
Return of Superman, 10 years later.

Yonghwa took out some of Yoohyun and Yeonae's jackets from the wardrobe. The kids were watching him from the bed. "Appa where are we going?"

"The playground." Yonghwa said, laying the jackets beside Yoohyun and Yeonae.

"Really?" Yoohyun got up from his seat and began jumping at the bed. "Yay! Yay! Yay we're going to the playground, yaaayy! Appa will you buy us some ice cream?"

"Ya, Jung Yoohyun! Stop jumping." Yonghwa yelled. "No, I'm not going to buy you ice cream because it's cold, you're going to catch a cold."

"Noooooo!!" Yoohyun whined. "I want ice creaaaam!"

"I want ice creaaaam!" Yeonae copied her big brother. "I want ice creaaaam!" she giggled.

"Please choose your jacket." Yonghwa put on some baby blue jacket for Yeonae. "Yeonae-ya, how's this?"

Yeonae put on the jacket. "I don't like blue." she said.

"You don't like blue? What do you mean you don't like blue? Your dad's a vocalist for a band called CN BLUE." Yonghwa pouted. 

"Yeonae likes pink!" Yoohyun said. Yeonae nodded and chose a preety pink jacket with ribbon in front of it. "I want to wear this, appa!"

Yonghwa shook his head and laughed, "Okay okay, pink for Yeonae, right?" Yeonae nooded enthusiatically. 

"Now, how about Yoohyun?" 

Yoohyun already chose a navy blue jacket for him. "I like blue!" he said. "That's my son!" Yonghwa high fived Yoohyun. "Boys looked best in blue." 

He put on the jacket for Yoohyun and combed his hair. Then he went to the kitchen to prepare some fruits for the kids. Seohyun would always bring fruits whenever she was out with the kids, "It's the healthiest snack for them." she always said. That's why they always have varieties for fruits in the refrigerator. 

Yonghwa took out some strawberries, grapes, and bananas. He even peeled and sliced the bananas and put them in different lunch box. Next, he started to fill Yoohyun's and Yeonae's drinking bottle with warm water. 

Yoohyun and Yeonae came out of his room. "Appa! We have your jacket." Yoohyun said, bringing his navy blue jacket. "You said boys looked best in blue."

"Whoaaa, thank you Yoohyun-ah, you're so smart." Yonghwa cannot believe how smart his son was. Was he always been this smart? Yoohyun was such a talker. He began talking at 2 years old and never stopped. Sometimes, he would surprised Yonghwa with his questions. 

Yonghwa took his jacket, and put the lunch boxes and bottles inside his backpack. He put on his jacket and backpack. "Let's go, kids."


They arrive at the playground at their apartment complex. It was the beginning of April and the cherry blossoms was just starting to bloom. It was really beautiful. 

Yoohyun ran for the slides and Yeonae followed him. "Oppaaaa!"

Yeonae was always following Yoohyun, and Yoohyun was always protecting Yeonae, even at such an early age. Yonghwa remembered the time they spent at the hospital after Yeonae was born. Yoohyun has to live with Seohyun's parents because they were staying at the hospital to get close to Yeonae. She spent three days at the NICU, and 5 more days at the perinatology unit, and Yonghwa felt really sorry for that time, when he and Seohyun cannot paid attention to Yoohyun. 

One day, his parent's came from Busan to see his family, and they picked up Yoohyun from Seohyun's parents' house to bring them to the hospital. Together they went to the perinatology unit during visiting hours to see Yeonae. Yonghwa too Yoohyun--who was only 1,5 years old-- in his arms, and said. "Look, Yoohyun, that's your baby sister."

Baby Yeonae was sleeping in her crib, she gained a lot of weight in a week and the doctor told them she can go home tomorrow. Her cheeks were bright pink and Yonghwa thought she was the prettiest baby in the room. Yoohyun put his hand in the glass and looked at his sister. He kept looking at his sister for another 10 minutes, and he whined when Yonghwa was about to put him down.

"I guess he wanted to see his sister." Seohyun said, standing beside them and playing with Yoohyun's hand. "Yoohyun-ah, please take really good care of your sister, okay?" she said, kissing Yoohyun's hand. 

Yoohyun cried when the visiting hours ended and he has to come home with his grandparents. And they could hear Yeonae crying inside the room, already missing her big brother.


"Yoohyun-ah, Yeonae-ya, let's eat!" Yonghwa called his kids who was just climbing the jungle gym. He stood by the slide. "Slide to appa." he said. 

