

"Do you realize how alike 'leaving' and 'living' sound? It's almost the same pronunciation. Because that's what it means, to be alive. To leave, and be left by other people. Even if you don't want to. Even if you feel like you shouldn't. Even when you can't; especially when you can't."


Important: This is a fanFICTION. It's not real, and it's not how it really happened. Many of the events are very different irl; Luhan did his last concert in his hometown before leaving, worked even while being sick and in bad conditions hence the lawsuit, etc. This is just a romancized version, combined with my favorite ship and some personal feelings. Don't take it too seriously, it's just a story I needed to get out of my system. It's also kind of my tribute to Luhan and a thanks for his existence, I guess.

inspired by this post on tumblr:


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Chapter 1: welp here come the feels

the bittersweet ending was really touching. :')