“Hyung, I love you!”

☆ Choi Minho ▬ A Gift


“Hyung, I love you!”


Minho hyung! Wow, this is my first time writing a letter to you. I could just go next door, and I’d see you, but Yoona noona said to write it with the other SHINee members in private. (She’s really nice to do this, by the way, but you should know that already). In actual fact, I told the other members to leave me alone. This letter’s going to get pretty personal… maybe even mushy.

Anyway, to start off… On behalf of SHINee minus you, we wish Choi Minho (aka YOU) a big fat happy birthday! Hehe. Actually Onew hyung told me to write something extra, but I’m not writing it. He can say it in person. It’s so mushy, it’s gross even thinking about it. (Insert a Taemin shudder) You know what I mean. It’s like stuff Jonghyun hyung says to Key umma (except a million times worse). Ugh. Onew hyung gets too sentimental sometimes. Oh well! I might get sentimental in this letter too, for all you know.

Sigh. Hyung’s growing older again… It’s funny though, I feel like the older one now. Am I supposed to feel that way? Let me really get started now. Hyung, I love you! I really do. Thanks for the support you’ve given me when I’m tired, thanks for the advice you’ve given me when I’m down, and thanks for just… sticking around for me when the other members are too busy at schedules or doing other stuff. Thanks for allowing me to be your best friend. Friends do things for each other, right? So for your birthday, I made the other hyungs back cupcakes with me for you. You’ll find them when you come back to the dorm later after you read this. They’re really nice. I’ve tasted a bit of the batter before it went in the oven. Yeah… I know I’m awesome. Hehe. But I’m getting off-topic! This letter’s supposed to be about you. Oh no. I’d better get on with it then.

Hyung, I look up to you and admire you. You are my role model. Especially when I watch you during practices, your never-ending repeats of your solo lines and rap parts, and never-ending repeats of the dances… And when I watch you during Dream Team too! I’m really inspired by you, hyung, because of your fighting and competitive spirit. I want to be as strong as you too. If I ever get there, that is. Funny though… I talk as if I’m some kind of crazy obsessed fan of yours. Hey, perhaps I am. Maybe I have an inner fanboy for you, hyung. Does that sound creepy? Oh my God I hope it doesn’t! Aish, I promised Key umma that I wouldn’t sound creepy on your birthday…

Argh! I keep going off-topic! Sigh. I think I should just give up on the letter already, and give you a huge kiss on the cheek later. Hehe. That would be nice. Wouldn’t it?

All right now, the hyungs say it’s time to stop writing so we can practice. I’ll say this one more time. Hyung, I love you! And happy birthday! Hope you have a great one!

The FIRST min to the 2min,
Lee Taemin.

PS: That’s our couple name by the way. Key umma told me about it. Isn’t it cool? 2min! Haha!

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I like the idea of everyone writing him letters and oh Taemin! So cute!! :DDD<br />
I like all of their letters very very much! Hope to see more works of yours~ XD<br />
Actually, I remember I just subscribed to some stories! Better check those out :D
awwww.... :))
starkey #3
Awww... This is so cute~^^~<br />
I'm crying a bit here-.-
That was a wonderful birthday present. It was just wonderful and beautiful and well written, and just...well, wow :) My emotions were so happy during my reading.<br />
<br />
Yuri's letter made me smile<br />
Donghae's letter made me laugh<br />
Victoria's letter gave me a warm feeling<br />
Taemin's letter made me go "Aww..."<br />
And Yoona's letter was just...so sweet and breathtaking<br />
<br />
Happy Birthday, Minho1~
Oh. Shall not forget about BabyTaem letter. 2MIN<3<br />
He's the first Min. Hahaha<3<br />
Then I saw SHINEE'S craziness. Lol<3<br />
I didn't read Donghae's and Vic's, sorry. T.T guiltyyy. T.T
Awww. Adorable letters<3<br />
I loved YoonYul's the most<3 Gee. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINHOO<3
-continued-<br />
And of course, the MinYoon was so beautiful ;~; FINALLY SHE SAYS SHE LOVES HIM. She seriously needs to say it instead of everyone else pushing them to be together. They just need to be together. They seriously, seriously, seriously need to be together. Believe it or not I think MinYoon has a lot of backstage moments, it's just that the cameraman and SM are too MinYul biased and that just . Anyway, the MinYoon part was so cute and Yoona's so sweet <3<br />
Overall, a wonderful five-shot <3 A perfect birthday present to the wonderful rapper, Choi Minho <3
Forgive me if this doesn't turn out very long ;~;<br />
I skipped Yuri's part. SORRY. SORRY. SORRY. I know you worked very very hard but I can't read it, I just can't.<br />
DONGHAE's PART WAS SO CUTE! Geez that guy is so cute. Alright, I like the way you put it, because it's true, they are both rappers, and they're both underrated for their singing, because they both have really god-like voices ;~; Donghae's so cute, he keeps pushing Yoona to him, and I just think that's really cute. (: But no way SHINee will overtake SuJu, because I see them on an equal level, but their bromance is just so awesome. ;~; Donghae's adorkable, really, and MinHae is so cute I might actually start shipping them.<br />
THAT PICTURE IS SO CUTE ;~; I love MinToria and I'm so glad someone is actually writing it! I don't care whether it's just noona-dongsaeng, I just adore the fact that the MinToria was so accurate and cute <3 You really wrote the Victoria part well! Believe it or not, I think you're the best at writing Victoria than writing anyone else, because you really understood Victoria's character well. She's that sort of over-reactive and hyper, yet understanding and worry-wart sort of person. I like the way she gave him advice, in a motherly way, which she is definitely good at doing. She's the umma-leader, and she really lives up to her name! UGH THE FOREVER-THERE CONCEPT IS SO ADORABLE ;~; <3 <br />
Taemin's part was super cute. I think it's so cute and all those 2min shippers on the earth are seriously going to love this part cos' it's just so so so cute. I don't know how to describe this except for cuteness overload ;~; <3 I love the cuteness <3<br />
This is so AWEESOOMMEE!!! <3 <3<br />
Happy Birthday CHOI MINHO!
this is amazing <3<br />
geez i have so many comments to leave ;~;<br />
waitwait, k?