Chapter 2

Don't cry
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With one hand on the wheel, Seunghyun used the other hand to fish the phone out of his pocket as he felt it vibrating against his skin. It was a new text.

From: Youngbae Hyung-nim

Well done on your mission. Keep the hostage with you until further notice from me.

Seunghyun re-read the message for three times, wondering how long “until further notice” was going to be. He had never gotten to keep his victims with him for longer than just several hours. He would usually use his fist and armored bat to knock his victims down, give them some harsh threatening and then quickly leave the scene. When his mission required a hostage, he would just snatch and take him or her to his boss. This time was different. It had been, since, the moment he saw his victim’s pictures.

Seunghyun glanced at his company in the back seat from the rear mirror. Kang Daesung was staring nonchalantly through the window in the back seat with his mouth being duct-taped, his hands being cuffed together behind his back. He was too calm and quiet for a person who got kidnapped; as if he was really enjoy the current condition. Seunghyun trailed his eyes over the other man’s face, just to see his locks were messy, his eyes were bruised, his nose and lips were scratched and there were dried blood all over his face. Must have been pretty hurt. Seunghyun talked silently and immediately got surprised at his own thought. He drew his gaze toward the road in front of him and forced himself to focus on driving. He tried get rid of a slight sympathy for the man he had just arrested, but then he found a question kept lingering in his mind, much to his dislike.

Is there any bandage left at home?





It was nearly three in the morning when Seunghyun reached his apartment. He opened the timeworn door and dragged his hostage inside. He shoved Daesung down to his bed, released one of his hands and cuffed the other with the headboard of the bed. He then removed the duct-tape glued on the blonde’s lips.

“You have to stay here for a while. Better behave or you’ll be worse than you are now.”

Daesung stared at Seunghyun for a long moment before finally opening his mouth to speak for the first time since the attack.

“What’s your point?”

Seunghyun grabbed a can of beer from the fridge and emptied it in big gulps before answering his hostage.

“I just did as I was told, so I don’t know the details. But maybe your wealthy boyfriend will suffer a bit.”

“So you’ll use me to menace my boyfriend? For money?” Daesung sighed and let out questions but he was also assuming the reason by himself.

“Apparently yes, but there is more than that.” Seunghyun shrugged and took out another beer to drink. Daesung couldn’t help but glancing through the corner of his eyes, only to see Seunghyun’s Adam’s apple moving up and down as he swallowed the liquid. He his dry lips, sensing a lack of his own saliva as he didn’t have anything to drink for many hours. Then suddenly he felt something landing on his lap. He realized that Seunghyun had just thrown a can of beer to him.

“Drink it. You seem thirsty.”

Daesung picked up the beer and looked at the kidnapper, his eyes blinking under the long blonde bang.

“Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to open it with just one hand?”

Seunghyun mouthed an ‘Ah… right’ and snatched the can from Daesung to open it. Then he gave it back to him.

“Here you are, Princess.”

“I beg your pardon?” Daesung frowned upon hearing someone called him princess.

“I could easily open the can with just one hand. You’re used to bein

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virtual_write #1
Chapter 7: Update please...
Kasung #2
Chapter 7: Wha Wha whaaat!! How dare u leave me hanging here O.O OMG things r going mad!!!!!

U did great job in describing the details, I could see every single shot *-*... Keep it up, fightingggg
peggyw #3
Chapter 7: Looking forward to the rest!
Cedric_B #4
Chapter 7: I really hope TODAE get out of this happily! Love it Author-nim.
Chapter 7: cruel mercenary turns out to be a love fool, cute redhead turns out to be a cold-blooded bastard, wow!
and... where is the lucky chapter 8...? :'(
Misenanastasia #6
Chapter 7: Ah updaaaate!! :D
daesung2689 #7
Chapter 7: eonnie, i know it's kinda rude to ask you to update this story asap since it's been a long time i commented in this story kkkkk but i can't help it. UDATE ASAP! XD
kangliara #8
Chapter 7: Please continue writing the fic ^^
kangliara #9
Chapter 6: Top wanting to protect Dae is so beautiful <333333