Another New Hound?

We're Trapped in Neverland

[Kevin’s PoV]

I happily snuck out of the apartment with Dongho following close behind; I heard a howl and knew that the hounds caught onto my scent and that it was only a matter of time until they’d be here.

“Wow…they started the game rather quickly tonight.” I said, stretching my back, making it pop.

I looked at Dongho who was looking back at me worriedly, “Shouldn’t we run? I mean, if we stay here, we are putting the others in danger too.”

“Oh, don’t worry Dongho, they won’t attack immobilized, sleeping cats, they enjoy chases…” I said, smiling at the younger boy, “However, at this rate they’ll jump us as soon as we walk through the front door, and I’ve already used the back door this week, so we’ll have to use one of the side doors.”

I smiled at the younger boy, who was trembling from being so nervous.

“Relax, Dongho, the worst they can do is bite you.” I said, he looked even more nervous, “Dongho, this is your last chance, because once we start moving the hunt is on, so it’s now or never. Go back into the apartment or your with me until Dawn.”

He sighed, “I’m sticking with you  hyung, no matter how terrified I am right now, because you are injured and should be sleeping back at the dorms, not running around Seoul like some weird person.”

“Dongho we are weird people…we can change into animals, the last time I checked, that is WEIRD.” I said, stretching again, smiling as I heard the stiff joints pop, “Well, let’s go!”

We then began to move and we heard another set of howls, the hound who was howling was probably alerting the other nearby hounds that we were on the move towards an exit. When we finally reached the exit, I smiled at Dongho.

“You ready to run?” I asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be…” said Dongho.

I smiled and pushed the door open, getting the shock of my life when I saw the purple haired hound sitting there, glaring at the two of us, beside him sat a sliver hound who seemed to be looking right at Dongho.

“Hyung should we split up?” whispered Dongho, the two hounds looked at each other both seeming to smirk, however, I pushed Dongho, who looked at me shocked.

“Don’t you dare think we should split up…” I hissed, he looked at me shocked while I smiled happily again, grabbing ahold of his wrist and sprinting ahead of him.

“Hyung…how are they so fast?” asked Dongho, I could tell he was looking behind us, not focusing on running like I was.

I shrugged, biting my lip as the horrible pain from my wound settled in. I continued to run though, knowing that if we didn’t escape by sunrise, we’d be killed by the hound’s leader.

“H-Hyung…” whispered Dongho as I pulled him into an alleyway quickly.

“Huh?” I asked, he was holding my hand tightly now.

“They aren’t normal hounds…”

“What do you mean?” I asked, glancing at him over my shoulder, at him, letting my feet lead me through the familiar pathway.

“They aren’t dogs hyung…They’re wolves.”

“You mean like werewolves?” I said, stopping out of shock what I saw in front of me.

“They’re like you  and Jaejoong hyung…they can change into different forms of dogs thought…” whispered Dongho, who was back to back with me.

I felt the world spinning, because of over working myself with the wounds on my leg. I hissed in pain a bit as Dongho bumped into me and my leg gave out, Dongho quickly caught me. I glanced back seeing the sliver hound; he was sitting there staring at us again. I looked back and saw the purple one sitting there practically smiling. I then looked beside us and saw a closed dumpster.

“Dongho, climb onto the dumpster, you should be able to get onto the roof…” I whispered, he looked at me.

“What about you?”

“I’ll be behind you…”

He nodded, he ran to the dumpster jumping onto the roof and taking off running while being on the snow covered roof, I made my way to the dumpster rather quickly despite being really wounded. However, before I could climb onto the dumpster, I was tackled by the purple wolf. Who quickly transformed back into his human form, pinning my arms above my head on the snow covered ground.

“Soohyun, go after the other one,” Called the male, looking at the other hound that was in his human form as well.

“Hmm?” asked the older looking male, looking back at Kibum from his spot atop the dumpster.

“Go after that boy, I can handle this one.”

“I didn’t plan of staying anyways,” Said Soohyun, smirking as he climbed onto the roof and running off himself.

I went to push the hound on me, off, but just as I was about to, he pressed his leg onto my wounded one, making me hiss out of pain again.

He smirked and sat up, getting off me, which shocked me, “Caught you…”

I sat up, ignoring him and glancing at my wounded leg, seeing that the pants was being stained blood red. I hissed in pain as I attempted to stand up again.

“Why aren’t you doing anything?” I hissed, glaring at the smirking man sitting before me, “Don’t you work for that stupid center that made us like this?”

“I do, but that doesn’t mean that I want to go back there. Also, just because I’m a good ‘dog’ doesn’t mean the idiots there treat mw well.” Said the boy, looking back at me emotionlessly, “Plus they’d kill me for hurting you.”

“Why would they care if I’m hurt?” I asked, looking at him.

He shrugged, “Don’t ask me, I wouldn’t know. I just do my job of catching runaways like you.”

“Then why aren’t you taking me back there?” I asked, looking at him, seeing that amusement began to show on his face.

“Didn’t I already tell you, I don’t want to go back there. Man, you must really be blonde.” Said the male, standing up, “Plus if you are in there it means I’ll have to stay there too.”

“So, in other words you are here chasing me to make them think you are chasing me when you really don’t want to go back.” I said, looking up at him.

He nodded, “Pretty much…But don’t worry, if you want to go back to go back to the center, I’ll gladly take you there when you are fully healed. Also, don’t worry, Soohyun isn’t going to hurt that kid who was with you, he’s just bringing him back here...Ah…here they come.”

I turned around to see that Dongho was being pulled to the two of us by the sliver haired hound.

“Hyung, how are you still here?” asked Dongho, he looked really confused as he was thrown down beside me. I shrugged at him, the two hounds stood there while we sat there as a thick silence fell over us.

Suddenly a bone chilling breeze blew and I shivered, noticing that I had forgot my coat back at the headquarters, I sighed shifting closer to Dongho, becoming really cold as the snow began to float to the ground again, the two hounds looked at each other again and smirked at each other before turning their attention to something behind us.

“Well, we’ll be going now.” Said the purple haired hound, he and the other boy changed forms again and then ran off, Dongho stood up and froze, looking behind me.

“Dongho what’s wrong?” I asked.

“Hyung, we are dead so dead…” said Dongho, shaking in fear.

I was curious as to what he was talking about, originally thinking that more hounds had come, however, when I turned around I found out that it was something even worse than the hounds.

“J-Jaejoong-hyung, what are you doing out here?” I asked, faking innocence, however, his face stayed in the same anger filled expression.

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The sequel is finally up please read Breaking Free from Neverland, the link will be posted in the comments of We're Trapped in Neverland.


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I don't know why, but I'm still beating mentally myself for don't read it yet
But I promise that I will comment it ^^
this fic is cute and amazing at the same time xD I really love the way you wrote down the story :D will continue to prequel one xD
sxiang #4
i didn't understand anything
Hahahaha omg! That's so cool, ending your story like that xD
So cute, this bunch of fluff ^^
Can't help but want to cuddle them ;~; <3
Congratulations! Another finished work! ^^
winterflowr #6
It's so cute! Ahhh Kevin and Kibum=Kemaru FTW!

Haha it's Mir!!
I dont get the foreword. Changmin in the poster is look like the main character but then...You said that his couple could be a OC (wtf) or minor.

...Thats not make any sense Im confused as hell >_<
ukissmekevin16 #8
Awww they are so cute!!! Onto the prequel
Awesome last chapterrrrr