First date

First date

I grinned at my reflection in the shop window as I smoothed down my hair. I'm already nervous for my date with Jungkook. We’ve been friends for ages but this is our first official date and I’m so nervous. I checked my phone knowing that I was too early. I looked in the windows of the shops nearby to kill time.


Ten minutes later, I heard Jungkook's familiar voice call my name. I turned to face him, a smile already on my face just from hearing him call my name. “Hey, am I late? Did you wait long?” he asked as he ran up to my side. I shook my head. “No, I got here a little early.” He smiled at me, almost making my knees go weak. “Come on, there’s a great place not far from here I want to take you to.”


He took my hand and pulled me after him. He took me into a quiet restaurant and we took seats by the window which offered a great view of the park across the street. We ordered our food, both feeling a little nervous at the change from friends to dating. My milkshake arrived and I quickly took a big gulp and Jungkook burst out laughing at me. “What?” I asked while he continued to crack up.


“You have a moustache.” He said in-between laughs. I quickly lifted my fingers to my top lip and noticed with horror that I had indeed given myself a milkshake moustache. I quickly wiped it away before I burst out laughing as well. My unintentional gag breaking the awkward tension between us. For the rest of the meal, we joked and talked like we always had, a comfortable atmosphere settling over us.


When it finally came time for desert, Jungkook suggested that we share my favourite, rice pudding. I was practically bouncing with excitement by the time it arrived. Jungkook scooped up some of the desert and held it out for me. I gave him a ‘what the hell’ look. “Come on~” he said cutely as he held the spoon out for me. I reluctantly ate it, a fierce blush making its way onto my face while he just chuckled at me. I picked up my own spoon and started eating, not able to look him in the face.


A few minutes later he snorted at me. “Yah, why are you like this?” he said with a chuckle. I looked up at him with a confused look. “Like what?” I asked, completely clueless. He rolled his eyes at me before leaning over the small table, his hand landing on the back of my chair. Before I could process what was happening, he pressed his lips to the corner of my mouth. He pulled back and grinned at me. “I swear you're being a messy eater on purpose.” He said with a cheeky grin while I internally flailed. It’s not exactly how I had envisioned my first date with Jungkook to go, but as long as it’s with him, I’m happy no matter what. 

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Chapter 1: I want to have a boyfriend now ;-; Your stories make me so needy, god damnit! XD I'm glad that the girl was a messy eater, at least the tension between her and Kookie disappeared. Oh, and it's such a sweet idea of starting as friends then becoming a couple aww ^^
dragmystyle #2
Chapter 1: SOMEONE BRING ME A DOCTOR! I'M DYING OF TOO MUCH FLUFF! My hearteu cant takeu! <3333333
Chapter 1: ... oh my weak heart....
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #4
Chapter 1: Awwww so cute I love it when Jungkook spoon feeds me lol *total FANGIRL overload approaching..." hehehehehehehehehe