Where are you?

It's Been a While

“I.. It’s been a while, huh?” said Moonbin.
“It really has. How are you?” said Chanwoo.
“Happy birthday, Chanwoo,” said Moonbin, cold.
“Bin…” said Chanwoo.

This wasn’t how Moonbin pictured the call to go. In fact, he didn’t even know what he wanted to say in the first place. He’s had Chanwoo’s private number for almost two months already. He wanted to call at Christmas. He wanted to call at New Year. But his recurring thoughts, why hasn’t he called me first?, tended to prevent him from doing so.

His feelings, the longing he had to hear Chanwoo’s voice again just a few minutes ago, had turned into anger and frustration. He wanted answers. And he wanted it now.

“Where have you been? You haven’t called. Or texted. You promised we would stay friends, that we would-”
“Moonbin, please,”
“No, you listen to me. I missed you. Every day. I still do. How could you have just left me? How could you do that to me, Chanwoo? We’ve been friends since we were practically babies. How could you?”
“Where are you? Is the dorm still at the same place?” asked Chanwoo.
“…Yes,” said Moonbin.
“I’ll be right there,” said Chanwoo, with a click, leaving Moonbin teary-eyed. He dashes for the door, ignoring s’ questions.


Chanwoo walks out of the dorm, after telling his roommate Yunhyeong that he was going to see a friend. Despite Yunhyeong telling him he shouldn’t go alone, especially at this hour, he leaves anyway. But not before promising that he’d text every 10 minutes.

On the way to his old dorm, he ponders on what he should say. If he’s being honest with himself, he’d always wanted to call. Always. Whenever s did something stupid, or whenever there was a funny picture he wanted to share with someone, it wasn’t s he wanted to show first- it was Moonbin. But he was afraid. And what Moonbin said on the phone earlier was exactly what he was afraid of. Chanwoo had never been a boy of many words. He hates confrontations, too. But he figures, this meeting has been long overdue. But, how do you squeeze 2 years into a conversation?

As Moonbin waits by ‘their spot’, he wonders if Chanwoo remembers where it is. Whenever they felt too pressured, or whenever things get rough, they’d always run down to the playground and sit by the bougainvillea bushes, next to a big tree, where they carved their initials together the night before Chanwoo left. He stiffens as he hears footsteps behind him. When he turns around, lo and behold, it’s Jung Chanwoo himself. He remembers.

“I knew I’d find you here,” said Chanwoo. "I can’t believe our initials are still here. I thought by now someone would have-”
“What do you want, Chanwoo?” said Moonbin, growing even more frustrated.
“I’m not looking for a fight,” said Chanwoo, apologetically. “I wanted to talk,” he said.

The two stood, looking at each other with sad eyes, only the sounds of the wind blowing to accompany them. Moonbin puts his hand in his jacket pocket, and pulls out an envelope.

“What’s that?” said Chanwoo.
“I wrote you a letter. On our birthday, last year,” said Moonbin, as he hands it to Chanwoo, and sits down by the bench.

Chanwoo sits beside him, and begins to read.

“Dear Chanwoo,

My world is falling apart. And you’re the only one I want to see. My grandfather died last week. We were having dinner and he had a heart attack. The members, they wouldn’t understand. Not like you would. My sister can’t stop crying. I have no one to talk to. Where are you? Why haven’t you called? Why did you disappear without saying goodbye? I miss you so much.


Moonbin sniffs. Chanwoo didn’t realise he himself had been crying too. He folds the letter and takes Moonbin’s hand into his, as Moonbin rests his head on his shoulder.

“Moonbin, I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to figure out what to say. But I can’t seem to find the right words. I never can. Not when it comes to you. I’m sorry for not keeping my promises. I’m sorry I’ve been a bad friend. I’m sorry I left you alone and I’m sorry for abandoning you,” said Chanwoo. They stayed that way for a while, staring into the distance, holding on to each other for warmth.

Moonbin was the one to break the silence.

“You phone hasn’t stopped buzzing since you got here,” said Moonbin with a chuckle. “They must worry about you a lot, huh?” he nudges.
“Ha, yeah, they do. Too much, sometimes. They’re good guys. You would like them,” said Chanwoo.
“Hmm. You should answer it,” said Moonbin.

Chanwoo feels Moonbin pulling away and grips their hands tighter. “But I’m with you now,” said Chanwoo. “I know it doesn’t feel like it, but I miss you too. If there’s any way I could fix our friendship, I would do it,” said Chanwoo.

“I can think of a few ways,” says Moonbin.



Author's note: I truly apologise for keeping all of you waiting! I was going through some personal troubles, but it's all solved now. Don't think I've forgotten! I hope you like this chapter. I've a few more up my sleeve. I'm sorry that it's become a bit angsty, though. Thank you for you kind comments. I can't wait to hear what you think of this one. 

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Alphaxx #1
Chapter 2: Pleaseeeee continue.....i hopeeeee i can see the rest of the story
Chapter 2: This was an amazing short story - I love your writing style! ^^ Maybe one day you could make a chapter about Chanwoo meeting the other Astro members and vice versa for Moonbin?
wulaaandari #3
Chapter 2: Chanwoo x moonbin , i miss them so much :(
I like your story authornim , and i hope you fast update xD this is to short :v
mollyaussie #4
Chapter 2: a-maz-ing. simple as that
noname101 #5
chanwooyeah #6
HunieMineNahLuluis #7
Chapter 2: OH MY GOD!!! Yasss am wanna see (or more like read) Astro iKon interaction~
Like how Chanwoo and Moonbin become touchy" or like really act like twins and their Hyung and dongsaeng just stare at them strangely (but am freaking Hapoy U update!!!!)
mollyaussie #8
Chapter 1: im sad that this hasn't been updated
HunieMineNahLuluis #9
Chapter 1: Nononono you don't end it in that part you shouldn't do that!!! Oh please please please am begging you for next chap am mean it!!!!
Chapter 1: I do really hope that chanu and moobin could be close again after this