True Love

The Young Boy

 The bus ride went awkward, again. Some passengers are still looking at Jungkook and Tzuyu. Then, Tzuyu starts to speak, "I love you too.." She looks at Jungkook, half smiling. Passengers that heard her claps as loud as they can. But it's not long until the whole bus including the driver cheer shout for them

 Jungkook hugs Tzuyu in front of the people that are looking. The bus driver smirks, it's not always that you can see a real live drama. After a very dramatic bus ride, the bus arrive at a bus stop near Jungkook's house. Jungkook got down while carry his and Tzuyu's bag. Once again, the passengers give a very last cheers for them.

 "Get marry soon!" "Kiss her again!" "Don't move the bus yet! I want to look at them!"

 The whole 'squad' is cheering and shouting just for the two of them. But after the bus has drove away, two police officers approach them. "Im Jungkook, you're under arrest for killing a man." They just drag him away, leaving Tzuyu standing there with the bags. So Tzuyu carries the bags to Jungkook's house. There, she informs Jieun about the incident. Jieun was not that surprised, she literally asked what is going on between the two of them.

 She tells every single thing that happened to Jieun. Including the part where Jungkook confess his feeling to her. Like every mother, Jieun has always known about that. Tzuyu and Jungkook had went through a lot of things together. The look Jungkook gave to Tzuyu was enough to explain everything.

 But they still need to go meet Jungkook at the police station. "Leave all your stuff here, I will find a cab." A taxi in that big city cost many money. But for her son, she would do anything. Jieun breaks a piggy bank and she takes all of the money inside. They rush outside to find a taxi.

 Tzuyu spots one, she quickly stops that taxi. She and Jieun go into the taxi, Jieun tells the address. The taxi driver is also told to drive as fast as he can. He then drives straight to the police station.

 The taxi arrives, Jieun pays the driver and she went off the taxi. Tzuyu says thank you to the driver as she gets down of the taxi. Both of them run into the station, shocking the officers. "May I help you maam?" "I need to see my son!" The officer than asks Jieun to register herself and the name of her son.

 After all the processes are done, the officers bring them to meet Jungkook. They were brought to a prison  meeting room. The officers leave them there, while they wait outside the door.

Jieun: Jungkook, are you okay?

Jungkook: I'm fine mom. I've only been here for an hour.

Jieun: I will free you. 

Jungkook: You don't need to do that mother. I myself had killed a man.

Tzuyu: No, Jungkook! You're a Jedi. The Rebellion needs you, I needs you.

Jungkook: Tzuyu, listen to me..

Tzuyu: No you listen! I thought you love me!

Jungkook: I do.

Tzuyu: So listen to me! And your mother. Please.

 That is truly surprising. Jungkook then just listen to her ideas. Jieun go to the officer, and she asks how much to free Jungkook. The officer tells her to just wait until Jungkook's trial. Jieun walks back into the room, asking Jungkook to wait for a little while. Jieun's eyes are full of hope. She really wants her son to be free from there.

 One month later, everything is over. Jungkook was set free from the prison, as the judge found him innocent. Jungkook kills a man that had killed his father. He was just fighting for his right and justice. Jieun and Tzuyu welcome him outside of the prison. Jungkook come running to them, they doesn't even knoe to whom he is running.

 Jungkook embraces his mother first. Family is and will always be, the most important figures in life. Tzuyu was asked to join them, the three of them have a group hug. "Your father would be so proud of you, like me." Jieun cries as Jungkook hugs her tighter. The hugs last quite long.

 Moments later, a car stops in front of them. It was Seo Junseok, Jungkook's new buddy. "Come on in! I'll bring you all to your house." They get into the vehicle, Junseok drives it away. The prison guard looked at the incident as he also cries. Many incident has he witnessed as a guard, but this one is truly different.

 Inside the car, Junseok asks Jungkook when will he come back to the Rebellion. Jungkook answered 'another two months', because he wants to spend his time with his mother. Junseok didn't object his answer. He drives and he stops right in front the house. They got down the car, while Jungkook stays in it.

 He doesn't forget to say thank you to Junseok. Jungkook than gets down after he says his thanks to Junseok. He walks into the house, to his bedroom. The first thing that he did is sleep on a comfortable bed. Jieun takes this time for her to have a chat with Tzuyu. "Tzuyu, do you love my son?" "Ye..yes, auntie."

 Jieun then asks Tzuyu to marry her son, Tzuyu agrees. Tzuyu doesn't have any regret with her answer. As Jungkook wakes up from his nap, Jieun and Tzuyu are ready outside. Jungkook walks out his room, they both look at him. Jungkook is confused, "What is it?" "Tzuyu has agreed to marry you. When is the date?"

 Jungkook was truly excited. His mother's proposal for him is enough for their marriage. Jungkook sets a date, just a week from the current date. They didn't have many relatives, so it will be easy to invite their known family. Jungkook informs Junseok, asking him to come to his wedding secretly.

 His family is not rich, they can't afford a grand wedding. But the news was heard by Misook. She then volunteers to sponsor everything for the wedding. Junseok was happy, and he tells Jungkook about that. Jungkook knows that Misook is a very rich women, she was a queen before.

 "Mom, invite all of your friend. I have found a sponsor." Jieun wants to reject it at first, but Jungkook is her only son. This will be the only wedding that she will be in charge of. So then, Jieun starts making invitation letters for her close friends and family members. Quality over quantity is her motto. If one card is ripped, she will make another one instead of just putting a tape on it.

 Tzuyu wants to help Jieun but she was told to help Jungkook. She goes to Jungkook, at the time Jungkook is calling every catering he knows. "Do you want me to help you?" "Well, your kiss would be helpful." Jungkook laughs as Tzuyu gives him a slight push. Jungkook than asks her to look for a suitable hall that they can rent.

 His command is fulfilled by Tzuyu. While Tzuyu does that, Jungkook calls every friend he has. Because he is still in the university age, most of his friend will probably come with their family. He estimates on how many friends he should invites, and he invited all of his close friend.

 It's true that Jungkook had never went to finish off his studies because of financial problems. But true friends will always be by his side, forever. He only have about less than ten close friends. Jungkook's friends doesn't care about his poorness, as long as Jungkook have a nice heart.

 All of them will absolutely come. A friend's wedding is not a thing to be missed. Misook orders a halt in attacking, in order to give a way for them to celebrate Jungkook's wedding. The idea of a perfect wedding by Jieun, is at a new level.

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Chapter 17: This got my heart. Can't they just meet in heaven later *wink wink*