17. Pepero Day Part II

Happiness in the Wind (바람에 행복)



Eunyoung and you reached the mall and she started pointing at so many dresses and accessories the moment she sees one.

After some window shopping and actual shopping, she treated you to some food. “This is so delicious Eunyoug-ah!” you smiled and she pinched your cheeks “Where do we go next?”

You thought of going somewhere you could play games and thought of the arcade. “How about the arcade? Laser tag?” you suggested. She made an ‘ok’ sign with her fingers and continued eating again.

Both of you were just headed to Laser tag but bumped into teentop. They were in a huddle.

Chunji saw you and greeted the both of you “Hey Eunyoung, Hyunji. Nice to see you” L. Joe popped up and searched for you. *Damn this people, so tall…* he cursed. He finally saw you and smiled.

“You gave anyone something?” L. Joe asked

Ricky laughed and went to your side “Just tell him what he wants to hear. He was waiting for you all day long!”

“H-huh?” you asked, confused. But you knew somehow.

“Shut up!” L. Joe pushed Ricky’s face to the ground and continued to talk to you. “Did you?”

You shook you head “No one…” *I even forgot to give L oppa my chocolate bar…* you thought in grimaced

“Hey, Eunyoung did you give only teentop gifts, or was there anyone else?” Chunji raised his brow. Eunyoung shook her head “Nope, no one.”

“Good! Because THE TEENTOP IS THE BEST! WE ARE JJANG!” Changjo, Niel and Ricky made a macho pose. You laughed and shook your head *Boys…*

“Hey, we were about to join a game but we didn’t get to pick any partners” Chunji offered

“Yeah, because we didn’t really have partners” Ricky pouted.

“What? You are the most popular in school, girls swoon over you. But your eyes didn’t catch anyone?” Eunyoung blinked her eyes. “Yeah… Really” Niel answered, disappoint

“So…” Chunji rocked Eunyoung, “will you be my fake girlfriend for the pepero game and win the first place prize?” Chunji blinked his eyes at her. “M-me?” You could see Eunyoung was blushing “No, she’s my fake girlfriend hyung!” Ricky cut the gaze and tugged her away.

“No! I want her!” Chunji pulled Eunyoung back, in no time Eunyoung felt dizzy and fell to the ground. “Yah! You two! If you’ll settle this using tug of war, none of you are going to be my fake date!” Eunyoung crossed her arms.

You laughed at the sight.

“Okay, Let’s do this, fist to fist!” Ricky popped his knuckles. Chunji nodded and started popping his as well.

“Okay…”  Ricky started off.

“One…” Chunji continued

It was getting tense as the two looked like they were going to ripe their heads off. Will they be creating a fight?

“W-wait-” Eunyoung started to panic

“Two…” Ricky never left Chunji’s gaze

“S-stop-” Eunyoung wobbly stood up. She didn't want to see blood or black eyes.

“Three!” they both yelled out and pushed their fists in impact.

“NOOO!!” Eunyoung screamed

“KAI BAI BO!” they both shouted. “W-what?!” Eunyoung shouted. She was shocked in disbelief.

 Ricky had paper while Chunji had scissors. “HAHA! I win!” Chunji jumped

“Let’s go Eunyoung-ah!” he tugged Eunyoung to the Pepero stand.

Ricky pressed his lips in a line “It’s okay, I still have hYUNJI noona!” he started to pull you too but L. Joe stopped him. “No you’re not! She’s my partner!” L. Joe gave him a death glare. “W-well, do you even like the prize?!” Ricky crossed his arms

You titled your head “What are the prizes?”

Ricky cleared his throat and acted all professional “Third prize is an ALL YOU CAN EAT coupon for a month in any store in the mall; Second prize is a NINTEDO WII with all it’s game gadgets; first prize is a $500 dollar CASH!” Ricky sniffed as he started to well up. “No. I don’t need them” L. Joe dusted it off.

Neil and Changjo’s jaw dropped “Really?! $500 dollar cash?! As in DOLLAR, not WON?!” Changjo went to your side as he spoke to Ricky.

“NINTENDO WII PLUS ALL IT’S GADGETS?!!” Niel shouted and jumped beside you.

You looked at them and bit your lip *Don’t tell me…*

“NOONAAA!!” They all chased you. “Noona, please please please please please!!!” Ricky went to you while he kneeled.

“Noona I’ll love you forever!!” Niel tugged you

“Noona, I’ll treat you anything you like with the $500 PRIZE!!” Changjo reached out to you.


“But Hyung! You don’t even like the prizes and we like them and noona is the only one available since Chunji nyung took Eungyoung noona!” Ricky pouted.

“Well, I’ll think of something.” L. Joe sat down while holding on to you.

“Hey, don’t I get a say on this?!” You blurted and crossed your arms

“Yeah Hyung, let her decide!” Changjo nodded at L. Joe. L. Joe gave him a look and Changjo squirmed behind you.

In minutes you were beside L. Joe signing up for the pepero game. “I don’t know how this happened…”

Before you made the decision each of them wooed you. Ricky for half ownership with the Nintendo; Changjo for half of the prize money; Niel for also having half ownership plus cash, but L. Joe offered you something different, your phone. You jumped up. He still has your phone

L. Joe scooted beside you on the bench. He leaned in and secretly took out your phone. Widened eyes, you looked at your phone. Something in L. Joe’s face said ‘I know you want this’ You bit your lip and sighed. *I really am gonna regret this!* you covered your face with your hand. When he saw you were going to agree, L. Joe smugly smiled.

