As Expected

When All Else Fails

Hyunseung glanced at the clock. It was way later than he wanted it to be. He must have practiced his routine tens upon hundreds of times. He sat cross legged on the hardwood floor of the dimly lit room. Sweat was collecting on his forehead. Hearing a commotion outside, he looked up through the hair that had been plastered to his forehead. Just then, a figure walked into the room.

"Sorry I'm late Hyunseungie," she cooed.

"Late?" he glared at her. "I've been waiting and practicing alone for the past two hours. This is serious business, Gina nuna, I don't have time to waste. Let's get started." Soon enough, music was bouncing off the walls, and their shoes squeaked on the freshly polished floor. At this rate, they would be practicing all night. As the night went on, he grew more tired. "We could have been done so much earlier than this..." he muttered to himself under his breath. "Why couldn't I have been paired with someone more ing dependable?" Hyunseung sighed and rested his back against the cool wall before sliding down to the ground. He began to rub his temples in a circle.

"Think fast," Gina called, her voice echoing through the room. Hyunseung's head snapped up quickly, but just in time. His hands quickly covered his face, catching the water bottle being tossed towards him. He twisted the cap open, and chugged almost the whole bottle. The cool water made him refreshed. After he finished the bottle, he glanced over to Gina. He watched as she continued to carefully drink her water. Hyunseung never noticed how beautiful she was before. Her curves, the shape of her legs, her long silky hair and the way the light complimented her face. "Are you okay," she asked him, slighly tilting her head, the water bottle grazing her lips.

"N-ne," he said as her voice revurberated in his ears. "We're almost done for today," he finished. He screwed the cap back onto the empty bottle and disposed of it in the waste basket. "Let's just do two more routines and call it a day?" he tilted his head slightly.

"Arasso," she agreed. The next two practices were almost flawless. For being a rookie, she was really good and seemed to know what she was doing. "Those were really good routines!" Gina exclaimed, expressing the thought that was on Hyunseung's mind.

"Ne nuna. I think this is turning out to be really good!"

"Did you ever doubt me?" she inquired, twisting her lips into a pout.

"Aniyo, aniyo nuna!" he said. "I just mean for not having much practice it turned out better than expected."

"Ah.. yes," she agreed. "I can see why your family's name is very highly regarded here. You show a great deal of determination and skill," she beamed. Her honesty made him blush. Everyone looked at him as stuck up, and as much as he hated to admit it, truth be told, he was just that. A stuck-up snobby jerk. "Hyunseungie!! Are you... blushing?" she exploded into laugher.

"Yah, yah! I just don't hear that very often!" he retorted, and looked down at his feet and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's nice to hear things like that sometimes." He was starting to fall for her. He didn't want to admit it but he was. However, she didn't want a man like him. She wanted a true gentleman, a genuine guy. Hyunseung was the total opposite of that.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. I'll try to be more on time," she winked, leaving the room.

"Maybe this will be better than I thought it would be..." he whispered to himself. "I can change myself for her..."

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