Use The Force

The Young Boy

 "There you go Jungkook, lift the ship." Younjae told Jungkook. Three months has passed since they arrived at Hoth for the first time. Jungkook's power had doubled twice the times compared than before. Tzuyu also has improved her skills by a lot of practises. While they trained peacefully there, the Galactic Empire is looking for their tracks. 

 "Master, if the Force is strong with Tzuyu, why is she not on the same level as you?" "Her ability is that she can learn very fast, but she's not good enough to become a master. Her ability limits her from doing that." 

 Jungkook finally realises that learning quickly is not as important as learning many knowledge. He also knew that he can become a greater Jedi than Tzuyu because he undergo more training. But actually that was not the real question that he wanted to ask. He actually wants to know how did Youngjae knew his grandfather.

 He goes to Youngjae, but suddenly a droid appeared. Youngjae ordered Jungkook to duck as he turns on his lightsaber. When the droid turns, Youngjae chopped off the droid into two parts. It looks like the Empire's droid, and that means danger. Because if the droid is broken, the Empire is going to check the situation.

 And if they didn't do anything, the droid will eventually find them. "We need to move out from this planet, they will know that a lightsaber had cut through this droid." They has to pack their stuff once again. But they need to keep moving in order to stay safe. After they had packed, they all went into the ship and Tzuyu takes them away.

 But things didn't always went the way they wanted. The Imperial Fleet had spotted their ship leaving Hoth. Ahn Sukhwan commanded the captain to attack the ship. Their Corvette sure is no match for the Imperial Fleet, but their ship is faster. Tzuyu drive it to the full speed until the fleet can't catch up with them anymore.

 A few TIE Fighter was released to follow their ship, but the ship managed to go into hyperspace. Tzuyu had no other choice, except to went into the Outer Rim Territories. She picked to land their ship at Mon Eron in the Calamari System. "We must stay here until you finish Jungkook's training." "I think that a good idea, for now at least."

 The place looks empty, looking for food will be hard. Youngjae needs to finish Jungkook's training as soon as possible. At the Death Star, Ahn Sukhwan's failure to catch the Jedi is deadly. He was killed by Darth Vader and another man was assigned for that duty.

 One year later, a new Jedi has become apparent. It is no other than Jungkook himself. Months of training has finally made Jungkook a Jedi. He is now ready to take on a whole new world. He must not be turned to the dark side like Darth Minho. With three Jedi in the team, they will become stronger.

 Unluckily for them, Dokgo Youngjae has become sicker and sicker as time passed. His powers are weak, unlike the first time he met Jungkook. Just an hour before their departure back to Alderaan, Youngjae dropped to the ground. 

Jungkook: Master! What happened?

Youngjae: Jungkook, I can't continue this adventure anymore.

Tzuyu: Don't say that. You will follow us to defeat the Empire, even by ourselves.

Youngjae: My time is coming to it's end. You two must go on without me.

Jungkook: But, Master...

Youngjae: You both had shown your talent of becoming a good Jedi. I'm proud of you.

Jungkook: Master, I need to know. How do you know my grandfather?

Youngjae: He was my partner. We learned from the same teacher. He was also my cousin.

 Dokgo Youngjae smiled, and his hand fell to the ground. His eyes are closed, his heart stops beating. Jungkook can't accept the fact that his former master is dead. Jungkook and Tzuyu mourn his death, but they need to start moving. 

 Jungkook took a piece of cloth and he covers Youngjae's dead body. They stay strong because their master's wish needs to be fulfilled. That is to defeat all Sith, at least. 

 Jungkook and Tzuyu carry Youngjae's body into the ship. The body was put on the back seats of the ship. Tzuyu fly the ship while Jungkook become the co-pilot. Two Jedi come, one Jedi goes. The ship went into hyperspace, and they went right to Alderaan to bury Youngjae's body at his old home. 

 They arrive at the planet, and instantly they proceed to the house. There, Jungkook digs a hole right beside a tree that Youngjae loved very much. As he finish digging, he and Tzuyu carry Youngjae's body and they slowly put it into the hole. Jungkook he filled the hole with the soil again afterwards. Tzuyu runs to her abandoned house that she had lived with her uncle for ten years. 

 But Tzuyu only can sees her dead uncle's bones there. It looks like the meat was eaten by some stray animals. So she went back to Jungkook, crying. Jungkook gives her a pat in the back at the time that Tzuyu keeps on crying. "It's okay Tzuyu, we have each other." He tries to calm her down.

 Even though Jungkook looks strong on the outside, he can't stop remembering his parents back on Coruscant. "Don't you miss your family? It have been months since you left home." "Well, I'm...I" "It's okay my friend, I'll take you there."

 Jungkook felt very delighted when Tzuyu says that. He has been wanting to meet his family since a very long time. But he didn't want Tzuyu to just send him there, he wants her to meet his parents. He also would like to stay for a few days at his parents'. Tzuyu just agrees with him.

 As they were leaving to Coruscant, Darth Minho immerged out of sudden. He strikes Jungkook with his lightsaber, Jungkook block it. Tzuyu help Jungkook from behind, but Uhm Hyosup and a troop of storm troopers pop up. She just can fight the storm troopers one by one, because they are coming really close to her.

 Darth Minho and Jungkook had their second fight, but this time the advantage is on Jungkook. He have the Force with him. This fight is more intense than the last one. Jungkook keeps on attacking Darth Minho with his late grandfather's lightsaber. While Jungkook is busy fighting Darth Minho, Tzuyu is having a harder times fighting the storm troopers.

 Jungkook then kicks his opponent and Darth Minho fell into a pond. After that, Jungkook joins Tzuyu and they succeeded to kill all the storm trooper. Tzuyu cuts off Hyosup's both legs, and he fell down. They rush to their ship just in case if more storm trooper to come later.

 They depart from the planet, straight to Coruscant. Still on Coruscant, Darth Minho climbed out of the pond, soaking wet. He saw Uhm Hyosup lying on the ground. "Help me, Minho." 

 Darth Minho gave a look to him. He then turns on his lightsaber, and he cuts through Hyosup's chest. Hyosup starts to bleed all over the place. Darth Minho smirks at Hyosup's body. His revenge is finally accomplished. A few storm troopers arrived and they saw Hyosup on the ground. "The Jedi have killed him. I can't do anything." Of course the storm troopers believe in him. And even if they didn't,  there's nothing that they can do.  

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Chapter 17: This got my heart. Can't they just meet in heaven later *wink wink*