(Once A) Troublemaker, Always (A Troublemaker)

(Once A) Troublemaker, Always (A Troublemaker)

Title: (Once A) Troublemaker, Always (A Troublemaker)

Author: Flowery

Pairing(s): JunSeung, slight!KiWoon and DooSeob

Warning: BoyxBoy love. Enough said.

Author’s Note: This is purely fictional! I guess I was having that flat face when I found out about JS -_-“






Hyunseung always has problems when it comes to details.

He tends to forget it, or to ignore it, or to forget it. Or to forget it. Okay, he said it twice already.

Of course Junhyung would constantly remind him, and Hyunseung would just nod happily at his boyfriend, but when they got separated the minute after—Hyunseung would forget it about already. It became one of the reason why Junhyung had to stay beside Hyunseung as often as he could, to remind his 4D prince of his. To poke him when he’s daydreaming. To smile comfortingly at him when they weren’t side by side—but Junhyung’d always be there for him.

That’s why when Hyunseung was gonna paired with Hyuna, Junhyung was a little worried.

Don’t get him wrong, he loves Hyunseung and he thought his voice was lovely and deserved a solo—or in this case, a duet with their y Hyuna—but that means they’re gonna spend less time together, like the KiWoon couple. Oh God, just thinking about it made butterflies in Junhyung’s stomach danced wildly. Dongwoon had been depressed about not being able to spend more time with his boyfriend and he almost whined at Doojoon everyday.

But Junhyung’s not worried about Kikwang.

Kikwang’s strong, and he gotta admit that the Ace was a solo before joining Beast, so it’s safe to say that he’s...independent. It’s not that Hyunseung’s not independent, but the doe eyed male just needs someone beside him to keep on reminding him, and being his boyfriend’s for the past two years, reminding Hyunseung is what Junhyung does best. Okay, so he was probably a drama king for making this too big, Hyunseung is 22 afterall, he’s old enough to take care of himself.

But still, Junhyung’s worried about Hyunseung. A lot.






“Junnie,” Hyunseung tilted his head to a side cutely. “Why Troublemaker?”

Junhyung looked up from his music sheets and stared blankly at Hyunseung. “Why Troublemaker?”

“Yeah. Why Troublemaker?”

“Why Troublemaker?”

Hyuna stared at both males with amusement. She rested her chin on her hand on the table. These guys are getting more and more alike lately. They need to stop being so obvious.

“Is it because I cause trouble all the time?”, Hyunseung looked sad all of a sudden. “I’m a burden to you, Junnie, ain’t I?”

No, no, Hyunseung’s not a burden to Junhyung at all. Junhyung didn’t mind, even with all of Hyunseung’s 4D-ness, even with all of Hyunseung’s questions every single night when they’re about to fall asleep, even with Geurim called him most of the time, worried about her brother’s stupidity curiosity. Junhyung didn’t mind. No, he didn’t mind at all.

Because he just loves Hyunseung too deep.

Who wouldn’t love Hyunseung?

Everyone would love Hyunseung. That is...until they find out, of course. Sometimes Hyunseung asked senseless questions too much. Even Doojoon would turn to Junhyung at times and asked, “What the hell is he talking about? Please translate it for me.”

And Junhyung knew. He knew since the first time he decided to date the pretty male. He still remembered to this day about Hyunseung’s reaction when Junhyung first asked him out. It was precious.

Hyunseung’s eyes widened in surprise. “Y-you’re asking me out?”

Junhyung nodded firmly. “I am. Please go out with me, Jang Hyunseung.”

“B-b-but... I’m weird, I’m strange, I’m dreamy, I’m forgetful, I’m annoying, did I mention that I’m weird?”

“I won’t take no for an answer. Let me repeat that again. Weird Jang Hyunseung, will you please go out with me?”


Junhyung was snapped back to reality. He glanced at Hyunseung and Hyuna who had been staring at him curiously. He cleared his throat before saying, “Well, I...discussed it with manager and the others... At first we’d use 2Hyun for the stage name, but then again, it sounds like you’re a couple—while you’re not at all, ahaha, what am I saying? Of course you’re not. Uhm, anyway...then Troublemaker occured to me, and I thought it’d be cool so no matter where you are, you guys would always be trouble maker...you’d kick .”

Hyuna’s eyes were sparkling with excitement. “I like that!”

“Yeah. We’ll kick ,” Hyunseung turned to Hyuna and they both giggled like teenagers.

Junhyung sighed. “Just...”

“Hm? Just what, Junnie?”

“Just...not more than a fanservice, okay? Just...don’t go tongue slash saliva exchange on stage... Especially you,” Junhyung narrowed his eyes at Hyunseung. “And not you, Hyuna, I know you, sweetie,” he smiled at Hyuna. “Well then, shall we go back to practice? We still have to finish the last part.”






Junhyung felt sorry for Dongwoon.

They’re going to perform in Singapore for Mnet Asia Music Awards in a few days, but Kikwang was still busy with schedule. Dongwoon looked really troubled, first because he missed his Hyung badly. Like bad, so, very badly. And second, he overheard them talking on the phone last night with Dongwoon telling Kikwang the moves for the live Fiction. Kikwang’s good with dancing and he’s sure the Ace will have no problem about it, since Troublemaker’s gonna be inserted in the middle of the song.

