capteavating! — characters revealed!

chapter I - it truly is spring(et)

i mean, new beginnings and blooming flowers. how is it not spring?

3:04 PM. It was a slow, spring day at Capteavating. Tuesdays right after school weren't always popular for customers that would order heaps of items. Usually, students from nearby schools came in for a quick coffee fix while emersing themselves in a textbook. After that, the employees at Capteavating wouldn't really have to worry much about them (except Seokjin who would ocassionally check in on them). Due to such conditions, Yoongi, Seokjin, and Mei were all either seated or standing by the usual table of the Apgujeong boys as a conversation carried on.

"Are you sure you saw her on the way here?" Jimin interrogated with wide eyes shot towards Seokjin, "Like, positive-positive? Are you sure?!"

"Yes, child," Seokjin confirmed, "I saw her with my own two eyes, okay. Do not doubt me."

Jimin's hands began to sweat and this weird feeling in his chest began accelerating. He stood up from his chair and announced he was going outside for a breather... to only come back inside 2 seconds later. "WAIT, NOPE. What if I see her oh my, oh my," he spewed nervously.

"Isn't this your hundreth time freaking out about her coming here? I mean the first time, I thought you were going to actually cry and you're doing better now, but, shouldn't you be used to it?" Mei questioned the poor Jimin who was being comforted by Jungkook.

It seemed that Seokjin had caught a glimpse of a stunning girl with dyed, platinum blonde locks on her way to Capteavating. He had only informed the group because it was obvious as broad daylight that Jimin had the biggest crush on her which began the rush of nervousness. She had been coming for a while now, but he couldn't help this rush of emotions.

"I suppose I'm less nervous but- I mean, I'm not used to it," Jimin declared, "but I'll do better at handling this than last time." His eyes shone with determination as he received claps from Seokjin and Taehyung.

At that moment, the glass doors swung open with said beauty on the other side of it. This was Jimin's cue for his heart to race and Yoongi, Mei, and Seokjin's cue to roll out into working positions.

The blonde girl walked up to Seokjin and the register where she was greeted with a smile and his usual "Welcome to Capteavating? What can I get for you?" in his welcoming tone.

She looked at him straight in the eyes and calmly said, "I'd like a red velvet cheesecake and chocolate frappe. Please." Seokjin nodded, entered in her order, and asked the standard, "Is it for here or to go? Could I get your name, please."

The goddess opened her doll-like mouth and answered, "Kyori. And it's for here." Her tone was rather graceful and full of elegance. The young employee nodded, she handed him her card before he could even say the total, and he gave her the receipt. Moon Kyori is a third year attending Apgujeong High School. She's quite notorious for her vain and materialistic attitude, as well as her looks who have captured the hearts of many boys (including Jimin). It seemed that this was umpteenth time coming into Capteavating. Her first time was a few weeks ago, where she walked in and Jimin totally lost it. He half-expected her to leave after having a brief meeting with her food and drink, however, she stayed for some reason unknown to him. And that reason was the lively Apguejong boys. Their friendship was literally everything Kyori envied in friendships: intimacy. And so that day, she stayed to watch them, wishing she could join in. Today, she has returned for more cheesecake and perhaps to try mingling with them.

Yoongi began preparing her drink while Seokjin looked for another particular employee.

"Hey," Seokjin yawned, "Can you get a red velvet cheesecake to table 3, Aeeun?"

Hyun Aeeun is a third year at Apgujeong High School as well. She is well known for her androgynous looks, short height, and blank face. However, when she's with the boys, Aeeun's face begins to glow and she's struck by a ray of liveliness. She works at Capteavating as a waitress and is quite caring towards her guests, always trying to accomodate to them.

"Table 3?" Aeeun asked, "roger that!" She walked over to the cake display and opened the doors to reach for a slice of the desired cheesecake. She placed it onto a plate with a fork as Yoongi walked up to Aeeun to give her Kyori's drink.

"Wait!" exclaimed Jimin from his table as he ran up to Aeeun, "I'll take it again."

The petite girl nodded as the sunshine-like boy placed a note on the plate and swept the items away while meticulously walking over to Kyori, being careful to not drop her order. Once he made his way over, Jimin's cheeks flushed. She was even prettier from up close, it was unbelievable that someone so breathtaking as Kyori was right in front of him.

