms. Choi's house. Minho took my hand & gave it a tight squeeze, I looked over at him & gave him a warm smile. He then kissed my cheek and whispered softly:

" Are you ready? " I smiled wider & nodded. It felt so nice that he was worried about me.

A quiet sigh escaped my lips.. Truthfully, I was scared; Minho & I have been dating for about a week, and he suggested that I should meet his parents. I have already told my mother about us & she was so happy I finally fell in love with someone. Of course my mother approved of us, but now we need the approval of Minho's family. There are a million questions running through my mind; what if they are disgusted with us? What if they kick Minho out?

So many ' what if.. ' questions, but I shall ignore every one of them. Even if they are disgusted with Minho, I don't care. I know he loves me, and I love him. Since the first time I laid eyes on him, I knew it was meant to be..  He's just the most amazing guy in the whole universe. Everything about him is perfect; his smile, his eyes, his lips, his hair. He's flawless.. And he chose me; a skinny, little brat who can't do anything but dance. Out of all the people in the world; he chose me.

Another sigh. Enough thinking.. I glanced at Minho & nodded my head slowly. He did the same. Minho quietly opened the door & urged me to step inside, so I did. His home was very cozy. I felt my heart skip another beat. I eyed the room, till I found a man sitting on the old couch, reading today's newspaper. He was, maybe in his 40-50's.. I then started looking for an elderly woman, but she was no where in sight. Then a sweet voice rang through the entire house.

" Yeobo! Is someone here? " Minho stepped forward & shouted back to the voice

" It's me umma! I'm back! " The old man that was sitting on the couch threw his newspaper on the ground and ran towards Minho with open arms. They embraced each other for a moment. I suddenly felt a pang of jealousy.

" He-He's lucky, he has a father that cares for him deeply.. ", I thought. Then an old woman, maybe in her 30-40's walked in and observed the the two; a sweet old smile spread across her face. I couldn't help but smile also. When the pair had finished hugging, Minho then embraced his mother hugging her tighter.

That's when his father noticed me. A smile spread on his wrinkled face. He extended his hand, so I took it & shacked it. He then said: " So, you're Lee Taemin, eh? I've heard quite a lot about you from Minho! "

What?! Minho had already told his parents about us?! I looked at Minho, he was smiling. Ahh, that oh so perfect smile that made me feel like I was flying.

" I told my parents we were dating when I first confessed to you. ", he told me. I pouted, turning my ayego on. As expected, they all said " Aw " at me. I smiled.

" Annyeonghaseyo! It's very nice to meet you Mr. & Ms. Choi! " I bowed politely. I then felt a pair of warm thin hands pull me into a hug; it was Minho's umma. I hugged her back, and heard her whisper:

" Please protect my Minho, I know how much he loves you, Taeminnie.. "

" I promise, Ms. Choi. I will never stop loving Minho.. "

                Flashback End :

I heard a soft knock on my apartment door. I glanced over at my clock; it was 11:53 PM. I smiled wide, in two minutes I will be born. There was another knock.

" I'm coming! " I yelled. I quickly ran to the door, and though I didn't need to, I stood on my top toes & looked through the peep hole on my door; Minho was standing there, gorgeous as ever!

I opened the door & greeted him with a smile. He smiled back at me. He walked into my apartment & I closed the door, then turning back to him. I ran into his arms full speed. It felt nice having him embrace me, it felt as if everything was right in the world. And then we shared a kiss..

A sweet, long kiss that seemed to stop all time.. A kiss that made the world stop rotating. We stood there hugging each other for what it seemed like an eternity, until he whispered to me:

" Taeminnie, happy birthday my love.. " I let go of him and smiled once more. I dragged him on the couch & made him sit down.

" Minho.. ", I breathed out, gazing into his eyes. He turned to the clock,

ha.. Only one minute left.. Minho turned back to me & hugged me. I hugged him back tight, leaving no spaces between us. And then that moment came; my alarm clock rung. It was 11:55 PM, the day I turn 17, mine & Minho's 2 year anniversary.

I felt him hug me tighter, then he whispered sweet words into my ear. I felt as if I was in heaven, being hugged by an angel. And then, he closed the spaces between us; he crashed our lips together.

I smiled into the kiss..

" Minho is the most amazing person in the entire universe. Everything about him is perfect, he is a beautiful, charming, flawless boy with amazing big eyes and gorgeous smile that melts everyone's hearts. it is impossible not to fall in love with him, once I laid my eyes on him, I know from that very moment that I will never stop loving him. Choi Minho is sweet perfection.. "







So, this was my first fanfiction. I hope you liked it! Please give me some advice on how to imrpove! :D

OH and Also tell me if you would like a oneshot of Minho's P.O.V of this story.

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SHINee4ever5 #1
Kyaaaaa!!! So very cute >///< I agree with minhotaemin, you should write one with minho's pov ^^
aww was really cute! and yes you should make minho's pov version!!!!
This is such a sweet one-shot! <3 But you should tag it 2min, so more people can read it. ^-^