YOU 007

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“She must having fun with Siwon since I don’t receive any text or call from her.” Kai mumbles as he stares at his phone until he bumps into his brother, Suho.

“Ya watch where are you going? And why with the long face at stare on the phone. I may not be surprise seeing your phone is burning soon.” Suho asks as he notices that his brother stares at his phone without facing him.

“Sorry, bro. my mind is flying somewhere else. Bro, have you ever fall in love but you don’t even know how to confess?”

“Wow. Wow. Wow. My little brother seems to fall in love. Hey Lay. Look our baby boy is in love. No wonder I can see love in the air.”

“I’m serious bro.” Kai looks at Suho frustrated. He needs someone to advise him what to do.

“What, our baby brother is in love? Who is she? Is she pretty? Prettier than my unicorn.”

“Cut your nonsense bro. Unicorn doesn’t even exists.” Kai shouts as he is so frustrated with his second brother way of thinking

“Ya, you never know. What if one day, the unicorn …”

“Lay better cut that off before I smack your head. See our baby boy’s face. He seems so heartbroken. So what’s the problem here?” as both of them walks to the kitchen bar.

“I’m in love with this girl. She is my classmate and actually a year younger. She is pretty, smart and of course she is nice. I’m happy with her to be honest. But. I finds out that she actually have a crush on her best friend. So I was a bit disappointed. But something happen between them and they grow apart. Deep inside me I admit that I’m happy but at the same time I’m scared. I’m happy that I may have the chance but I’m scared if I’m just her rebound. You know just using me to get rid of her feeling.”

“Kai ah. I used to fall in love before with someone before. Yes she just my ideal type. We have been friend for such a long time. I like her, no I’m in love with her. But I’m too scared to confess because it might ruins our friendship. So I just slide it away and be friend until one day, I get the invitation to her wedding. It hurts me so badly. Guess what, when I met her and confessed, she cried and hit me. Why? Because I didn’t confess to her earlier. She in love with me too but because her parents thinks that no one want her so they want her to get married with someone that she doesn’t even know.”

“Is she the reason why you are still single and not married? You are almost 30 bro.”

“Yes. She is the reason why. It takes time for me to forget her. She might be happy with her husband but look at me. I’m here single and busy myself with works. Don’t waste your time wondering when you should confess. Just tell her what you feels.”

“But I’m afraid being rejected.”

“You never know bro. me too. My heart breaks because of one girl. You will face the feeling of hurt if you don’t take the opp

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