Hello New Life

Can Oil and Water Actually Mix?

Nami POV 

*I never thought I would see my mom again after she moved away for 'unknown' reasons. Its been six long and complicated years and now I get to meet her not because she wanted to see me but because no one else was able to take care of me. I'm nervous and anxious and this plane is not helping me any better.* I fell asleep because if I stayed up I wouldn't be able to stop worrying. -Hours Later- The plane is finally landing, my heart is beating out of my chest but my my legs keep going as if they are excited. I got in the airport and instantly saw a sign with my name on it. A unfamiliar lady was holding it while a boy standing beside her looked as if he was pissed. I walked to her, every step I take she gets more excited. I reached her and she instantly dropped the sign and hugged my small frame tighlty. "Hi mom?" I said unsure really who she was. "Hi my sweety!' My mom squealed loudly as she rushed me into a decent looking sports car. I sat in the back while my mom was in the driver's seat and the mysterious boy was in the passenger clearly out of this world. "Oh this is my handsome son Leo." My mom said as she tapped him so he could introduce himself. "I'm Leo." Leo said then not even looking at me. I held my hand out "I'm Nami your new sist-" Before for I could finish talking Leo interrupted me. "Your not my sister." Leo said. This time he turned around and glared at me then knocked my frozen hand ,that was still there from shock of what he said, away. My mom hit his arm and apologized to me for his behaviour which I gladly said it was okay because it was. My mom and I talked for awhile about me and my life which I almost cried because I'm stressed with everything that is on my mind. She noticed and stoped talking as we pulled to a nice looking house. The house had flowers and bushes everywhere like something out of snow white. I smiled and ran to the house touching the bushes and flowers it was beautiful. My mom unlocked the door and Leo had my bags. I looked around at the 'snow white' decor, plants and wood chairs very forest like. "Leo go show her her room while I tidy up a bit." My mom said then went in her room which was beside the kitchen. Leo lead me upstairs, there was a hallway that split two rooms. Mine was on the right. Leo opened the door and the first thing I saw was the huge Windows in front of me. I ran across the room and opened the balcony door. <(Nami room) I've never had a balcony all to myself. By the time I turned around to the door Leo had disappeared. I closed the balcony door and went in my room. "Leo!" I yelled as I walked out my room his room was right across mine. His door cracked and Leo's head popped out. "Leave me alone." Leo said like he was warning me. Then he slammed his door. I jumped from the sudden slam. I've never had anyone treat me this way before, it was sad and shocking. I closed my door and went downstairs where my mom seemed to be rushing out the door. "Nami tell Leo that my boss just called for me to do some work so I'm leaving I'll spend some fo time with you after work okay?" My mom said before she closed the door and left. I signed then went upstairs and knocked on Leo's door. "What?!" Leo yelled. "Mom is at work I don't know when she's coming home though." I said. "Ok." Leo said. I went in my room and threw myself on the bed. I'm not sure if I want to cry or not.


I got on my phone and dialed my friend N.

Leo: "N you wanna come over my mom isn't home."

N: "That's sad I like your mom but your mom for some reason doesn't like me."

Leo: Maybe it's because of the you introduced to me but maybe not."

N: "Maybe if she had some her life be better and she wouldn't have to stress all the time about your dad but anyways that's another topic for another time I'll be over there with the drugs."

Leo: N don't dare bring that over if my mom find out again I'm dead." 

End of Phone Call

Did he just hang up on my face again? I sighed and ruffled my hair. "That better not bring them drugs again." I said.

Nami POV

I ran downstairs after the house bell started ringing I thought it was mom even though she should have her own key, I just happy she was here because I've waited six hours for some company. I opened the door and hugged my mom until I looked at the clothes and the broad shoulders and the Adams apple. I screamed and let go of whoever I hugged. The guy looked angry as he picked up with powder on the ground and tried to put it in a plastic bag. "Who the hell are you?!" The guy yelled. "I'm sorry let me help you." I said then hurrily picked up the white powder before a strong hand grabbed my shirt and threw me out the way literally. I looked up and Leo glared at me before helping the guy up." That stupid hugged me and made me drop half of my !" The guy yelled. "N calm down there's a lot left we can still use." Leo said. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to I thought he was mom." I said crying. " You're so stupid come on N." Leo said then they went upstairs. I stayed in that same spot and cried for a long time.


I snorted some threw a dollar. "So who is that girl?" N asked as he snorted some too. "My mom's daughter she had a child with a man accidentally she spent years with her then came back here where I was some years later and took care of me now she's here and staying with us." I said simply. " Wow so you had a sister a sister that you never knew about." N said. "She's not my sister!" I yelled. "Ok ok whatever you say." N said with his hands up. "She's cute though." N said while smirking. "I think she's stupid." I said annoyed. "Yeah because she's your sister." N said. I smacked him upside his head. "Can we just stop talking about her?" I said. N just nodded.

Nami POV

I woke up not even knowing I fell asleep on the floor.I felt bad for what I did so I went to apologize again. I knocked on Leo's door "What the do you want now?!" Leo yelled. "I came to apologize." I said. The door opened wide and that guy stood before me. "Apologize." N said. "I'm sorry about dropping your flour you were probably going to make a cake right?" I said sadly. N busted out in laughter. N turned to Leo who smiled a bit "Did you hear what this girl said?!" N laughed. "Yep I heard what stupid said." Leo said while shaking his head. "Why don't you taste some?" N asked. "No I've tried flour it wasn't taste but thanks for asking me I guess we're friends now?" I asked holding out my hand for him to shake. He just laughed and slammed the door in my face. I walked back in my room and sat on my bed. Hello new life.







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