Chapter 3

[TAEKOOK] The player and the hockey player
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Please read the end for a/n! <3








Jungkook woke up with a pounding headache, not really sure what happened the night before. He shifted and looked over to the other side of the room, where Taehyung was sleeping. He looked so peaceful like this, no scrunched up features like he had when he was talking to Jungkook usually. Looking at him made Jungkook suppress a smile. He can't smile because of someone like Taehyung? That's ridiculous.


He stood up and got some paracetamol and a glass of water to sue his headache, he looked over to Taehyungs bedside table and decided he should be a nice roommate for once and leave paracetamols and water on the bedside table. After he did that he decided to rush out of the door to grab some breakfast before Taehyung woke up. 




Taehyung woke up, feeling but not less - than usual after a party, he squinted, trying to get a proper view which was hard after Jungkook had opened their blinds. Why the would Jungkook open their blinds?


He moved his arm to their bedside table only to find some paracetamol and a glass of water on there, not thinking twice before taking it in. 

While he was taking the paracetamols, he realised that Jungkook must've put it there. Why did he put it there? It wasn't like he liked Taehyung or something, was it?


He decided to check on Jungkook, seeing as he wasn't in his bed as always, sadly Taehyung had a habit of always checking on his roommate. Even though he was his actual enemy. With shaky hands he grabbed his phone only to see 245 new Kakaotalks and 5 new Snapchats, which was kind of unusual as Taehyung never used Snapchat or Kakaotalk. He'd check them later, he had to text Jungkook first.


13:43 Taehyung: Jungkook? Hello? Where are you?

13:46 Jungkook: ...why do you care?

13:46 Taehyung: I was wondering where you were? Where are you

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Chapter 3: Please update soon
SomeOne31 #2
Chapter 2: :-) update please
beetuul #3
Please update!! :))