Part 7

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                Tiffany wakes up with a sharp headache and a queasy feeling in her stomach warning her she’ll need to find something to throw up in and soon. Slowly, she starts to move only to stop when she hears someone speak from behind her.

                “How are you feeling?”, Tiffany sits up in bed only to see Sunny sitting up with a sympathetic smile on her lips.

                Tiffany closes her eyes for a second; something’s not right here. Someone had been in bed with her the night before, but she knew it wasn’t Sunny. Slowly she starts to think back on yesterday. She had told Sunny that she wasn’t sure about them sharing a room, and Sunny had taken it the wrong way. Then Tiffany had gotten completely trashed by herself. Except… Someone else had showed up. Taeyeon did, but then left, so who…

                Tiffany’s eyes open wide as she remembers everything clearly. A wasted Jessica had showed up, and the two of them had a sloppy drunk make out session. The memory is more than a little shocking to Tiffany. At least even when her mind was muddled she knew where to draw the line. But they had spent the night cuddling together, so where is she now? And why is Sunny here and not still pissed?

                Only a groan escapes Tiffany’s mouth. With her head pounding, it’s all too much for her to sort out. Not to mention that the queasy feeling in her stomach is getting worse.

                “Tiffany?” Sunny asks.

                “I’m going to hurl…”

                Quickly, Sunny grabs something from the floor and puts it beside Tiffany. Almost as soon as Tiffany recognizes it as a bucket she starts to retch. She grabs it and puts her face deep into it so that Sunny won’t see whatever is about to come up.

                A very unpleasant minute or so later Tiffany lifts up her head and looks at what’s in the bucket with disgust.

                “Poor thing… Here, you might need this.”, Sunny says softly. Tiffany turns to see her holding out a wet wash cloth. While face deep in the bucket of misery, she had forgotten Sunny was even there. Tiffany’s cheeks flush with embarrassment at the fact that Sunny had to of heard all the gross sounds she had been making.

                Tiffany accepts the wash cloth and runs it over .  “A bucket and a wash cloth? Sunny was prepared for me to have a bad hangover…” Tiffany thinks. She turns to Sunny and is about to question her but Sunny doesn’t even let her begin.

                “Before you do anything, you need some things to make this hangover more manageable.” Sunny grabs two things from the night stand that’s beside her. She hands Tiffany both; a tall glass of water and two antacid tablets. Tiffany takes them without complaint. As soon as she takes the glass away from , Sunny holds out two pills to her. “I’m assuming you have a headache, too.” She says with a gentle smile. Tiffany nods before taking the pills.

                As soon as she sees that Tiffany’s got them down, Sunny stands up. “I know you don’t feel like it, but you need food. I’m going to go make you something that’s easy to get down, alright? I’ll get this bucket cleaned out, too.”

                Speechlessly, Tiffany watches as Sunny grabs the bucket and walks out. Out loud, Tiffany mutters, “What the hell is going on?”



                About 10 minutes later Sunny returns with the, now clean, bucket and a cup with a couple pieces of bread balanced on top of it. She places the bucket on the floor near Tiffany before handing her the cup and bread.

                As Sunny sits back down on the other side of the bed she says, “Chicken broth and bread. Getting some of that in your tummy will make you feel better. Keep on drinking the water I gave you, too.”

                Tiffany turns to Sunny, “Why are-“

                Sunny cuts her off, “Nuh uh. Eat some, and then we can talk.”

                With a groan Tiffany takes a bite of bread with a sip of broth. Even though it’s not exactly a gourmet meal, it tastes great, and after a few bites it makes her nauseous stomach feel more stable.

                After Tiffany gets down one of the bread slices she sits the other slice and cup of broth on the night stand beside her. “That’s all I can stand to eat right now.”

                “That’s fine. Do you feel any better?”

                “Yeah. Can we talk now?”

                Sunny smiles, “Of course. But first I have to apologize. I acted like a real yesterday.” Tiffany starts to interrupt but Sunny shakes her head, “Let me say this first, please?” Tiffany nods, “I was so convinced that you thought I was going to take advantage of you, or pressure you. I didn’t even give you time to explain yourself… But Taeyeon came up to me last night asking what was going on and I told her what I thought the issue was, but she shut me down immediately.”

Sunny sighs before continuing, “She told me that you would never think that, and she said you were probably just afraid that you would get caught up in the moment or something and not stop yourself before things got… too intimate. I’ve calmed down a lot, and I’m willing to listen to whatever you have to say about the whole thing. Even if your reason is different from what Taeyeon said it might be. And… and I understand if you’re angry at me for acting the way I did.” Sunny meets Tiffany eyes for a second before looking back down shamefully.