"Yes?" Kyori inquired as she looked up to see Jimin who was just gawking at her. The heat from his cheeks rose all over his face and even to his ears when she noticed he was just staring at her.

"H-here's your order! A r-red velvet cheesecake and chocolate f-frappe!" Jimin stammered, "P-please enjoy...!" He immediately turned away and ran to his friends before he could even see her reaction.

Honestly, Kyori didn't think much of his timid reaction and brushed it off. However, one thing that did catch her eye was another little, folded note placed by her cheesecake. Every day, it seemed that she was receiving anonymous notes of positivity. She wondered who was writing them, though. Kyori unfolded it to read the contents in which read I hope you have a good day!

When Jimin arrived back to the table, it seemed that his seat was captivated by another person, particularly a girl with skin as white as tofu. However, he didn't really mind, so he just pulled up another chair. Jimin didn't want to be rude and tell her to get up.

"Jimin, jimin!" the seated girl called as she looked up at him with her dark brown orbs radiating of affection, "How'd it go with Kyori?! Did you talk to her?"

"Somewhat?" He said with a nervous chuckle, "It's okay though. I'll do better next time."

"That's great!" she squealed, "I believe in you, Jimin. You'll win her heart okay, trust me. Once she starts talking to you, she'll fall for you. I mean, I don't know her, but anyone in their right mind would, right? Plus-"

"That's great! I believe in you, Jimin! My name is Noeul and I talk like this!" Jungkook mocked the girl in the most annoying, high-pitched voice that was forcibly energetic.

Hwang Noeul is a clumsy, outgoing first year at Hyundai Private. She's been best friends with Jungkook ever since their fetus days. After all, they're next door neighbors who get along really well, so it's obvious that they'd grow up together and confide a special type of intimacy within each other. She's made good friendships with the rest of the Apguejong boys (after being introduced by Jungkook) thanks to her amazing social skills, but her best friend will always have a special place in her heart. Even if they tease the out of each other.

"Hey! Shush it, 'flawless boy'." Noeul playfully snarled at her best friend with a joking look of disgust.

6:30 PM. "That was so good! I hope Mei rings me up with that mousse next time." Taehyung exclaimed dreamily as he finished taking the last spoonful of Noeul's mousse.

Noeul smiled at Taehyung and chirped, "Right?! It's especially good because it's chocolate flavored. I'm disappointed that I'm not sipping on my chocolate frappe right now. If only Namjoon didn't knock it down..."

"Sh, Noeul, Sh," Namjoon sassed with an overexaggerated look of despair, "Do not speak about my mistakes..."

If Namjoon is the best person at breaking things, then Noeul is tied in first place with him! They're both equally as clumsy when it comes to breaking things. They're incredibly accident-prone and were born for destruction. Due to their equal levels in breaking things, Jungkook thought this was a good time to tease Noeul.

"Don't you knock everything down too?" the young boy remarked in which he received a "Sh!" from Noeul and a gentle arm slap.

"Sorry, I'm late guys!" Hoseok ran into Capteavating alongside a foreign girl, "Yuxuan and I had unexpected practice."

An Yuxuan is a second year at Cheongdam High School. She's a reserved, Chinese ballerina. Since she goes to the same dance academy as Hoseok (for different dancing classes, of course), she's begun to get quite close to him. Enough for him to go to Capteavating with her at least.

The two seated themselves at the table and were filled in by Namjoon about the current conversation topic.

The group continued with their bantering and conversations while their empty dishes and dirty utensils surfaced their table. Whilist, standing behind them was an employee debating if picking up all of their dishes right now was really worth it. C'mon! If you do this, Taehyung will be proud of you. You need to stop looking at him and start going up there, she thought to herself. That actually did the trick and boosted her motivation to pick up the dishes.

"If you're done, I can take your dishes now," proposed the employee with a rather messy hair bun. She received nods and 'yes's from the group, so she proceeded to do so.

Once she started picking up the dishes near Taehyung, she received a "Your hair looks nice, Haeli." from the boy. Feeling shy and surprised, she stuttered a, "Sh-shank- I mean thanks." before walking away in shame of her stutter to put the dishes in the sink.

