Chapter 6

Suzette [indefinite hiatus]

Sitting at the corner table that she knew Hyejin loved, Yongsun was spacing out, staring at the window while her latte was left untouched. Twirling her hair with an index finger, she watched students and staff of the university pass by. Her mind was so blank, she didn’t even notice as Hyejin crept up to her with a cappuccino in hand. Smirking, Hyejin tapped the edge of Yongsun’s jaw, and gently pushed it up to close the older woman’s gaping mouth, even taking a tissue out of her bag to wipe up the drool that was starting to trickle down her chin.


“Wakey wakey, Snoop Yong, ultimate rapper of the century, only second to many others,” Hyejin drawled, taking a long sip of her coffee and savouring the taste. At her touch, Yongsun robotically turned her head. “Your coffee’s going cold,” Hyejin pointed to the continually-cooling coffee cup in front of her. She was answered with blinks. One blink. Then two blinks. Then— “Oh, ew, it’s already ice-cold,” Hyejin quickly gulped down her freshly brewed drink after attempting Yongsun’s one.

“Byulyi!” Yongsun suddenly uttered upon recognition of the girl standing in front of her. 

Hyejin settled down into her seat, sniffing with disdain. “Good morning to you too, I suppose.” To her satisfaction, Yongsun at least had the decency to look ashamed at her unexpected outburst. “Yes, yes, I realise that you’re absolutely smitten with the girl. If you were more patient yesterday, I would have told you all about this Moon Byulyi of yours. But because I’m just such a nice person—” Yongsun quietly snorted, to which Hyejin calmly ignored “—I’ll tell you all about…” She dragged her sentence out dramatically.




Sputtering indignantly, Yongsun glared at Hyejin. However, the younger girl was shaking her head furiously. “I didn’t say that!” Yongsun deepened her frown, accentuating the creases that formed on her forehead. “Really!” Hyejin insisted, leaning back in her chair, straining to be as far away from Yongsun’s continuously forward-leaning body.


“She’s right! I said it.” A pair of arms were thrown over Hyejin’s shoulders, and hands settled comfortably to just barely hover over her chest. Hyejin threw her head upwards; she could recognise that perpetually joyful voice anywhere. Wheein was beaming down at her, and she couldn’t help but grin back. Staying like that for a good while, Yongsun had no choice but to discreetly cough to remind the gooey-eyed couple of her presence. Wheein’s head snapped up, her cheeks flushing as she became aware of the older girl, who was deliberately trying to avoid looking in their general direction.


“U-uh, unnie!” Hyejin reluctantly pulled Wheein’s arms over her head and indicated for her to sit down next to her. “This is Wheein,” she introduced, gesturing with both hands to the petite girl smiling shyly. Glancing over her with a quick up-down flicker of her eyes, Yongsun could see why Hyejin was smitten. The small girl sitting in front of her with long black hair flowing down to rest just below her shoulders was extremely pretty, with a dimple beginning to form even with a small smile. “I see you dyed your hair black. It suits you,” Hyejin Wheein’s hair, making her blush instantly. Yongsun smiled; Wheein was a very pleasant and sweet girl, something the older girl noted from that short but loving exchange between her and Hyejin.


“And this is Yongsun unnie. She’s older than us by, like, four years, which instantly makes her old in anyone’s book. But she’s not very tall.” Yongsun greeted her politely before glowering at Hyejin, who was smirking back at the former. Wheein couldn’t help but admire the girl. Hyejin had mentioned Yongsun before in passing during one of their coffee dates, and she knew that the two had a strong bond and deep respect for each other. In her favour, Yongsun didn’t look any older than she was, and yet she was. With soft chubby cheeks that somehow reminded her of Squirtle, she watched as Yongsun bantered with Hyejin over height and age. Wheein could only think of one way to describe Yongsun: a fairytale princess.


“Wheein, do you want anything to eat or drink? They’ve just started serving some really nice cookies, or you could order something heavier if you haven’t had breakfast yet.” Yongsun softly interrupted Wheein’s train of thought.

Hyejin snickered. “Unnie, this girl… she eats a lot. Those little things would never be enough for her.”

“Hey, I don’t! I’ll go order some brunch and come back, so, um, please keep talking. Hyejin-ie can say stupid things sometimes, but she doesn’t mean it. Oh, but you’ll know that since you’re her friend.” Wheein dashed off before Hyejin could hurl a salt shaker after her, and Yongsun giggled amusedly.

