"Jagiya.. wear long pants and thick shirts, it's very cold tonight," i said as she was walking toward her wardrobe. i'm looking at her movement, sitting on the bed while she was getting ready to get changed. then she turned toward me.

"Yaa, go and wait outside!" she said, i gave her a sheepish smile, "arasso~" i sang while going out of her room toward the living room, wearing my coat and put on my sunglass. i'm waiting for her on the couch and about 5 minutes after, she came out of the room, wearing hoodies and jeans, holding a scarf in her hands.

"let's go~" i said, taking out my car's keys from the key's shelf. "wait, oppa" she said turning my body to face her. "do you know? mostly idols got caught on a date, they always wearing the same things as you do" she said, taking off my sunglass and cap. i look at her, confused. "it makes you looks obviously in a secret date" she said, chuckled.

"wear this," she said, trying to circled the scarf on my next, tiptoeing because of her cute height so i bend my body instead. "gumawo jagiyaa" i thanked her and she wrapped the scarf gently around my neck.

"let's go~~" she sang, wearing her vans sneakers. i wore mine as well and we get out to the elevator, hand in hands.

"where are we going?" she asked as we get into the car, "let's go to Han River" i replied. she nodded and smiling widely that create a guilty's feels deep from my heart. i bend my body toward her to put her seatbelt on, we were so close and i feels her lips giving me a peck on my cheeks. i turned my face toward her and saw she was blushing cutely. i smiled and giving her a peck on her lips.

"did you do your exam well? is everything okay?" i asked, remembering about her exam. she nodded. "it's okay and stressful," she said,

"i believe you will do well, you know i'm always proud of you" i said, giving her hand a squish. she smiled. we started our drive.

"oppa, you don't have any scheduled for tomorrow right?" she asked, "yes" i replied "ahh, look in the box, there's a lollipop, take it" i said, pointing toward the glove compartment. she looked into it and found a strawberry shaped lollipop that i steal from minho. she opened the plastic wrapper and shoving the lollipop into his lips, on it cutely.

"give me a taste~" i asked as we were stopped by the red traffic lights, at the last junction before we reach the park. "But.." she said.. "or i'm going to kiss you" i said, with a smirk. she immediately shoved the lollipop into my mouth. i gave it back to her when the traffic light turned to be green. we reach the park and the clock showed it was 3 AM. it's really cold and there're only a few people around.

we walking on the path toward the river. "Jagiya", "yes" she replied, "when you saw me in the pic or by a person, am i different?" i asked, caught her hand and intertwined her fingers with mine.

"you looks very tiny and cute in a pic" she said, looking at me, smiling
"yaa, i'm not tiny" i replied with an annoyance tone, she gave me those sure-i-know smile.

"you're the one that's so short and cute," i said, mocking her heights. she's way shorter than me, that her nose was right at the same level as my shoulder. she looks at me with a glare. "i'm not short" she mumbled, stopped walking.

"then let's see if you can kiss me in 20 seconds," i said, turned to her. "what's the deal?" she asked, confident. "a morning cuddles with your awesome boyfriends?" i said, smirking as i tried to make myself taller with raising my head. she stands in front of me with both of her hand holding my shoulder as a support. she giggling as she's trying to jump to reached my lips. cute. "ahh, i can't," she said, jumping. it has around 7 seconds left, i keep raising my head so she can't even reached me. she's pouting but still tip toeing. i pulled the scarf that covered my lips ..3..2.... and caught her lips, her lips formed a smile as my lips landed on her's.. "i told you, you're short" i said, bending myself over and kissed her lips, passionately that the cold night feels warmer, she wrapped her arm around my neck as i was using my hands to raise her chin, the other one holding her waist.

"i love you" i said, broke the kiss. she smiled and holding my arms, trailing behind me as we walked toward the grass path. she told me before that she wanted to lay and watch the stars at night, and luckily there's a lot of stars tonight. There were no one around us and it's not too dark thanks to the street's lamp.. "Let's laying down" i sand, opening my coat and spread it on the grass, so that both of us can lay on it.
"Your coat is going to get dirty" she said.
"It's okay you can wash it for me" i said. "Wear your hood" i said and pull over the hood to cover up her head. I'm laying down first and she followed up after that. Using my arm as her pillow, she looked over the sky, astonishingly. "It's so beautiful~" she sang, eyes focused toward the skies. 
I'm looking at her all the times, not interested in the sky. "It really does pretty" i mumbled, "the one over here", she was so into the stars that she didn't even know that i'm looking at her the whole times. 
We stayed in that position and talking about a few topic of our daily life, we decided to go home as she looks sleepy and me too.
As we reached her apartment, she went into her room to get changed. I went to the kitchen with an evil smile. 
Getting into her room right after and she was waiting for me on her bed. "Let's sleep" she said, eyes barely opened. I went beside her and we laying down together, getting her body in my embrace. I gave her a peck on her forehead before we both falling asleep.

Your POV
I woke up with and meet my boyfriends tired face, still fast asleep, right in front of mine. Shirtless. Making me form a smile on my lips. I tried not to wake him up so I quietly get off his hugs and went to the bathroom to take a shower and needs to prepare for a breakfast after that. 
As i finish showering, i went to the kitchen right after and looks for the utensils to start cooking breakfast. But I didn't found any. I look at the high cabinet and found it was all arranged in that. I was too short to be able to get it by myself. 
"Aishh kim jonghyun" i mumbled, I don't know what to do so i went back into the room and laying beside him who was still sleeping. 
He sense of the movement and opening his eyes. 
"Good morning" i greets him, he smiled and hugging me, leaning his body closer. "You smells so nice" he said, pushing his face into my embrace. 
"Oppa, why did you put the pan in the high cabinet" i asked, cupping his face. He looks so cute with his messed hairs and tiring eyes. 
He smiled innocently, "you has a cuddling session with your boyfriends this morning" he said.
I chuckled and giving him a peck on his cheeks. 
"I love you" he said, throwing his arm around my body, "i love you" he said again, hugging me tightly. 
"I love you too" i replied, playing with his messy hair. 
I let out a giggle as he was pushing her head on my neck. "It's tickles" i said, he just ignoring it and shaking his head to make it feels more tickles. 
"Yaaa" i said, cupping his face to make him move his head away. 
He get off of my neck and lay his face in front of mine. Looking right into my eyes. 
"Gumawo" i said, put my arm around his waist. Hugging him. 
He look at me, "why?" He asked. 
"For being there when i woke up from my sleep" i said, he smiled and brushing my hairs. 
"I love you a lot" he said, pulling my head into his chest. We were both smiling as we are deeply in love.


 so this short story is completed 💕[acually this has a longer version but I don't think i will post them, ㅋㅋㅋ] thanks for reading this 💕 please continue supporting me :)

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blkdmndz14 #1
Chapter 2: I love this! You should do longer version :)
Chapter 2: Please make a longer version!
jjongxx #3
Chapter 1: Thanks for commenting
Chapter 2: Such a sweet story. Ahh i hope Jonghyun oppa finds someone who can comfort him at the end of the day^^
Chapter 2: Cute and lovely, I want a cuddling session too!!! ;)