How We Broke Up




Name: Nam Taehyun

Age: 21

Birthday: May 10, 1994

School: Hanguk University

Major: Music

Band: Echoes Band

Position: Guitar and vocals



Name: Jung Krystal

Age: 21

Birthday: October 24, 1994

School: Hanguk University

Major: Music

Instrument: Piano



Popular Song: Smile Again


"How we broke up..

It's winter again and I still wonder how we broke up. How did 3 years of loving each other ended so soon. Is it my fault?.. Is it your fault?.. Is it our fault?.. I don't know who to blame. We didn't know that the last time of being together would come, our days passed bu so fast we forgot to look at the time. We used to walk together, eat together, watch movies together, look at the stars together, we did everything together but now I'm walking alone, eating alone, watching movies alone, looking at the stars alone, I'm doing everything alone now that we seperated our ways.

I miss you..
I miss us..."


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