Chapter One

Nagging Memories and Raising Feelings

Grabbing my hand with one of his own while the other went to my face, Yoongi pulled me closer. With an intense look he gazed into my eyes and said "Jimin... I have something to tell you... I lov-"

"Waaaaaaaake up Sleeping Beauty! The sun is already up and shining!"

Jimin woke up with a start. Looking around frantically, his eyes settled on his best friend, or should he say former  best friend, that had a grin the size of the world radiating energy everywhere.

Don't get him wrong, Jimin was a morning person but there were certain rituals that had to be performed for that to happen. Like have a good night of sleep. And wake up on his own. But being woken up from such an amazing dream in this violent way was by no means one of them.

"Nooooooooooo. What is wrong with you?!" he buried himself in his blankets.

“Come ooon! Get up! I have a great day planned!” Taehyung tried to pull the blankets off of his friend to no avail. “I’ll pay you lunch-”

Suddenly, Jimin let the blankets go sending Taehyung to the ground. ”What.” receiving only a grin for reply he continued. “Please, Taehyung. What did you do this time?” he said with a serious face. Or as serious as he could get given his half asleep state.

“Why do you have to immediately think I did something wrong?”

Because. Last time you bought me lunch you had pimped us out to perform on birthday parties. For months, months!, I received messages Taehyung. Private messages with all kind of mentally disturbing contents. And not all of them were from cute girls.” eyes glazing over as if remembering the traumatic messages he whispered. “Mothers, Taehyung. Mothers. I didn’t leave my house for a week afraid they would jump out of nowhere!”

“You’re being over dramatic, they only wanted to express the pleasure our performance gave them.”

“Pleasure?! Anything but that again! I still remember the looks that mother gave me when I went to the grocery shop! The cashier still looks at me funny!” He said hugging himself.

“Well, no need to get your -” “I don’t use -” “in a bunch! It’s something much better, a date!”



"Absolutely not. I don't care if it's her twin sister, or his hyung, or her gay best friend, or his cute cousin! It's a terrible idea and I refuse to have again the super awkward date while you're there all lovey dovey. That was once without repeat."

"Will you let me explain now? It isn't a double date-"

"Tae. You're like a brother to me- " he said making gagging sounds.

With a frustrated noise Taehyung almost screamed. "Hoseok-hyung! It's with Hoseok-hyung!"

And that was Jimin's face especially made to Taehyung. "Why would you want me to go with you? I don't want to be the third-wheel."

"Dude, it's a Bro date. A Bro Game date. There isn't going to be any third-wheel. Duh." he deadpanned.

"Right. You and Hoseok will have a Bro date."

With a confused face he replied. "Yes. Me, hyung and you. Bro date."

"And why am I only knowing this now?"

"Because this way you can't make up some sort of stupid excuse and cancel it." Hiding his face on his pillow, Jimin groaned. He was really tired and just wanted to sleep. He didn't understand how his friend could be this energetic when they left practice the day before at the same time, meaning really freaking late.

"But it's too earlyyyy!" he whined.

"Not really, it's already 9:30."

"Yeah but we went to bed so late yesterday! And I was so gross I had to shower first."

"That just means you don't have to take one now!"

"Pleeeease Tae! I'm really tired."

“Stop being a baby. I’m promising you free lunch at your favorite restaurant.”

Peeking from his hiding spot Jimin said disbelieving “My favorite restaurant?”

“Fine. Your cheapest favorite restaurant.”

“Ugh. But Tae. Do I reaally have to go?” Puppy eyes intensify.

“Yes. You have to make it up to me.” At Jimin’s lost face he continued pouting. “For your little affair with Jungkook. I still didn’t forget how you went out with him this wednesday and didn’t tell me anything!”

“Oh please, I already told you he was the one who invited me! And he was irritated because they broke up again and you’re not the best company on those moments. And don’t forget you ended up having dinner and sleeping here, so I don’t think you can complain.”

“You’re the worst. Hurry up. I’m going to eat your mother’s delicious breakfast.” Turning around, Taehyung could still hear his friend’s groans from down the hall.



“Have you talked to Hoseok recently?”

Blinking his eyes quickly, trying to chase away the sleepiness that surrounded him, Yoongi grunted. “Do you ingenuously think that that is possible? He nags me every day since before he could talk.

“Hum. Did he tell you something about a date?”

“Date? No. But it isn’t strange, he knows I don’t care about that.”

“Even If it’s with two guys? At the same time?” Namjoon said raising his eyebrows.

“He’s two timing? Are you sure about that?” That was something not really Hoseok-like.

“Not what I was saying. I said at the same time.”

“What the hell? Are you serious?”

“Uh huh. He has been all smiles and rainbows since he got home on Monday.”

“Monday?” Yoongi asked suspicious. He wasn’t liking where this was going.

“Yeah. He has been texting someone all week and it’s not the first time we catch him cackling like a deranged villain. It’s driving Jin insane which makes it quite amusing to watch. Especially when Hyung can’t take it anymore and starts beating him with whatever he has in his hand. Yesterday was with a wooden spoon” He said with a lazy chuckle. They really were more asleep than awake.