Now, you’re in line with L. Joe. “Anymore couples?” the worker said. After waiting for about another five minutes, no one came. “So, this is all our couples?” the worker spoke with his mic and glanced at the couples forming a straight line. He nodded walked to each couple.

He walks and asks them what they love about each other; many couples said heartwarming words to each other and the audience clapped.

In time, it was you and L. Joe’s turn. You grew nervous. You didn’t know what to say, all you could think about is how mean was L. Joe to you and L. L, you thought of him again. You looked down and saw the twinkling cross. Your face fell but suddenly lit up when L. Joe elbowed you, signaling it was your turn already. You took a deep breath and listened to the worker “Couple number 10, what about your girlfriend you love the most?” You stiffen; the word girlfriend didn’t really fit you.

You warily looked at L. Joe who caught your eyes. He smiled at you before he drew the mic closer to his lips, never leaving your glance “There are so many things I love about her, but… I love her presence beside me everyday” he sincerely answered.

The crowd awed and smiled. You now felt all star-struck and couldn’t move. Your lips managed to smile a little and exchange glance with L. Joe. The worker nodded and turned to you “That’s honesty and pure love girlfriend, how about you? What do you love about your boy?” he looked in to your eyes.

You gulped and warily answered him “I uhm… I loved his sporty side but when I found out about he cares about something and never lets it go, it got me hooked on to him, I guess” you made face that said ‘right?’ to L. Joe. He was shocked at your answered and the crowd swooned. After the worker’s comment with you two he went unto the next couple and interviewed them until the last.

You saw Eunyoung swayed her index finger and disappointingly shook her head. She mouthed ‘I’m gonna tell…’ You heaved a sigh and somehow felt unhappy.

Niel, Ricky and Changjo was watching you ang L. Joe the most and they all laughed at L. Joe “Hyung can be so cheesy!” Ricky remarked “I know! My hair’s standing up!” Niel shivered, rubbing his arms. “Was noona forced to say those sweet words? Hahaha” Changjo laughed.

The worker explained the game. It was simple, pepero for a pepero game. The smallest pepero without completely wiping it out in ten seconds wins. They gave each couple a pepero and placed it between each other’s lips.

You looked away when L. Joe was staring right through your soul. “Don’t worry, I won’t kiss you” L. Joe reassured you and you laughed too warily. The worker whistled and the games starts. L. Joe munched the pepero quickly but you munched it ever so slowly.

Your heart raced when you took a peek and saw how close his lips were to yours. You suddenly stopped; you couldn’t continue the game anymore and just let L. Joe eat it out.

After the final buzz, your pepero dropped on L. Joe’s palms. You surrendered it to the worker when he measured yours. He stood up holding the pepero “We have our second place!” he announced and the crowd cheered.

“Couple number is unbeaten. Congratulations you two!” he handed Chunji and Eunyoung the $500 prize money. They both cheered and jumped up and down. Chunji glanced at Niel, Changjo and Ricky, he stuck his tongue out and went to the photo booth.

You and L. Joe receive the Nintendo wii with all it’s gadgets. The three boys’ eyes were glued to it. All the couples were led to the photo booth and you and L. Joe posed a heart shape with your hands, afterwards you all when to eat. Chunji treated all of you with the consent of Eunyoung. “Noona-ah~ I want another slice of pizza” Ricky pleaded.

Chunji scowled and pushed his forehead “Micheoseo?! We already paid for everyone’s dinner. It’s our cash money now!” Chunji agitated. Ricky pouted at you but Niel covered his eyes and he batted his eyes at you, the same thing Changjo did and L. Joe pushed the three away from you “Pleading won’t do. Me and Hyunji still have to decide…” L. Joe nodded to them

After dinner, you decided to just let Ricky, Niel and Changjo keep, keeping the promise they will share it with each other. You and Eunyoung left the boys and shopped with the money she and Chunji shared.

She bought a handful of bags and dresses. You smiled and tried on some too, with her persuasion.

L laid on his bed and thought about the necklace and the handwriting, it all seems so familiar to him. L. Joe came late and placed his picture with you beside his bed. *We looked like a real couple. Only if it was true*

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haerajae #1
Kkkyyyaaaaaa~~~ so jjang!! I really really like your story.... ^^ I also want to meet Mr. Wind ~~~~
kissingyoulove #2
aah!!! :DD another great story :DD
timeofmylife03 #3
SO CUTE! Gaaaahhhh! I wanted her to end up with both L and L.Joe xD
Great job, really <3
Galaxy04 #4
SWEET!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 My bias L and Ljoe!!!! ^.^ I want to have them both!!! =)) XDD
luminatorr #5
it was so sweet! i absolutely loved it to the max! so cute!
girlove #6
uh yeah!!! so sweet!!! XDD kkkk cute ending. the dongsaengs.. very ignorant and aannoying.. I LOVE IT!! XDDD
girlove #7
girlove #8
girlove #9
Did you just rea my mnd or i you just read my mind?!!! EPILOGUE MEEEEEEEN!!! PLEASE