Savior Prologue

Musings of An Insomniac


A lone figure made its way through the rain. The figure, a girl that couldn't be older than twenty-one, blended into the poorly lit streets in the dark. With only a thin jacket over a t-shirt and jeans protecting her from the rain, she let her legs take her wherever they wanted to go. She had no real destination in mind, but she knew exactly where her legs would take her.


Tell me, have you ever woken up with the thought that you didn't want to live anymore? No, not where you think ‘I want to die’ but rather ‘there is nothing left for me here.’ Have you ever had that moment when it's not the thought of death that appeals to you, but when the thought of life, the thought of living, is repulsive to you? That moment when you can't think of a single reason why living is worth it? That moment when you can't feel anything?


The girl shivered against the harsh rain, and for a second she wished she had brought a thicker jacket before she realized that it wouldn't matter in a couple of minutes anyway. After a couple of minutes she wouldn't feel anything at all anymore.


Her legs stopped her in front of a bridge. It was seemingly empty, with only a few cars passing by every couple minutes or so. The girl bitterly laughed at herself. It wouldn't matter even if it were crowded. She was a white speck on a blank canvas, an ant in the crowd, an invisible girl to the world. She walked to the middle of the bridge and looked over the railing down into the abyss that awaited her fate.


Was this fate?” she wondered. “Did I ever have any control of where my life was headed?” she wondered.


With no sign of hesitation, the girl climbed over the railing. Her hands gripped tightly onto the cold steel as she stood on the edge ready to jump, ready to stop living. She couldn't bring herself to let go, her fear of death overpowering her fear of life. She didn't want to climb back over the railing, back into the realms of reality, back into the reins of fate. So, the girl stood there, deciding that she would let exhaustion do its work on her. She would hold on until she could hold on no longer.


But her hands seemed especially stubborn at the time. They refused to loosen their tight grip on the slippery piece of metal. They were completely adamant on keeping her rooted to this life. She had lost track of time, and the downpour was only getting worse. The torrent of rain attacked her, but her hands showed no sign of exhaustion as they seemed to be glued onto the railing. She shivered as the cold air seeped through the thin wet pieces of fabric that stuck to her body and tickled her skin. If she wasn't going to die from the fall, then she was sure she'd die from hypothermia. She mentally laughed at herself. I’m a coward till the very end, aren’t I?


You know, most people prefer standing on the other side of the railing.”


The voice of a stranger called out to her. A girl, she assumed from the light and airy sound that reached her ears.


She didn't respond and stood rooted in her spot, not even bothering to turn around to look at the girl. She felt the warmth seep through her wet clothes as a hand was gently placed on her shoulder.


"You look cold. Let's go sit down somewhere warm."


She felt herself being guided back over the railing, back to reality. Warm hands held onto her tightly, making sure she didn't slip and go through with her original plan. She avoided the gaze of the stranger and focused on the wet ground instead, ashamed that she had been caught trying to escape life. The rain stopped hitting her and she assumed that the stranger had placed an umbrella over the two of them. She felt a thick piece of fabric being wrapped around her, and she realized that it was the stranger's jacket. She felt a hand cup her face and she was slowly forced to look up.


The first thing she noticed was that the girl was wearing a pair of colored heels. Her eyes trailed up her legs and the rest of the body and saw that the stranger was wearing a red strapless dress that ended a little above her knees. The elegance of her outfit was in the simplicity of it. She guessed that the stranger was heading home from a party of some sort or a date maybe. Her vision had finally reached the stranger's face, which had a smile carved onto its beautiful features.


Are you a coffee person or a tea person?”


No response.


She stared into the strangers’ eyes curiously, burning a hole through her head. As if the stranger didn’t already stick out in the gloomy weather with her red dress, the girl’s blonde hair stuck out like a sore thumb against the dark night. She thought the stranger was beautiful, without a doubt. There was a certain gracefulness to the way she held herself. Before the girl could examine the stranger any further, the blonde gently grabbed her hand and led her off the bridge with a smile. The soft touch sent strange feelings to her stomach.


Let’s get coffee then. I’m more of a coffee person.”


The stranger turned away from her and kept a firm grip on her hand as she led her away, her heels clicking with every step. She could only stare at the figure before her, not knowing how to react to such a stranger.


She was the color that brightened up her gray world, the light that led her way through the dark, the umbrella that shielded her from the rain, the fire that warmed her up on a cold night, the miracle that found her before she lost herself.


She would never forget this day.


The day she tried to kill herself.


The day she met the beautiful stranger with the breathtaking smile.


Her savior.



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Chapter 42: Very touching! It got me thinking a lot of things about deserving to be happy, understanding and acceptance. One can't really have it all. But one thing's for sure, everyone deserves to be understood and accepted for what or who they are. I had a good time reading all of these. Thank u. :)
Chapter 36: The last line was very touching. 🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 35: What a better world that is, where Love is Love. I believe the world is changing, in some aspects, for the better. 😌♥️
Chapter 31: It's so nice! Really! 🥹
Chapter 30: I felt a lot of emotions reading Savior. 🥹
Chapter 23: There's still that something or someone to make us smile. ☺️
Chapter 18: I so like the last part. :)
Chapter 11: If I could put a thumbs up on every story I like in this collection, there'd be a lot! 👍
Chapter 8: Sweet!
Chapter 1: Yuri and Taeyeons's interaction is so funny!