
You Kill Me (In a Good Way)

 Jackson had always been stubborn. Mark met him years ago and still nothing changed. But he doesn't complain. That was what he liked about their relationship. Jackson was the outgoing, straight forward one and Mark was the exact opposite. They fitted each other perfectly.
But Jackson being stubborn could be very, very bad at the same time as it was good. It was only good when it made him more determined to reach his goals but when his health was put in the way, it all turned bad again.
"Please Jackson! It won't take long!"
"I don't want to visit some doctor, I can do this by myself!"
And here they were - arguing about whether Jackson should or shouldn't visit the hospital. Jackson had been sick with a fever for a few days and on top of it his knee was hurting badly. Mark was very well aware of how dangerous it had been for Jackson to do martial arts, and knew from a personal perspective, the pressure it can put on your knees if not performed perfectly.
"Please...You really do need help this time.", Mark begged.
"It'll be over before tomorrow, don't worry."
Mark sighed. There was no way he was winning this argument.

When Mark woke up he expected to find Jackson watching him carefully, like he usually did but nope. Jackson was still sound asleep, back facing Mark. Mark sat up and leaned over his lover to check the temper. Burning hot. The heat radiating from the younger male had the older male worrying as he hurried to the kitchen to get the temper. When he checked the temperature, it was way higher than the day before. Hospital was the only option. Mark had to carry Jackson to their car and despite having a large mass of muscle, Jackson wasn't that heavy. Or maybe Mark was just a little bit stronger than he looked.
At the hospital the doctor told him about what could've happened if Jackson wasn't put in the hospital.
"It could've been serious, his body could've been overly heated. It's pure luck you brought him at the right time."
The words echoed in his head. He had failed Jackson again. What if Jackson never actually recovered from his knee injury? The doctor didn't mention it, what if it was already that bad? If he had only been to practice with him more often. During their GOT7 days they always went together but since they all went down different paths, Mark stopped practicing. If he would've just gone with him...
Mark entered the small room Jackson was resting in, sitting down on the side of the bed rather than on the awful chair by the side. He Jackson's hair and let a small, sad smile lift the edges of his lips.
"I promise to protect you next time. I won't ever let you down again. Though you kill me with anxiety and worry, I promise to work harder. I love you."



I'm so sorry it took such a long time + wasn't even that good of a story. A million apologies to Cecemin.















































































































































































































































Mark always worried for Jackson. It had become such a natural thing seeing Jackson was a perfectionist and wouldn't stop whatever he was doing until he found it perfect. And if anything, his determination had caused him a huge amount of problems, not only for Jackson himself but for all the people around him.
After GOT7 had to break up, Jackson and Mark took the chance to move together and it had never been a problem. In fact, it was something they both had wanted since they got together back in trainee days. They were so different but could relate to each other on a completely different level than with the others and that's what brought them together.










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anzlie #1
Chapter 1: This was too cute /.\ I feel back for mark cause Jackson was so sick T.T
Chapter 1: This is so cute! Awwww ♡
Cecemin #3
Chapter 1: Thank you!! I like it! ^^ <3