
Late Nights

word count: 643
warnings: none. 
A/N: I started shipping Taegi, then I started shipping TaeGiKook as a joke. The joke was on me. 

         Jungkook... didn't know what to do.Taehyung was a mess, crying and hyperventilating on their bed after a rather taxing nightmare. It wasn't that this was new. Tae's nightmares were common knowledge and everyone in BTS knew he suffered from them. However, Yoongi was the only one who could calm him. How the rapper did, Jungkook had no idea. All he knew was he'd hear crying in the middle of the night then hear Yoongi hauling Taehyung out of their makeshift bed of 3 pushed together. 

         Yoongi always left with a sobbing Taehyung and returned an hour or so later with a sleeping one who would settle back down between his two lovers, calm and content. It was like magic. Magic Jungkook didn't possess.

         Yoongi was out of town for a few days and the last couple nights had gone without incident. Jungkook was almost in the clear. A shuddering breath brought the boy back and he pulled Taehyung into his arms, cooing at him. "It's okay, you're safe." He repeated over and over, but it was doing no good. Tae's tears were soaking his shirt through and the sight was enough to crush Jungkook's heart. He felt so useless and stupid, unable to help and bring Taehyung back to reality. So, he resorted to Plan B.

         Carefully, Jungkook set Tae back down on the bed, getting up to swtich on the light. However, the moment he let Tae go, the boy started screaming. Jungkook ran, cutting on the light and diving back into the bed only for Taehyung to crawl into his lap, letting the younger's arms wrap around him. "Shh, shh, I didn't do anywhere." Jungkook hoped no one else woke up.

         With Tae settled in his lap, Jungkook had a hard time reaching over to grab his phone, but he does. He grabs it and calls Yoongi, who answers groggily. 
         "Jungkook? It's 3am. What do you need?"

         "It's Taehyung! Yoongi, I don't know what to do. He's crying and screaming and he won't calm down and he won't tell me anything and-"

         "Jungkook." He stops speaking, realizing that he probably starting rambling and panicking. "Hand him the phone." After much prodding and pleading, Tae finally takes the phone. Yoongi's soft, sleepy drawl is muffled but whatever he's saying is releasing tension from Taehyung's body. Jungkook just rubs his back and shoulders, hoping to help somehow before the phone is pressed to his own ear. Looking down, he sees Tae's tear stained face with his pretty doe eyes staring back at him. 

         "Go back to sleep, love." Yoongi says. "He should be fine now. I'll see you both tomorrow. Good night."

         "Night. Love you." The call ends and Jungkook puts the phone away, lying down to cuddle with Taehyung. The boy presses into Jungkook's chest. It's 4:30am when they both finally manage to go back to sleep. 


         It's a few days later when Jungkook asks Yoongi what he says to their tall baby to calm during an episode. Yoongi shrugs. "Not much. You just need to remind him of where he is, detach the nightmare." Jungkook frowned because that was not helpful.

         "How can I do that without freaking out too?" Yoongi laughs.

         "Jungkook, let me worry over his nightmares, okay? You don't need to." Yoongi gives him a kiss and a pat on the head before going to take a nap. It's frustrating and rocks Jungkook's self confidence but later, when he's the one Taehyung clings to during a horror film, he realizes they all rely on each other for different things. This gives him some solaces as he moves to instead protect Tae from the monsters by wedging the elder between himself and Yoongi, who smiles and kisses them both on the cheek. 

         The ensuing groans and shouts of getting a room only makes the trio laugh.


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Chapter 1: Aww this is so cute <3
hyunjingjing #2
Chapter 1: I love your writing style and the plot, too sad its short. Hope you make a sequel or another taegikook. Taetae is so adorable here ^_^ ♥♥