Crimson-Moon; Facebook Roleplay; Wolf AU/Merpeople AU/ Forest Guardians AU; NEW AND ACCEPTING


Werewolf/Merpeople and Forest Guardians Based AU Roleplay on Facebook. New and accepting :) Come join us *^*

Come into a realm where werewolves roam. Join the ranks of the Alphas, Betas and Omegas to form one big family where there will be fun, laughter, joy and loads of support from your fellow werewolves. Almost anything is possible here and you are only limited by your own creativity.

But never fear, there will surely be someone who will be able to feed your need for a good rp session.

Or perhaps you are more interested in exploring the endless oceans with your fellow merpeople only to come back at night and chat with your wolf friend? Nothing will restrict you to do so.

If you are seeking a wise and patient character however, maybe the Forest Guardians would be something for you.

Come and check it out! Take the first step. JOIN US! We dont bite. Maybe. 



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Black_Queen_ #1
Chapter 1: Is this RP still active by any chance?
Chapter 1: Can I still apply to this rp?
EmpressWu #3
Chapter 1: NAME; Angelababy
AGE; 25
GROUP; Actress
A/B/O; Mermaid
VERY BRIEF BACKROUND; She is a seductress, by land or sea. However curious about land, she never missed her chance at night to transform into a human to explore around, even to the point where she wish she could get rid of her fish tail for legs forever.

Kris. I think I will change my claim to Angela.
rememberingme #4
Chapter 1: Name; Kim Jisook (Rainbow)
Age; 20
Group; O
ual Orientation; Experimenting
Very brief background; soft pants dissipating into frigid night, jisook inhaled sweat. a ravenous ache dictated her squirms, mussing sheets and gritting teeth. "not tonight. i still need to type that damn assignment, please. it's due tomorrow so god help me-"
upvote= when i am able to.
EmpressWu #5
NAME; Kris Wu
AGE; 25
GROUP; Actor
A/B/O; Alpha
VERY BRIEF BACKROUND; He is a typical spoilt second generation rich kid who loves nothing else but to race modified cars with members of the pack. He believes nothing else talks better than money and , while he is an alpha who is not enthusiastic about finding his mate.
TheKimmy106 #6
Chapter 1: Name: Do Kyungsoo
Age: 22
Group: EXO
Ranking: O
Background: It had been a while since the incident. He was told he had been found and brought to the hospital, regaining his memories one by one while he lived with his family. What he couldn't understand was why he had this feeling that he was being called upon, why he could feel a pull. His family wouldn't tell him anything about his past relationships, only telling him he had wonderful friends and those who loved him. However pieces were missing... and Kyungsoo knew he had to find out what happened to him months ago, even if it killed him.
Upvote: yup!!
miniflakyeggs #7
Chapter 1: Ravi Kim Wonshik

He joined the pack, following a scent that got him hooked, a scent he could not ignore. It haunts him, making him crave it. He has yet to find the source, but he will hunt it down, and own it.

[ will upvote when i can. ]