Chapter 2

The Bucket List
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Chapter 2

      Something tickled my legs, followed by a large weight sitting down on them dipping the bed in the proccess, leaving them trapped.

"Hoseok." I barely managed to muffle out already knowing who it was, but didn't say anymore since I was, like, still half-asleep. I felt a sharp sting in my right thigh and sat up with a yelp.

Warm brown eyes stared back at me in amusement. 

"Why?" I tried to whine in protest, only to end up sounding like a blubbering mess with a scratchy voice. It was way too early in the morning for anything and I couldn't deal with this right now. When he didn't respond right away, I started to nod off while my eyes drooped with sleep. "YAH! Minnie do you even know what day or time it is?" He laughed before poking me prodding another groan out of me.    "Saturday of two 'o clock in the ing morning. Shut the hell up and go back to bed." I said curling back up into my sheets and pulling them over my head to block out his annoyingly cheerful voice. My sheets were yanked down, pulled away from me, and instantly I shriveled up from the cold with a small hiss. "YAH!" I screamed back at him sitting up so fast in my bed that I nearly head-butted him as I found his stupid grinning face leering back at me in the dark. "Get up, stupid head. It's Monday not Saturday, and it's six in the morning not two. You have school." He stated and tugged on my arm pulling me up from the bed, being cruel enough to let me wander through his cold room without nothing but a tank-top and a pair of shorts on.   I blindly searched for my clothes which I had thrown askewn in the middle of night - and, no. Not because of that reason.   "Hoseok?" I almost whimpered when I didn't see or hear him next to me anymore and blindly felt around the room still searching for my clothes. My heart nearly leaping out of my throat when something grabbed ahold of my arm. I screamed.  He opened his mouth wide and tossed his head back in laughter, but all I heard was a shrilling cry of an alarm clock; sharp and loud, cutting through the room. Dazed and confused I frowned back at him. His expression sombered, and he opened his mouth again- BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeep.    -BEEEEeeeeep. I shot up in bed with a muffled curse in search for my phone, and hit the snooze button once I finally found it. I squinted at my bright screen through a blurry vision at the time. 6:00 AM. Then groaned. I rubbed at my face tiredly and just continued to sit there and stare at nothing through the dark room, even when my mind was prodding me to haul my out of bed and star
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