Go Haeli. Apgujeong High School first year. She's a feminist who can be quite lazy. However, with Taehyung as her motivation, she's no longer as lazy than before. The only reason he serves as her motivation is because, well, he's always on her mind. After a guy snided a ist remarked about how girls can't play the drums towards Haeli, Taehyung defended her and complimented her drumming skills. After that, he's never wavered from her mind. It's a good thing, though. He's like the only thing keeping her on her feet.

The boys and Noeul had their eyes glued on Namjoon's phone as they watched funny videos while the high school employees of Capteavating finished up their shifts. In this moment, Kyori felt as if she had enough just watching and listening to them laugh their day away. She wanted to try to be apart of that bubble too, but didn't know how. However, she mustered up the courage, and decided to walk over to them and join in.

The laughter from their table died down as they looked up to see the nearing Kyori who stood by them. It was time for her to mingle.

"Y'know," Kyori mingled, "there's a part two to that funny video. I can show you it."

"Really?" Hoseok inquired, looking rather shocked.

"No," Kyori sternly hissed, "There's not. I'm lying. It's me, your Queen who lies and I came here for no reason." She slightly rolled her eyes a bit while running fingers through her hair, "Anyways. Gimme that thing."

Jimin instantly reached for Namjoon's phone and handed it to her, "H-here you go!"

Kyori accepted it, typed in a few things, and pulled it up, "Here you go." She placed the phone back on the table and watched the video alongside the group.

After laughing for a good moments at the video, Jungkook looked over his shoulder to see a child-like girl he had once met in a grocery store seated behind his table. It seemed that she was alone, taking a break from her usual studies since she was using her phone. "Hey, Cha Seongmi!" he called, "Come over here! You've gotta watch these videos."

Cha Seongmi is a first year at Cheongdam High School. Seongmi is quite bubbly and somewhat ressembles a child due to her height and youthful face that's probably looked the same ever since she was in middle school. Seongmi has been quite good friends with Noeul since middle school, but it's only been till recently that she's met Jungkook. (And their meeting was rather... interesting. I mean, trying to scare off some chubchub tellytubby-looking guy at the grocery store who's trying to hit on you by saying the nearest guy next to you aka Jungkook is your boyfriend is interesting, right?). Despite knowing Noeul, she chooses to sit away from the Apgujeong boys since she doesn't know anyone else when Noeul's not there (Noeul only comes in on certain days) and would prefer to do her homework.

Seongmi looked up from phone and obediently scurried over while exclaiming, "Coming, coming!" She stood between Jungkook and Noeul and looked over their heads to watch the video. Laughs roared from the table (especially Hoseok's) as they continued to watch more and more videos that Kyori suggested.

At this time, it seemed that the young Capteavating employees had just finished their shift and were making their way towards the Apgujeong boys and others.

"Hey," Mei asserted, "Some people are trying to study, so try keeping it down."

"Yeah, guys!" Hoseok nodded, "Listen to Mei."

Yoongi slightly flicked Hoseok's head, "You're the loudest one here."

"Truuuuuu," chorused the rest of Apgujeong boys.

"Anyways, I think we should all start heading home. It's getting quite dark." Namjoon announced while rising from his seat. Everyone nodded in agreement, began to pack up their stuff, and headed for the door. It was indeed time to go home.

"Jungkook!" Noeul gushed, "Let's get egg bread on the way home. I want egg bread, let's get egg bread."

And of course he couldn't say no, "Yeah, let's go. But wait," he turned around to look at Seongmi, "I gave you my kakao the other day, right? You better message me tonight."

The young girl smiled up to her ears, "For sure! Have a safe trip home! Bye, Noeul!" She waved and received a smile from the two before Noeul hauled Jungkook the opposite way from everyone else. And so, Seongmi was left to trail behind the others.

"Okay, guys," Namjoon said at an intersection while they waited to cross the street, "This is where we part. I will see you all tomorrow."

"Don't forget to do your homework guys! And season your dinner reasonably," Seokjin reminded the others in which he received a bunch of "yeah, yeah"s.

The light turned green which signaled the time for the group to part. The Apgujeong High students and Yuxuan waved goodbye to Mei and Seongmi before crossing the street and hitting their way home. Mei and Seongmi waved back and they began to walk home.