                Tiffany’s astounded by how ashamed Sunny seems to be about the whole thing. She sits in silence though; thinking. Eventually Tiffany speaks with more confidence in her voice than she feels, “Sunny, yesterday was really tough on me. I was so shocked that you thought I would be worried about that… I just couldn’t speak. So it’s partially my fault, too, and I’m not mad at you for reacting the way you did. What Taeyeon told you is what I was actually worried about. You know… I’ve waited so long to just… just be myself. To tell a woman I’m attracted to her and for her to tell me the same. And it finally happened, but I’m not some junior high kid just figuring out their uality. I’m a grown women and I’ve known my uality for almost 10 years.”

                Tiffany pauses, stares down at the bed, and sighs deeply before continuing, “But, because I’m an adult with ual experience, albeit only with men, there’s so much less of a stigma attached to having with someone. Now that I’ve opened up to a woman about how I feel, and she’s returned those feelings part of me aches for nothing but the physical. I’ve waited years to be able to have a woman that way; I’ve spent so much time dreaming about it, thinking it was something I could never have. Yet, right now I absolutely could. The problem is you aren’t just some random girl I can hook up with and then ditch; you’re Sunny.”

                Tiffany looks up and meets Sunny’s eyes, “In just a few days you’ve made me feel happier than anyone I’ve ever dated has. When you put your arm around me it just… it feels right. When we talk I don’t feel like I have to sensor anything out, I can just tell you everything. And when I listen to you I never feel bored; I’m just so excited to hear anything you have to say. You’re caring, protective, sweet, and just everything I’ve dreamed about having in a girlfriend. I know I’ve rambled, but do you see what I’m trying to say? I knew if we were alone in bed together… I just wouldn’t be able to stop myself. But I want more than that with you. So if we just go there straight away... I just feel like that wouldn’t be the right thing to do.”

                Sunny smiles slightly and scoots closer to Tiffany before locking their fingers together, “Wow, Tiffany… That’s… It’s just really amazing that you feel that way about me. I’ve never been good with expressing my feelings through words, but I really care about you, too. It’s so hard to believe that I’ve only known you for a few days. After this vacation, I promise we’ll see each other regularly. And then, maybe after a week or whenever you’re comfortable with it, we can start dating.”

                Tiffany grins, “I’d like that a lot.” Sunny sighs happily before kissing Tiffany’s cheek.

                Sunny unlinks their fingers and puts her arm around Tiffany’s waist. A comfortable silence sets in for about a minute before Sunny breaks it, “Tiffany?” She asks almost cautiously.


                Sunny sighs, “Listen, please don’t think I’m a ert for saying what I’m about to. I know you said you feel like it would be wrong for us to get to the physical things so soon… I want you to know that there’s no right and wrong order to these things. Like you also said, you’re an adult; you can go about this however you want. I care about you and I’m not just here for . So I’m not going to toss you to the side as soon as that happens. I’m not trying to convince you to do anything, I promise. I just want you to know that if your physical needs are really nagging at you, it’s not wrong to give in to them now, or whenever. When it happens it’s still going to be special, and I’m not going anywhere afterwards. I want you, Tiffany. Physically, mentally… I want you in every way possible. Having wouldn’t change any of that, I promise. Really, I just want you to go with your gut. Do what is going to make you the happiest.”

                Tiffany stares at Sunny seriously; looking for any sign that what she had said was just a ploy for . But Tiffany only sees a sincere smile on Sunny’s face.

                Tiffany sighs, “I don’t know what my gut is telling me… Except that I’m going to throw up again.”

                With that, Tiffany leans over the bed and empties her stomach.



                Sunny walks out of Tiffany’s bedroom and into the empty living room. With Tiffany now sleeping off her hangover, she had hoped someone else would be out here to talk to. However, everyone seems to be just as bad off as Tiffany.

                Sunny hears the muffled sound of the toilet flushing, followed by footsteps. She turns to see Jessica who takes a seat on the couch beside her.

                “You’re looking pretty rough today.” Sunny says jokingly.

                Jessica rolls her eyes, “Wow, you sure do know how to sweep a girl off her feet. Usually you’re worse off than me after a night of drinking.”

                Sunny sighs, “After Taeyeon gave me hell about me misunderstanding Tiffany I couldn’t have fun. I went back to our cabin and slept.”

                “So uh… what’s happening with you two now?” Jessica asks a little nervously.

                Jessica’s odd behavior makes Sunny give her a confused look, “We’re fine now. I apologized and she accepted it. What’s up with you?”

Jessica sighs, “She didn’t tell you?”

Wherever this is going, Sunny doesn’t like it, “Tell me what?”

