Sweet Dream Number 3

Love Has No Borders

“Hi Clara! – Said Minho in cute English – Don’t keep Kibummie for you too long. He has things to do ok? Or maybe you should both come in? In my case I’m going back.

-It’s not what you think it is! – Automatically answered Key but got ignore by Minho – We need to go in fast or they’ll imagine things

-Eh? What? Inside the room? ME?! No, no, no, no I can’t! You’re crazy! Look at me, how can I meet SHINee dressed like this with my strange hair.

-They are normal people you know, they will understand. – He laughed cutely

-It is not how I wanted it to happen. – whined Clara”

Kibum sighed. She was wearing pink skinny jeans, a white sweater, and her hair tied in a ponytail, what was not fine? He saw worse than this before. He watched her looking at the lift’s doors trying to use them as a mirror. She was trying to find a way to look better. She imagined the day she’ll meet SHINee again and again but she was wearing pretty clothes chosen for the occasion, have a pretty make up and beautiful hair.  Right now she was wearing her home clothes, a bad ponytail and her makeup was, well, almost absent. She was really not at her best. She pout at her reflect. Kibum was still watching and smiled, she was cute. He moved behind her and grabbed her elastic loop letting her hair fall on her shoulders. Clara faced him ready to scold him, when he touched her hair. Her hair had still the tail form and it needed to be styled a bit, so when Clara faced him he passed his hands in her hair. They were so soft and smelled so good. Kibum was touching her hair, he was softly playing with them, and Clara thought her heart would die because of its speed. Kibum was so close to her that she could smell his perfume, feel his breath on her skin and see all the detail on his face. He was really handsome. He was trying to make her hair pretty and secretly played with them more than necessary.

“Ok, it’s good. Can we go meet the boys now? I keep your loop with me. I don’t trust you to keep them loose.

-Ah… No give it back I’ll need it. It’s my last one.

-I will not keep it to myself, I don’t need one. – He laughed showing his short hair – Don’t worry, I will give it to you back. Now let’s go.”

She looked a last time quickly at the doors and she looked so pretty. Key was a magician or what? He grabbed her shoulders to get her away from that improvised mirror. How could she be worse than him on that?

He opened the door and what he feared happened. The whole group about Clara. While the poor girl was lost because of all the Korean spoke and Key trying to defend him from something. Yet she couldn’t help to find this cute and laughed. They all stopped and looked at her. Clara was laughing so much that her cheeks were itchy. SHINee was even more hilarious in real than on TV.

“Are you ok? – asked Minho”

Clara looked at him with little tears in the corner of her eyes.

“Yes, yes I am. Sorry.”

Since they were all calm Key took advantage of it and introduced Clara. She bowed and smiled to each person present. Trying to be as polite as possible with only the simplest polite attitude she knew, thinking that Kdrama could be so useful sometimes.  She crossed eyes with Joo Hee and Clara felt goosebumps running on her back. She was shooting her with her glare.

“Key? – She whispered next to him

-What? – He answered the same way

-Did I make a mistake? Was I impolite? That girl over there is killing me with her eyes…”

Key looked at Joo Hee and she smiled to him. Joo Hee was naturally nice and cute. He was sure Clara had seen wrong.

“She isn’t, and you weren’t. Don’t worry.”

Clara looked back at the girl and the smile she had while looking at Key changed as fast as light.  What was that foreigner? How could she come inside SM building without any card? Nobody is wondering how she got in? She took all Kibum’s attention, he even ran after her. What was so good in her?

They all went back to what they were at after a small talk with Clara. As Kibum had nothing to do he stayed with her trying to find a discussion subject. It was a bit awkward to be honest. Then Key asked what her job was. He found that question stupid but it was the only one he found.

“I’m an illustrator for kid books, she said smiling so brightly.

-You must like that job very much.

-I do. I wasn’t my dream job, I got there because of a mistake but yes I do like it.

-You must draw beautifully then. I’m envious.

-Don’t be. I have nothing to be envious at. It’s a great job, but a hard life. Anyway! I am envious of you! You are doing collab’s with clothes designer. Aaaah must be so great. – She said jumping slightly.”

He answered with a proud smile to her “It is yes. Oh want to try something for me?”

She listened to him and what he asked surprised her. He asked her to draw a cloth according to what he imagined. He asked several designers already but wasn’t really satisfied. Clara accepted because it was for Key, for SHINee but she wasn’t confident at all. She ended in the book illustrator course because she failed the 2 times allowed designer contest. It was her dream, but didn’t end the way she thought it would.

Clara took note of the instruction Key gave her inside her palm.

She really was in heaven, she was in the same room as SHINee and she had the 5 of them for her only. Well there were the cordis but damn she was the luckiest fan.

The members were trying their pants.

“Boys don’t just try the pants, you have to try the tops too! – Scolded Adelina”

Clara turned her head to the Cordi trying to understand something just when the four boys took of their shirts. She widened her eyes, this was getting even better.

“Ya! You ie Shawol what are you looking at? – Key reprimanded her while grabbing her face turning it away from the sight of his friends.

-I’m not a ie Shawol, it’s a coincidence – she pouted

-Yes yes, don’t turn your eyes at the mirrors either, look only at me. I’m watching you. I’ll free your cheeks when they’ll be done – He warned her”

Well looking only at Kibum wasn’t a bad idea either and his cute rumble made her smile. Plus his hand on her cheeks was warming her up. Only advantages, she looked only at him.


Kibum really had beautiful eyes. Kibum was alternating between looking at the members and looking at Clara. Time after time looking away from Clara was getting harder. Her eyes were really pretty and they were showing a warm heart.