"Wait-" Mei mumbled as she grasped onto Yoongi's arm before he could even get off the sidewalk, "My mom made tonkatsu ramen. Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? There's lots of meat."

"Will there be lots of pork chashu?" He drawled before letting out a yawn.

"Of course! Lots of kakuni too," Mei chimed, "Come?"

Before the boy could even answer, the light had turned red for his respective crosswalk home and the light turned green for Mei's. Yoongi began crossing the street before insisting, "I'm only going because the light turned red. And because there's meat." He hid his face from the shorter girl and looked up to the starry sky.

Mei walked behind him, happy that her meat-crazed friend would be coming over for dinner again.

Following the two was a rather quiet Seongmi. She was always rather friendly and socialable, however, being alone with the two was kind of awkward. Plus, she didn't know how to talk to the Mei who intimidated her or the Yoongi who never spoke more than two sentences at a time. And so, she left the two to themselves and pulled out her phone. Maybe I should message Jungkook, she thought to herself, After all, he was nice enough to sit with me the other day and invite me over today. Seongmi pulled out her phone from her bag, unlocked it, and accesed the Kakao app. She typed the message, 'hello :)', and pressed 'Send'. Hmm, she thought as she looked up at the sky, I wonder when he'll reply.

It was a slow, spring day at Capteavating. However, for the Apgujeong boys and their friends, it was another day filled with excitement.

author's notes: OMG IT'S HERE! FINALLY!!! Okay I apologize for this chapter. I know it kind of , but it's meant to be a chapter where they've only begun to get close ever since recently. The upcoming ones will have them get closer, don't fret! But I know it's not the best writing piece of done, excuse me. BUT CONGRATS TO THE FOLLOWING- AngelofThursday23's An Yuxuan dobibaby's Cha Seongmi --viskeu's Go Haeli Adlyne_Hyun's Hyun Aeeun loudsky's Hwang Noeul hobipie's Moon Kyori I chose all of your lovely characters because of they were all puzzle pieces that fit perfectly in the story. Congragulations to you guys! And to those that weren't accepted, apologies but please do not be discouraged! Continue writing lovely characters that'll be puzzle pieces for another applyfic, I believe in you. If your character's been chosen, please PM me the answer to the following questions (may be answered in either first or third pov): Out of the all the girls, who are you closest to and why? Is there anyone you dislike in particular? Explain why. Who do you ship the most and why? Please pm me those answers as soon as you can, thank you! Also, the reason why I chose both Noeul and Seongmi is that despite both listing Jungkook as their love interest, Noeul was supposed to have a close friend from middle school that Jungkook ends up becoming interested in AND TBH I FELT LIKE SEONGMI FITTED THAT POSITION SO WELL. So even if they don't go to the same school either, they're both still really good friends AND AAA omg I hope you both don't mind that I did that ;;; But it just really added up to me. ANYWAYS, thank you to all for reading and participating! I appreciate you guys so much. <3

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cptvtng! — halfway done with chapter two! really trying my hardest to make sure everyone has a prominent scene of some sort.


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Chapter 1: i miss this ; ; hwaiting !
Chapter 2: omg am i the only one that didn't get the update for this,,,
but anyways! it's fine, take your time!
yikes, i hope you can find a good job!
and same about the load of summer assignments lol
i haven't started on mine rip but that's okay HAHA
but yea, can't wait to enjoy the cafe shenanigans again hehe <333
Chapter 2: It's okay, Magic-chan ^^
We understand and thank you for coming back safe ^^
Chapter 2: aww it's okay we understand.
thank you for not abandoning this story, it's more than we can hope for
can't for the new chapter! <3
Chapter 2: Its okay ^^ hope you're fine now.
Chapter 2: aw, i hope you settle in well and good luck finding a job c: i can't wait to read more.
It's okay :)

Take your time
oh my
take ur time!!
we'll be patient LOL
Chapter 1: no no, take your time friend
we can wait its okay
right guys?
Chapter 1: you already updated the character page!
and your description about noeul totally hit the spot.
especially the 'noeul started going to capteavating to meet up with
her bestfriends, jungkook, who she's rather possessive about' lol.