“And do you know who they are? What if it is a trap? You know Hoseok, he can be a little naive sometimes...”

“We don’t know them but he has been talking about one of them for a long time, one Tae-something.”

“Taehyung?” Now Yoongi wasn’t really liking where this was going.

“Yeah, do you know him?”

“Unfortunately. And the other one? It wasn’t maybe Jimin?”

With his eyes no longer open, Namjoon grunted. “So you know his boyfriends?”

“They aren’t his boyfriends!” He replied immediately.

That made the younger open his eyes and cryptically stare at the other. “Oh? And how can you be this sure hyung? You know it isn’t something so uncommon nowadays, plus they are still young.”

“And naive as . Do they really know in what they are getting themselves in?”

“Calm down hyung, they are probably just playing around, and you know Hoseok can be a lot of things but he isn’t a or something. You are strangely upset about this hyung.”

“Because he’s just a naive little kid and probably hasn’t realized what they’ll be doing!”

“Why do I have a feeling we aren’t talking about Hoseok-hyung anymore?”



    “So… are you sure we got out on the right stop?” Jimin asked nervously.

    “Yap. His building is really close to the station, so we won’t get lost. Relax.”

    “But… Ugh. Is it going to be just us? You said the other day that he lived with his friends…”

    “Yes, they are all working so it’s going to be just the three of us chilling together. You look like you are walking to your death or something” Taehyung said rolling his eyes.

    Jimin was nervous. His day started with a rude wake up call and now he had a strange feeling in his stomach that something was going to happen. He should have stayed at home. “I’m calm.” he said nonchalantly.

    “Uhum. We’re here.”



    “Hi! You made it!” Hoseok happily greeted his guests with a hug.

    “Of course hyung, it was really easy with your directions.”

    “Good. Good.” The older said while leading the way to the living room slash kitchen. “The apartment isn’t that big, but for us part-timers uni students is more than what we could hope for. We have two bedrooms, big ones we could say, one bathroom, and this division.”

    “It’s really homey. You live here with your friends… and they don’t mind that we’re here?”

    “What? No. I told them I was having some friends over and as long we don’t destroy the house or mess with Seokjin-hyung’s things we are fine. Besides, they are working so we won’t bother them.” He hummed. “But that isn’t what it’s worrying you is it? Are you hoping for someone to show up?” he said wiggling his eyebrows.

    “Of course not hyung! I didn’t even know we were coming here today...” he mumbled, pouting while making himself comfortable on the sofa.

    Throwing a curious look at Taehyung who only answered with a roll of his eyes and a later Hoseok asked rubbing his hands together “So, what are we going to play first?”



    Laughter and groans could be heard from the living room.

“You cheating cheater who cheats!” Jimin yelled and kept beating Taehyung with one of the sofa’s pillows. “You are not supposed to tickle someone when they are playing! I was almost winning!”

“What are you talking about? Did you see anything hyung?” the other boy asked, his voice cracking in the middle due to a powerful hit to his chest.

“I’m just seeing someone who is trying to run away from a deal.”

“Ugh, you are really unfair, If I end up lost or robbed out there alone it’s your fault!”

“The pizza place it’s around the corner and the discount it’s really good if you go pick it up from the restaurant. You can always call If you get lost.”

“Fine! I’m going.” picking up his phone and wallet and going to the door he shouted before leaving “You better be decent when I get back!”



    Coughing awkwardly Hoseok asked “Let’s keep playing?”

    With a faint blush, the younger nodded not meeting the older’s eyes, sitting up so the other could sit on the sofa instead of the floor.



     On the pretext of checking up on his friend who he hadn’t seen since a few days ago, Yoongi was on his way to his (future) house. It just happened to be on the same day of the so famous date. There was no ulterior motive, just a older friend checking on his dongsaeng. The rest was plain coincidences.

Sighing, he pulled his keys out of the pocket of his jacket and opened the door.

Inside he was met with the awkward silence between the two people he least expected.

“Who died?”

“!” startled, Hoseok dropped the game control, which ended up inside the popcorn bowl, spilling it everywhere. “Yoongi-hyung! What are you doing here? I thought you had work today!”

“I have, but since it’s on the way there I thought I should come check on you. You have visits?”

“That doesn't make sense hyung, your workplace it’s on the opposite direction- but thank you for coming! You’re the best hyung!” he said when Yoongi glared at him.

“You better be grateful.” At that exact moment someone rang the doorbell. “I got it.”



“Come one, hurry up you lazy asses” Jimin muttered. He had his hands full with all the pizzas and even had to ring the doorbell with his elbow, something not easy at all. To say the true, he really hoped he didn’t got the wrong door because he could see anything in front of him but pizza boxes.

Hearing the door opening he breathed a “Finally” and went to step inside when a voice startled him enough to almost drop everything.

“Didn’t know you worked as a pizza boy. Cute.”

“Woah- hy-hyung! Oh !”

He almost dropped it all if not for the hands that steadied his own- hyung’s hands!! Don’t blush Jimin too late!