Joo Hee who was watching from far away couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Why Kibum was giving so much attention to this girl that came from nowhere? She couldn’t bare it anymore when she saw him grabbing her face. It was too much. She rushed to them and what she heard confirmed what she feared. That girl was a fan, and a bad one. She broke inside SM to see SHINee. What if she would make scary stuffs?

“Kibum-ssi, can I talk to you? - She started in Korean to make sure the foreigner can’t understand.

-What it is Joo Hee? I’m a bit busy protecting members but yes what it is?

-Protecting? I knew it she is a saseang right? You should get her out. She has no entry card around her neck. It’s suspicious.

-Saseang? – Clara asked, she couldn’t understand Korean but she knew that world – I’m not a saseang!

-Yes true she doesn’t have one – Key answered to Joo Hee

-You know it and you let her in?! What if she is dangerous? What if …

-Stop Joo Hee. You are delusional.

-You need entry card to enter here. I will tell the security- Joo Hee warned Clara in bad English

-What? No! You can’t do that!”

Wait what was happening right now? That dream was getting strange. Why would she need a card to enter somewhere in her dream. Was it really a dream…?

“Joo Hee, stop it now, ok?

-Why are you so protective with her? I hate that! I feel danger coming from her! – She turned to Clara - Where is entry card?

-… I don’t have one. And I don’t know what’s happening. I …- She looked at Key her face always in his hands - I shouldn’t be here; it shouldn’t be so … real. Let me go. I need to go.

-What are you talking about?

- I don’t know Key, I don’t know, I don’t understand.”

She was still inside his hand looking straight in his eyes, and what he saw in hers was strange. She looked scared and lost. What wasn’t supposed to be real? Of course it was real. What was she talking about? He didn’t want to let her go. She suddenly felt so little in front of him.

“We’re done Kibum! – Said Onew – … Is everything ok?”

Key and Clara were looking at each other while Joo Hee was furious. You could really feel that something was going on. Clara’s smile was gone and Key’s face was worried.

“Kibummie, what have you done to little Clara? – Joked Jinki taking Clara away from Key’s hands.

-Nothing – Answered softly Clara –I need to go that’s all.”

She looked at Kibum and walked fast to the door.

Kibum looked at Jinki who was clueless and ran out again.

“What happened – questioned Minho to his Leader

-I have no idea. This is … weird. Maybe they broke up? ”

Kibum ran after the British girl and stopped in front of her.

“Why you are running away that fast. You’re really a saseang?

-I’m not. I’m just a poor international fan that can see her favorite group only by her computer screen. I’m a bit lost right now I need fresh air, I need to go out for a moment.”

Clara’s voice was so quiet and sad. Key sighed and agreed to take her out. They took the lift and he asked her to follow him. She did and climbed some stairs to end on the rooftop.

Clara stopped in the middle, she was so scared of heights. She hummed the wind caressing her face but the air wasn’t helping. She was alone with Kim Kibum somewhere she shouldn’t, no she couldn’t be.

“Here fresh air ~ Wait here until it’s time for us to go. I’ll take you out, mysterious girl. – Key winked to her

-Don’t let me here alone. – She looked at her feet and continued shyly grabbing the boy’s shirt – I’m scared of height.”

He laughed at her and stopped when he understood how she was really scared. He smiled to her and accepted to stay a bit but the same thing that happened before was starting again.

“You’re fading away, again…”

Clara looked at her arm and got scared. What was happening? What was that?




“Bum! … Kibum?”

What? Where was she? She looked around her and she was in her flat, London as landscape in her windows. She was back? Or maybe he just never left. Was everything really unreal? She could remember everything so clearly. She could even feel the warmth of Key’s hand still on cheeks. She could even remember faces she never saw before. Seriously what was happening to her life these days? Why couldn’t she distinguish reality and fiction?

What was real is that she fell asleep on her worked, and had some blue paint on her cheek. She stood up from her chair to wash it when her hair fell in front of her eyes and shoulders. Where was her loop…?

HEY !! 

Gaah >< this fic is hard to write >< 

Actually it's how to start the chapters because once I'm fully in it it flows like a waterfall XD

What to say... Do you think Clara is dreaming or is this real ? 

I hope you'll like this chapter ^^ 

Don't forget to tell me your feels in comments ;) 



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Chapter 12: They should share a bed...just saying...
Chapter 5: Omg...Poor Clara had to witness that at such a young age! The way you described it was so gripping and made my mouth drop open.
Chapter 4: Where is the magical stone? How will they get there? Is Clara's ability to just appear in front of Kibum going to help them find it?
Chapter 4: I really don't like Gabriel....let Clara dream and live dude!
Chapter 3: I think Clara isn't dreaming....Kibum still has her loop! OMG I HATE JOO HEE. It's one thing to be cautious and protect SHINee, but it's clear Clara is harmless and seems confused huhu
Chapter 11: I knew she wouldn't die. Living together....
Chapter 2: Omg I kinda feel bad for Gabriel but I understand why Clara would feel suffocated by him. Besides he doesn't even COMPARE TO THE KIM KIBUM.
Chapter 1: Ooh in ch1 Clara is dreaming she met key's dogs then she really does meet him? So she is able to dream about him and then those dreams come to life? I like it
Chapter 10: Heeello... aaah at least she survived, but u mean. And wtf how come he stayed to perform?! Wh9 cares abput it when a person is dying in front of um they should have canceled the show. Omg... i dont care... she could have died on her way to the hospital and kibum would never forgive himself. Im upsrt with that lol.
Anyway im sure u wont kill clara...<.<
Chapter 8: i really dont like gabriel. he is completely crazy.
wait the murderer is korean OMO
damn im upset. no key in this one...T__T also this guy shows up and more mysteries and damn he is korean and he wants to kill her....why?! o.o she was only a little girl at the time....argh...