Chapter 1/1

When you meet him at the aquarium and have no idea who he is


It was your third month of your study abroad stay in South Korea. Seoul was nice, but you were used to the big cities from home, and another big city was just that. A big city. You got permission from your host omma to take the subway across the city and then a bus to the COEX Aquarium. It was the only theme-oriented aquarium in Korea.

You had to see it.

You smiled politely at the ahjumma’s who eyed you on the subway, refusing to let them know you understood their whispered comments about your hair and clothing style. Being the foreigner who spoke decent Korean was difficult – Hangul had been your second language at your public school at home and then later in your University. You always understood or could make out what people said about you behind your back.

It was early in the afternoon when you got off the subway and made your way up to the ground level. Coming upon the new district of Seoul you had to take a moment to marvel at the feeling of being in a foreign country.

Then your stomach grumbled.

You had eaten a light breakfast at home because you had been up before your host omma to catch the subway. The tantalizing smell of fresh ddeokbokki reached your nose and you reached for your wallet from your tourist backpack slung in your front to protect it from any possible hooligans who would think of pick-pocketing you.

You had just enough in cash, you realized with a smile.

Approaching the vendor carefully (he was a cheery looking ahjusshi with a round belly and crinkled eyes) you eyed his food. Your mouth began to water and your stomach rumbled again.

The ahjusshi heard it and chuckled.

“Are you hungry?” he asked in formal speech. You nodded and pointed at the ddeokbokki with a hopeful expression.

“One, please?”

Walking away from the pojangmacha, you finished the spicy rice cakes with a happy smile before seating yourself on the bus stop bench. The bright green bus pulled up slowly and the brakes hissed, the gust of air puffing at your bangs. You smiled and got on quickly, thankful there were no line-butting ahjumma’s. Before you had time to take your seat, however, the bus lurched forward and you tumbled into the nearest empty chair.

As you neared COEX Mall, you could see the shining silver building looming closer. Only remembering to clock off the bus as you exit, you rushed to the mall with high spirits. The crowds of people don’t phase you, considering the groups of teenagers and young adults avoid you, and the ahjumma’s and ahjusshi’s don’t mind you weaving around them in excitement.

You bought your ticket after a taller boy also by himself bought a ticket from under a dark blue army cap and reflective sunglasses.

“Thank you, enjoy your visit!” the cheery girl behind the glass called as you entered the aquarium nervously. Within seconds you were bathed in the cool blue light of the tunnel like aquarium. Fish filled the tanks around you and children tugged their parents to and fro to point and exclaim in rapid and high pitched voices.

Two sections into the Aquarium and you were hypnotized. You weren’t watching your step as carefully as you should when you felt yourself run into something soft and warm. You stumbled back.

“What the - ?” a voice exclaimed. You felt your heart hammer as the boy who had bought his ticket in front of you peered over his sunglasses at you. (Your brain registered the unusual act of wearing sunglasses in the darkened aquarium but you were too stunned to say anything.)

“Sorry!” you quickly apologized, bowing nearly ninety degrees. The boy eyed you up and down. “I’m sorry!” you repeated. “I should watch where I’m going!”

“…you speak really good Korean,” was all he said as he shrugged.

You smiled. “Thank you! I’ve been studying for a while and I’m not that great.” You added another bow for safety.

He smirked and glanced around at the fish that swam high above both your heads. “You must really like fish then?”

You nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! I’m studying marine biology in University right now!”

His face split into a grin. After your eyes had adjusted to the dark you were able to see fairly well, but it was still difficult to make out most features. But you could tell he had a nice smile and his eyes were bright under his cap brim.

“I love fish,” he said with a hint of an inside joke you didn’t quite understand. But you smiled anyway. Deciding to be bold – it was your first time in Korea – you stuck out a hand and introduced yourself. He eyed your hand warily before shaking it with a small smile.

“Lee Donghae.”

You paused. “…East…Sea?” you asked slowly in English, hoping he understood. He did, and laughed. It was a nice laugh. He nodded sadly.

“Yes, my name is East Sea.” He said in struggling, accented English. “I’m a fish,” he added in Korean.

You suddenly understood the small reference he had been giving when he said he loved fish. You suddenly laughed and he looked surprised. “So these are your family?” you asked, amused, motioning to the fish around you. He caught on and smiled.

“Yes, obviously! That’s my Omma, way over there,” he said gesturing to one brightly colored fish, “and my Hyung…” he went around pointing at fish and you followed as he told you about their relations to him, their names, and their personalities. His gossiping aunt was a black and white striped fish with a yellow fin. His joker uncle was a fat looking fish that was yellow with aquamarine stripes and deep blue pelvic and fins.

He pointed out his family for the rest of your time through the aquarium, and you never even realized that people would stare as he would point and you would laugh.

When you both entered the mall, squinting against the sudden harsh fluorescent light, you stumbled and he caught you. You laughed again.

“Lee Donghae-sshi,” you said smiling, “that was the most fun I’ve had in an aquarium in a long time. Aish!” you exclaimed, hugging your abdomen. “My stomach hurts from laughing!”

“If it’s any consolation,” he said with a small smile, returning his sunglasses to their position on his head, “that’s the most fun I’ve had in a while. Do you…do you think we could maybe do something together again?” he asked nervously.

You smiled. “I would love that.”

He grinned and extended a hand.


You smirked and handed over the Korean handphone you’d bought upon your arrival and he smiled at your phone charms. He typed furiously at your keyboard and finally, flipping the lid shut, handed it back. He rubbed your hair affectionately.

“I’ll see you!”

You waved as he turned to jog off where it looked like several other handsome boys were waiting for him, each with their own cap and sunglasses. A small irrational side of your brain hoped he wasn’t in some sort of branch of the Korean mafia, with all the sunglasses indoors he and his friends wore.

But you shook off the strange feeling that there was something about him you were missing and you headed for the bus. Your phone vibrated.

It was a text.

Travel home safely! ㅋㅋㅋ

You couldn’t help but smile. You tapped a quick reply.

Safe swimming, fishy! ^.~

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So cute, sweet and funny fic!!!! if you do a sequel, i want to read it!!!! thanks for it!!!! ^_^
Safe swimming fishy? Adorable~! :3
Oh wow, I really like it, and teehee, it was cute and adorable from the way they acted together!!:)
Lol sequel, maybe???:3
bliss- #4
Wow this is cute. Sequel please? Hihi (:
Hello! <br />
The oneshot was awesome and funny too! xDD <br />
Love it <3