Yoohyun ran to the slide and slid first, followed by Yeonae. They got to the nearest bench and Yonghwa took out the lunch boxes. "Banana banana!" Yonghwa poked the banana with a fork and hand it to Yeonae. "Yummm." 

Yoohyun was eating the grapes. "Is it good, Yoohyun-ah?" Yonghwa asked. Yoohyun nodded, and took another grape. "Appa, look! It's a dog!"

Yoohyun has a big obsession with dogs. He always chose books about dogs when Seohyun took them to the bookstore, and he memorized the variants of dog breed at the book. 

A man was walking his dog, it was a pretty big golden retriever, which reminded Yonghwa of Jungshin's Simba. "Whoa, that's a pretty dog." he exclaimed. 

Yoohyun was already got up from his seat and approached the dog. The dog owner bowed to Yonghwa and crouched down beside his dog, letting Yoohyun to pat his dog's head. "What's his name, uncle?" asked Yoohyun. "It's Dabong." the owner said. 

"Dabong-aah." Yoohyun called, and Dabong barked once. "He knows his name, daddy!" Yoohyun hugged Dabong's head. 

Yeonae followed his brother but was too afraid to touch Dabong. "It's okay, Dabong will not bite you." the owner said nicely. Yeonae took a step forward and patted Dabong's head. "Dabongie..." she called, and Dabong her head. "Appa it's my hand!" Yeonae giggled. 

"How old is he?" Yonghwa was standing beside his kids. 

"He's three years old."

"Whoaa, he must eat a lot. My friend used to own a dog like this." Yonghwa said.

"Yeah, and it's a hard work to have big dog in an apartment." The owner smiled. "But my wife and kids loved Dabong too much. He's like  family to us."

The owner left after Yoohyun and Yeonae said thank you for letting them play with Dabong for a while, and Yonghwa took his kids bag to the bench. He opened his water bottle and told Yoohyun and Yeonae to wash their hands with the water. Later, he told them to wash their hands with the hand sanitizer before continue eating. 

"Appa, can we have a dog?" Yeonae said, in between chewing her banana.

"Yes! Yes! I want a dog too!" Yoohyun was too happy to know his little sister wanted a dog, just like him. 

Yonghwa knew this was going to happen, but he has to discuss this with his wife. Raising two kids and a dog will not be easy, and kids get bored easily, and their houses didn't even have a garden for the dog to play. "I have to ask you mother, kids. I have to discuss it with her first."


"Aaaw, what a lovely first outing of Yong appa and the kids. Yoohyun really runs around a lot is he? Yong appa, I think you don't need to go to the gym anymore, when you're chasing Yoohyun around so much. And little Yeonae... ah, she's really adorable, really girly! She loves pink, isn't she? She also ate a lot, hehehe. It's really nice to see a kid who was not a picky eater..."

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Chapter 6: Waiting :)
Chapter 6: such a sweet family ... time wf kids is indeed precious ...
Chapter 6: Please come back to us, author-nim. This story is so unique and interesting. hope you can update soon. Gomawo!
Universrun #4
Chapter 6: Please update soon authornim very nice story really love it
Chapter 6: thankyou for update author-nim<3
Chapter 6: Much awaited update. So sweet that Yonghwa brought them to the farm during their WGM days. It was a success as their kids enjoyed the country side. I do hope he gets a house out there so they can enjoy nature and not be stuck in their concrete jungle. Despite their busy schedules they are doing their best to be better parents. Yonghwa is such a good dad noticing that his kids needed a vacation more than he does. Thank you for the update. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Firacardosh #7
Chapter 6: First of all, I really down't know how this is happening. How could you guess it right author-nim? It's really hilarious sometimes to see that Goguma, especially the authors, have a interesting imagination. and somehow it became true! Llike this story, even though in reality Yong oppa just helping Rohee dad for one day. And he went with Jonghyun oppa instead Hyun unnie. But, sincerely I really hope I can see YongSeo couple in this TV Show with their adorable child. Let's praying together author-nim ^_^
I like this story, it feels so real! The way you write this story, very light but it also give me feels like you told they true story. I could see despite their busy schedule, YongSeo couple always tried their best for their Kids. I believe YongSeo couple will became a good parent's :)
Please continue this story author-nim, I'll be cheering for you. Fighting! Thank you for updating this story. Ii hope I'll see your next update soon :)
pinkblueys #8
Chapter 6: whoohoo, , , you are back dear authornim, , , im glad you continue this story, , , looking forward for the next chapter ^^
allussi #9
Chapter 6: Wooooowww...beautifull it authornim...please update soon...
AraDin90 #10
Chapter 6: awww.. <3 so sweet~ love it! ^_^