The Lip Balm Prince & Donghyuk

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Donghyuk has Fallen in love for the 1st time in his life with Yunhyeong. 
...but Yunhyeong already has someone by his side, at least that's what Donghyuk thinks.


Donghyuk is in love & Yunhyeong doesn't know.


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Chapter 2: omg, this is so cute ;-;
Chapter 2: Cute story! Loved it ❤
Alphadreiz #3
Chapter 2: AAAAAAA SO CUTE I CANT TAKE IT!! Your fic is so good authornim...Please make more yundong fic in the future...I really love this story ugh
hanakhalilah #4
Chapter 2: Please make a sequel
ThreeBit #5
Chapter 1: Oh your story is just so cute please update!!!
Chapter 1: YAY yundong story!
pralinces #7
Chapter 1: eotteoke,that was sooo good,I'm a hardcore shipper of these two.seriously I love them both so much.please update soon,can't wait for more.I really want them to confess,but not too soon.Aish,I'm so happy that I found this fic :)
sushjsjonly13 #8
Chapter 1: Gues that I must following this cute fiction.
Aw, it's really hard to look for a Yundong fan fiction, but now, you are here.
I'm really interested in your fic, so I just wanna translate it into my language.
Do you agree with this decision?
I have just decided to translate yours into vietnamese, so that many people can read yours easily.
i promise that i will keep all of the source, lynk your post to my translation.
hope that I could recieve your acception in the nearest time.

Have a nice day, author