

Title: White
Length: Drabble (800+ words)
Pairing: 2Min
Genre: Angst, Tragedy
Description: Inspired by PYN




"Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system-"




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Chapter 1: 😭😭😭
2035 streak #2
Chapter 1: This was so sad yet so beautiful. Amazing work as usual. I have no words.
Chapter 1: Oh, I will just go and cry :'(
Chapter 1: I have been on a looooong 2min-less season, and I've been suffering from withdrawal. I'm really glad that this was the first 2min one shot I've read in a while; it has satiated my hunger~
I didn't expect such a depressing story from you, though. So heartbreaking, yet so beautifully written. I've always been a fan of your writing style. :)

Off to read more of your fics ^^
Chapter 1: I HATE U
but I love the pain from reading this kind of stories
I love u then
Chapter 1: why so sad...
I desperately want to know where Minho is. why he didn't answer the phone.
where is he?

Taemin is desperate to hear him.
so sad. I can feel taemin's frustration here

press your number is keep playing in my mind...
and this is really great
Chapter 1: Omg this was so ajsdjahdjhajs .
I simply have no words. PYN kept playing in my head as I read this.
I missed your writing so much. I'm just speechless all over again. ;____;
I wish you'd write more and moreeee >u<
but I'm a little confused...why did Minho leave him? and where is he now?
why isn't he picking up the calls? did they break up?
but if so, then he wouldn't send a bouquet wishing him for their anniversary. o.O
so many questions. I'm so curious yeah ~ xD
Chapter 1: TT_TT
This is so heart wrenching T^T
Poor Taemin put himself through so much without knowing anything ;^;
And tthat last line! God! My heart! That line pierced right through my heart T-T
Even though it was sad I loved this a lot ♥
daybydayshinee15 #9
Chapter 1: Cant stop imagining the scenes in taemin's press your number MV. Made sense really! So good that you could connect all that to this:)) still can't get the song out of my head while reading this! Thank you so much and keep on supporting 2min!!! :)
Chapter 1: My heart hurt reading this it's so painfully beautiful ( ͒ ඉ .̫ ඉ ͒)