“You’ve found yourself a really cute girlfriend, Hyejin,” Yongsun complimented. Hyejin nearly spit out her coffee before her face turned tomato red.

“S-she’s not my girlfriend, unnie,” Hyejin protested weakly.

“Mhm, sure,” Yongsun hummed, unconvinced. “Not yet. She’s really cute though, I might snap her up before you do.” 

Hyejin scoffed at her words. “As if you, of all people, could do that. And besides, weren’t you already infatuated with Byulyi-sshi?” Hyejin countered, her voice rising in volume with each word. Flustered, Yongsun quickly shushed Hyejin so that no one would overhear. It was a bit too late, though.


Hearing a loud gasp, Yongsun’s head shot up to see Wheein bearing a full tray of food. Putting the tray down on the table, she plopped into her seat. Leaning forward, Wheein loudly squealed, “You like Byulyi-unnie?”, her high-pitched voice attracting much attention from the people around them.


Yongsun waved her hands around, smiling and bowing sheepishly. Mutely apologising to the rest of the students in the café for Wheein’s outburst, she asked: “Y-you know Byulyi?”

Wheein emitted something that sounded like a mix between a bark and a braying laugh. Yongsun cringed and tried to hide from the world, embarrassed beyond belief, while Hyejin clutched her sides, trying her hardest to stifle her laughter. “Of course I know Byulyi-unnie, Yongsun-unnie! She’s my flatmate!” Wheein wiggled in her seat enthusiastically.


Yongsun’s jaw dropped. Pointing a shaky finger at the younger girl, she stuttered, “F-flat m-mate?” Redirecting the finger towards Hyejin, she noted with slight tinge of annoyance, “You never told me!”


Hyejin snapped: “I was going to tell you yesterday on the phone, idiot.”


By this time, Wheein was overflowing with excitement. “What do you want to know about Byulyi-unnie? I can tell you everything you would ever want to know, like how often she goes to trim her bangs and what her favourite ice-cream flavour is and how many slices of pizza she would usually eat during movie night and what her schedule is like and how many T-shirts she has and—” Fortunately, Hyejin moved to cover Wheein’s mouth before she could continue any further.

“Calm down, Wheenie,” Hyejin patted the girl’s back, and encouraging her to eat her brunch. “So, as you can see, this is my number one information source on the elusive human being Moon Byulyi, and now, I am giving you the right to use this child’s brain however you wish.” Hyejin scratched the back of her head, trying to gauge the level of shock and surprise that was displayed on Yongsun’s face. “So, y’know… ask away.”


Yongsun was flabbergasted. It was as if she was almost fated to know, and be close to, Byulyi. If it wasn’t the dance videos on Youtube, it’d be the fact that Byulyi frequented the crêperie, and even better now her close friend was dating (or soon-to-be-dating) the girl’s flatmate. Literally nothing, Yongsun thought, nothing could break this flow. It was meant to be.


Evidently so, because the next thing she knew, the one and only Moon Byulyi walked through the café doors, and headed straight towards her with a mysterious smirk on her face.





Author's Note: Sorry I've been away so long, y'all, university has not been nice towards me at all, and I feel like my mental health is deteriorating awfully. Finals are gonna end in two weeks, so stick with me for a while more! Thank you~

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cjmoo_ #1
I hope you're doing well author! :)
Chapter 26: So.. you will still continue this story but you just dont know when right? You're not abandoning this story right?
(Sorry.. im a bit confused ._.)
TheSecret_Han #3
Chapter 25: The description of the crepe Suzette makes it sound rlly good, also author can you add in some more fluff between moonsun ;)
galaxystruck #4
Chapter 25: i guess moonbyul looked hot while making that crepe suzette
cjmoo_ #5
Chapter 25: Wow, that description of Byul making a crepe suzette really makes me want to try one haha!
Can't wait to see how their business will go!
Looking forward to the next update~
Since they've figured the recipe.. yeayyy!!!

Thankyou for the awesome updates author-nim~
See you on the next one :D
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 23: Yes about damn time!! \o/
Please let Eric keep his word and please let his brother agree to what he says...
Wheein's such a sweetie pie, thinking about the things she can do to help Yongsun :')
Happy new year to you!
esined-rm #8
Chapter 23: Finally! Moonsun! More cute fluffy moments?
galaxystruck #9
but why i have this feeling that something bad will happen?
Chapter 23: FLUFF!!!

thankyou for the update author-nim :D :D
looking forward to the next chap~
Merry Christmas :D