                “Listen, I don’t want you to get all peeved about this. She was completely out of it last night. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t even remember it. But, we… we kissed. Like, hardcore made out.” Jessica says plainly. Seeing the shocked look on Sunny’s face, she continues. “Both of us were really drunk, and I started it, so don’t be mad at her, okay? She told me that you two weren’t getting along and I guess… I guess I just got a little too bold.”

                Sunny groans and puts her head in her hands, “Goddamnit, Jessica. Is that the only thing that happened?”

                “Yeah, pretty much. I did try to go farther, but Tiffany stopped me. She told me to just cuddle up with her for the night, and I did. I must have woken up and left to barf before you got in there.”

                “You’re both unbelievable.”, Sunny says without looking up.

                “I told you we were both drunk. Plus, think about how you would have acted in our shoes. Tiffany thought she had lost her chance with you, and I thought the same thing from what she told me. You can’t blame her for kissing another girl after you made it seem like whatever you two had was over. She didn’t know you’d have a change of heart and come back the next day.”

Sunny looks up at Jessica with a sigh, “I know you’re right but… damn. I hate admitting that I’m the one who messed up.”

                Jessica chuckles, “You’ve always been that way. So you’re not going to give Tiffany a hard time about it?”

                “No, how could I? I know how irresistible you can be.” Sunny says with a smile.

                Jessica playfully elbows her, “Oh, stop it. So, you really like her, huh?”

                “Yeah. I think she just might be my next girlfriend.”

                “Needless to say, but I approve of her. Have any big plans for tonight? We’re leaving tomorrow, you know.”

                Sunny shrugs, “I’m hoping she’ll let me sleep with her tonight.”

                Jessica’s eyes widen and a erted grin appears on her lips.

                Sunny rolls her eyes, “I mean just sleeping in the same bed together. So I can spend my last night of vacation cuddling with her. It’d be a nice ending to it.”

                Jessica scoffs, “Ew, too cutesy.”

                Sunny can only chuckle. Too cutesy or not, she’s looking forward to it.

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Fire_trek 345 streak #1
Chapter 8: Ugh so beautiful and fluffy, l honestly love this. I wish we could have have gotten an epilogue but this was good enough. When Tiffany said that Sunny felt like home my heart honestly fluttered, they are so cute and sweet and I hate that it’s over! But my head canon of them being together and live happily ever after will have to do. Thank you for this fic author nim!
Fire_trek 345 streak #2
Chapter 7: See, all Sunny wants is a relationship! She wants you mentally, emotionally and your whole heart, it’s not just about . Even though, let’s be real, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen. I’m surprised she wasn’t more upset about the confession, she really is an evolved, mature adult because that couldn’t have been me lol I hope she gets to sleep with her(in the same bed, people, get your minds out of the gutter!)
Fire_trek 345 streak #3
Chapter 6: Jessica! Listen! I love you, you’re my girl but if you don’t get your hands and lips off of Tiffany I’ll come into this fic and strangle you myself.. sorry if that was aggressive but no one gets in between me and my 2ny! Damn Jeti, Jessica always gets Tiffany in these fics. Let Sunny get a chance sometimes. Just thinking of Sunny.. oh no what will happen when she finds out..
Fire_trek 345 streak #4
Chapter 5: Oh man why do I feel like Jessica is going to be a problem in the future? And why is Tiffany so nervous with being with Sunny? They don’t have to do anything that she’s not ready for and I think that Tiffany knows that. I’m happy that they’re sharing a room, more time to be together before the vacation ends and all. These two make my heart happy
Fire_trek 345 streak #5
Chapter 4: Their progression in their relationship is so darn cute. And we’ll, hello Jessica, I love you but don’t try to take Tiffany from Sunny, ok? Now I’m afraid to read the next chapters. What if they end up together? Only one way to find out *proceeds to the next chapter*
Fire_trek 345 streak #6
Chapter 3: It’s okay if it was short, it was still perfect. I love Tiffany being nervous(I would be too) I mean it’s Sunny in her red bikini from “party”. Drools 🤤
Fire_trek 345 streak #7
Chapter 2: Of course the girls would be supportive, they’re real friends! Sunny and Tiffany are so adorable it’s crazy, they finally kissed. When Sunny told Tiffany that she doesn’t know how she could get any cuter I was like same!
Fire_trek 345 streak #8
Chapter 1: First off I love the way you write, it’s very natural. Second this is so cute! Tiffany bring a panicked gay is adorable and Sunny being the perceptive little devil she is, is amazing.
Chapter 8: Very cute story ^^ I enjoyed every moment of it & read it in one go :D Thanks for writing!
ld2nybl #10
Chapter 8: Awww you're back! They just so cute omg my 2by feeling