the chase

Senior year blues



Seulgi has a minor breakdown when the final bell rings.

How could the girl of her dreams be in absolutely none of her seven classes? How was she going to woo her over now?

She could always find out which clubs Joohyun signed up for and join them too, maybe. Not all of them. Just one or two so it wouldn’t be suspicious. But what if she wasn’t in any? She could always get her number somehow. No, that would be too weird.

Deep in thought, a frown settling on her face, Seulgi fails to notice Wendy and Sooyoung strolling up to her locker.

“School’s over. School’s over.” Wendy sing-songs, leaning her body against the adjacent lockers. Seulgi jumps.

“How was your last first day in high school?” Sooyoung asks.

She responds with a deep sigh.

“Well then,” Wendy decides without hesitation, “obviously something is bothering you. What’s up?”

Seulgi slams her locker and throws her back against it in defeat.

“So...” she starts, stopping to eye the crowd of students around her before continuing. “there’s this girl I met this morning-”

“Wait wait wait wait wait,” Wendy interrupts excitedly. “Oh my god wait. Let me guess. It’s the new girl from Daegu, huh?”

Seulgi can’t help but jump in surprise. “Wait, how do you know her?”

“It’s Bae Joohyun, right? She’s in like, four of my classes.” Wendy exclaims. “She’s so gorgeous.”

“Hey!” Sooyoung pouts.

“I mean, not as gorgeous as you, Sooyoungie.” Wendy plants a tender kiss on the younger girl’s temple. Sooyoung retaliates with a soft caress up and down Wendy’s cheek. “But you gotta admit, the girl’s got some great genes.”

Seulgi rolls her eyes at the pda.

“I agree,” Sooyoung admits, “she’s like the prettiest girl in this whole school. She was in my orchestra class and everyone was just stealing glances at her the whole time.”

“You’re a sophomore and even you have a class with her?” Seulgi cries.


“This is so unfair.”

A light bulb flicks on in Sooyoung’s brain. She has a smirk plastered on her face as she eyes Wendy, and back at Seulgi, and back at Wendy, who in turn looks at Seulgi with the same implicating eyes.

Seulgi feigns innocence.

“You have a crush on her, huh?” Sooyoung beams, shaking Seulgi’s shoulders enthusiastically and rubbing her cheeks with maximum affection.

“Our Seulgi Bear’s got a crush!” Wendy adds for full effect.

The girl’s cheeks burn bright red at the accusation. “Well. Yeah. Sort of. I guess. I mean. Obviously she’s super gorgeous like you guys said.” she babbles, looking hopelessly flustered. “She’s so out of my league.”

“Wait, so you don’t have any classes with her?” Wendy raises an eyebrow. “How’d you meet her then?”

“She got lost this morning so I walked her to class.”

“You guys already had your first date?” Wendy teases and Sooyoung attempts (and fails) to sustain a giggle.

“Wanna die Son Seungwan?”

“Hey!” Wendy widens her eyes. “My Korean name is forever off limits!”

“Sure thing,” Seulgi challenges. “Seungwan.”

Wendy grabs her into a playful headlock. Sooyoung can’t help but grin at the two seniors wrestling in front of her, the two bodies tumbling noisily around the row of lockers.

“You guys are such children,” an exasperated voice calls out from a distance. Yerim joins the group with three textbooks wrapped in her arms.

Seulgi and Wendy climb off each other to greet her.

“You’re the child,” Wendy chirps and pats her head. “You smoll little thing,” Seulgi coos.

Yerim makes a disgusted face, but nuzzles happily into Wendy’s embrace.

“So Yerim have you heard the news?” Sooyoung dances.

“Huh? Is it about the new senior girl by any chance?”

“Wow, is literally everyone talking about her or something?” Seulgi whines. She should just give up. Why would Joohyun ever like someone like her when literally the entire school wants to jump her bones?

“Well yeah, it has to do with her, but-” Sooyoung starts, “-Seulgi has a big crush on her!” Wendy finishes.

Yerim doesn’t look very surprised.

“I mean, I would too if I liked girls like Seulgi Unnie does,” the youngest girl says matter-of-factly. Yerim has always been the pragmatic one. “She’s really nice, too. She let me borrow her good pen in psychology class.”

Seulgi’s frowns.

“So what’s bothering you, anyway?” Yerim notices her friend’s less-than-enthusiastic facial expression.

“ first it was because she was in none of my classes, but now I just feel completely out of her league.”

“Bull! You’re totally in her league,” Wendy cheers. Seulgi blushes subconsciously. Leave it to Seungwanie to give her false hope.

“Yeah, just go for it Seulgi Unnie. You never know until you try.”

“Well, how am I going to get to know her? I have no idea how I’m going to get one-on-one time with her, like ever.”

“Are you kidding me?!” Wendy practically yells. “Who says you need a class with her to get to know her, you big nerd. We all have classes with her. We’ll totally set you up.”

Seulgi makes a mental note to avoid her best friends from this point on.

“Please don’t. You guys will just embarrass the hell out of me.”

“Operation get Joohyun and Seulgi in the same bed, commence!” Sooyoung fist pumps and the three girls cheer in unison.

Seulgi slinks back onto the wall, shaking her head, completely unprepared for the outcome.



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Kang-Baechu22 #1
Chapter 2: Author-nim please update soon :‹
Kpop_fan21 #2
Chapter 2: JOYDY!! Hahaha I'm liking this already. Update soon.
Chapter 2: Lmao seungwan 'operation get joohyun and seulgi in the same bed' ure so son loving this already.their interaction with each other is #friendshipgoals i like joyXwendy i prefer these two than satan squad.coz satan squad r too cool to be looking forward for the next chapter.bear hang in there.
P/s happy birthday bear.#HappySeulgiDay ure getting older
kaisya98 #4
hey , just few hours seulgi will turn to 23 years old.lets celebrate seulgi birthday tgt