After grabbing the other’s hands- they’re kinda soft- and being sure he would drop the pizzas, he picked up the ones on top so the younger could see where he was going.

Oh. He’s already all red. “You’re a hazard. How in hell were you able to come all the way here without falling?”

“I-I a nice old lady walked with me after I helped her cross the street. She lives here too.”

“Of ing course, only you would be helped cross the street by an old lady, the landlady no less.”

“No-o, I helped her hyung!”

“Sure thing. Are you coming or not?”




“A little red on the cheeks, aren’t you, Jimin?” Teased Taehyung.

“Shut up.” he muttered, glancing at Yoongi only to find him already looking at him with a ghost of a smirk in his face. “Bathroom!” he choked “Come with me.” he grabbed his friend’s hand and pulled him.



“They go to the bathroom together?”

“Yeah, they are that close.” Hoseok chuckled.

“So… You have two boyfriends?” Yoongi asked lightly.

“What are you talking about, hyung?!”

“Well, that’s what everyone is thinking…”

“What?? No no no, I don’t like Jimin like that!”

“Oh? Really?” Only Jimin? Interesting.


A sudden bout of laughter coming from the bathroom surprised them.

“What the hell are they doing that’s funny in the bathroom?”

“You could be surprised hyung” the younger said mischievously.



“Taehyung, what do I do???” he whined.

“Talk with him? This is the moment, just go there and sweep him off his feet!”

“I don’t think he will appreciate if I throw him on the ground!” he answered hysterically.

Taehyung couldn’t help but start laughing, his friends was really a dork. “You’re an idiot. Just go there and be your cute self, he will be on his knees in no time.”

“Yeah, from laughing at my dorkiness!”

“Glad we agree on something. You’re a dork.” “Hey-” “Let’s go before they eat all the food, I’m starving!” he said, already opening the door.

“But Taehyung!! How will I eat in front of him?! Taehyung!” Jimin whispered furiously.

“Use your mouth Jimin!” he said loudly.



“Use his mouth for what?” Hoseok asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Nothing! Shut up Taehyung!” he glanced at Yoongi only to find him biting his lip trying not to laugh. That’s not helping, hyung! He could feel his face heating up. “Weren’t we going to eat?”

“Are you staying, hyung?” the older boy asked. Please say yeeees.

“Only until I restore my energies.” Yoongi said, lying on the loveseat.

“Hyung, your lazy is showing!”

“Yeah, just give me food.”



After some time they ended up playing again. And that’s why at this moment, Jimin is sitting on Taehyung’s thighs giving him a tickle attack because, once more, he made him lose.

“I hate you, you’re the worst best friend ever!”

Yoongi could only look at them. What the hell. If they really are just friends it sure doesn’t look like it. Especially with the way Taehyung was trying to free himself it looked more like . “Just go back to the bathroom you two, I’m still eating.”

“Wha-what!” Jimin squeaked. What Yoongi said startled him, giving his victim the perfect opportunity to change rolls. Now it was Jimin the one on his back getting tickled.

“Revenge!” the youngest howled.

“No, no, no! Not again! Tae!” he shrieked. All further protests were cut off when all he could do was laugh.

And Yoongi couldn’t take his eyes of them. There was no doubt that the boy was kinda ‘easy on the eyes’ but, right now, seeing him laughing freely like that, the word that came to his mind to describe him started with a b and he will stop at that.

“Hyung? Knock knock, is somebody home?”

Glaring at his friend, Yoongi got up and glanced at his watch. “You’re too loud, I’m going.”

As if on cue, Taehyung finally freed his friend of his relentless attack. Still breathless, Jimin asked “Hyung….leaving….already?”

Raising his eyebrows he teased “Why, missing me already?”

That left the younger stammering “What-no! I mean ye-I-I!”

“Hyung, don’t break him.”

Smirking, Yoongi grabbed his bag and turned to leave leaving behind a still stammering mess on the floor and two deeply amused boys.

Walking his way to the station, Yoongi could help but question if the kid reacted like that to everyone that or just him. Shaking his head to that thought, something else rose to his mind. The way he reacted surely would make him a target to bullies and that particular thought left him with a bitter taste in his mouth and a nagging feeling at the back of his head, like there was something he should remember.

Hearing the announcement of his train coming, made him run the rest of the short way and all thoughts of old memories fly away.



So, the answer to my question on the last fic "if I was to introduce other pairings, what were the ones you would like to see?" was:
7- V-hope
3- Namjin
As you could read, V-Hope is really close to happen but, I'm a real er for Namjin (they're soooo real!) so they will probably happen too, but not so soon. Probably.

Now, I have other question!! I really love when you comment so now I want your opinion again:

Who would you like to see Jungkook with? We know that "they broke up again", but who is they? So comment who you want to be with him (it can be other idols from other groups) and why! Show me your evidence!

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Chapter 1: Really cute, I swear! I would pair Jungkook with a pretty girl, from Ark or Gfriend or something. I don't know them, but I find it cute to see how shy is Jungkook around girls hehe