SoonHoon#1 : Masks

Seventeen Drabble Collection

       Description : Jihoon was dragged into Jeonghan's beauty regime, the DIY food masks. He loved the mask, but hated the way Soonyoung treated him afterwards. Or did he?

             Jihoon regretted letting Jeonghan lured him into using his DIY banana oatmeal mask. Sure his face felt soft and clean, sure his complexion got better, sure he liked the feeling of Jeonghan’s infamous masks, and sure he liked the way his face smells like. Like the banana pancakes Soonyoung’s breakfast usually consist of. But oh boy, did he hated the way his face smells like.

              He could feel the pair of slanted eyes on him the whole morning. Soonyoung didn’t even bother hiding his obvious stares and not so innocent touches. The older was always by his side, getting a bit too clingy than usual. Eventhough his usual clinginess was already deemed too much by Jihoon. Soonyoung didn’t budge. Not at all.

“Jihoon-ah,” Soonyoung whispered near his earlobe. Eyes shut as he rested his chin on the younger’s shoulder.

“Jihoon-aah,” He whined when he wasn’t getting any reaction from the purple haired male. “Jihoon-ah you smell so delicious this morning,” Soonyoung continued.

“I wore Jeonghan hyung’s mask, okay? Go ask him if you wanted some and stop bothering me.” Jihoon grunted, eyes rolling.

“Jihoon-ah, you’re being mean to your boyfriend,”

“God, hyung. I’m working, and you’re being unbelievably clingy this morning. Stop that.” The younger lightly smacked Soonyoung’s arm, getting a small chuckle from the older, who latched even tighter to Jihoon. The younger just sighed, letting Soonyoung wrap him in his arm as he continued composing. He could hear Soonyoung mumbling about not wanting any face masks, and chose to ignore the older.




“What is it Soonyoung?”

“Jihoon-ah you smell delicious,”

              “I know, you told me like ten times already this past hour. I get the point, now stop bugging me.

“Jihoon-ah, can I eat you up?”

Banana and oatmeal got Jihoon hundreds of pecks on his cheeks.

Strawberries made Soonyoung nuzzled on him three times closer.

Honey gave him a heated kiss.

Apples left him a few lovebites—Soonyoung loved apples.

Jihoon grunted and whined and smacked the older, telling Soonyoung to stop being creepy just because of a few masks.

              Jihoon’s ears perked up as he heard Soonyoung and Jun talked.

“No way, it’s just an article for the valentine issue! That’s for advertising purposes,” Jun stated

“But I kinda think that it’s true though! At least it worked that way for me,” Soonyoung retorted

“You’re just making excuses to touch Jihoon and blaming it on chocolates, there’s no way it actually had an aphrodisiac effect!” Jun laughed, earning a grunt of disagreement from Soonyoung.

              Later that day, Jeonghan who was cooking got surprised by a blushy Jihoon, tapping his shoulder from behind.

“Hyung, do you have a DIY beauty recipe using chocolates ?” The younger asked,

“Face mask?”

“I was thinking more like a body scrub.”


A/N : So here's chapter one! A bit heavy on the dialogue, sorry!

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rei_zha #1
Chapter 1: Next chapter please....with soonhoon^-^
Chapter 1: eeiihhh naughty Jihoon
Lcch0c #3
Chapter 1: Clingy soonyoung and tsundere jihoon omo its sooooo cutee >< thanks authornim