Oh yeah, Troublemaker. How did the practice go?

Lately Hyunseung had been coming home late due to the dance practice. Junhyung’s been asking him how’s it going, and the latter would only smile and nodded in enthusiasm, saying that everything goes well.

When Troublemaker teaser came out, Junhyung almost got a heart attack when he saw the “JS and Hyuna.”

JS as in...JunSeung?

Whoa. Hyunseung’s never been that bold about their relationship before.

Nonononono, keep it logical, Yong Junhyung, it could be just Jang Seungie or something, Junhyung thought to himself, but somehow he wished for his first thought to be true. The questions from s weren’t helping either.

“What is JS, Hyung?”, Yoseob asked as they finished watching the teaser for the umpteenth time.

“...JunSeung?”, Junhyung lazily answered.


“As if they’re not obvious,” Doojoon snorted.

Yoseob hit Doojoon playfully and beamed at Junhyung. “I’m so happy! I’m really, really happy!”

Me too... Junhyung replied inwardly, ignoring Yoseob’s happy chirping. If only it’s true...






An hour before departing to Singapore, Kikwang appeared at the airport, looking pale and exhausted. He fell into his boyfriend’s arms right away and Dongwoon let him stay there. Junhyung noticed the worried expression—for Kikwang’s health and the relieved expression—finally, finally for having Kikwang in his arms. He smiled for the couple.

DooSeob couple went to God knows where and Junhyung turned to Hyunseung who was chatting with Hyuna.

“So,” Junhyung cleared his throat. “Premiere tonight?”

Hyuna laughed. “Hey, we’re not the main performers here. Beast is.”

“I bet you’re gonnabe great,” Junhyung smiled. “Just...remember, no...fan service whatsoever, okay?” then he turned his back on them, back to observing the KiWoon couple. Somehow, the depression on Dongwoon’s face was gone. However, he didn’t see that Hyuna went pale.

“Did you hear that? No fanservice whatsoever! He’ll kill me!”, Hyuna whispered loudly. “I told you he’s been telling you no fanservice since that day, right?”

“Is something wrong?”, Junhyung frowned and stared at both of them. Hyuna looked like a cat that’s been spotted stealing, and Hyunseung just stared back at his boyfriend innocently.

“...no...”, Hyuna squeaked and sank back to her seat.

An announcement was heard and Junhyung noticed that it was for their flight to Singapore.

“Hey guys, it’s our flight, we have to get on board now,” Doojoon appeared suddenly, hands in hands with Yoseob. However he frowned at the female. “Are you okay, Hyuna?”

Hyuna could only nod weakly.






Beast was the first to perform and it even made Hyuna more nervous. She kept on glaring at her face in the mirror and sometimes glanced at the other members. The make up artist put too much foundation and powder on Kikwang’s face—and a bit too much eyeliner, too—to cover all the tiredness on his face.

I’m a professional, Hyuna said to herself to feel calm. I’m a professional. I’m used to performing. I’m used to live performance. I can do this and consider everything as a fanservice—BUT HOLY JUNHYUNG SAID NO FANSERVICE! AAHH I’M DEAD!

“Noona are you okay?”, Kikwang asked worriedly as he realized Hyuna has been pulling her hair out, messing up the stylist’s work.

“I’m dead,” Hyuna stared at Kikwang desperately.


“Beast! To your position in ten minutes! Hyuna-shii, this way please!”

Kikwang stared worriedly at her as the director dragged her lifeless body away.

At first everything went okay. Beauties screamed as they appeared from underground, ‘til the part where they stopped singing and the audience’s eyes were fixed on Hyunseung and Hyuna only. Junhyung stared at both of them from below, eyes widened in amazement. He knew that Hyunseung’s good in dancing—but dayum, why does he even look hotter now?

Junhyung can’t wait for them to be back at the hotel and he’s sure gonna have that hottie back to himself—

—but the thought vanished as he witnessed two lips clashed together.

The audience went wild, and for a ninja moment Hyuna looked like she was about to cry, but being a professional artist, she quickly regained herself and continued dancing in such a cold face. Then Troublemaker was done, and Beast continued to sing where they left off.

Backstage, Junhyung was so pissed off that he decided not to talk to both of them.

Hyuna tried to approach him. “Junhyung! I’m so sorry! I keep on telling Hyunseung that it should’ve been on the cheek—he didn’t even kiss me properly on the lips! It was ust the corner of my lip!”

“It’s enough,” Junhyung quietly said. “I don’t want to hear any explanations right now.”

“But...”, Hyuna looked miserable. “But...”

“It’s okay. I just need to calm myself first,” Junhyung smiled as sincere as he could to Hyuna before storming off.

The others decided not to follow Junhyung, because they knew Junhyung really needs to be alone right now. Yoseob patted Hyuna comfortingly on her back.

Kikwang’s phone was ringing and Dongwoon quickly grabbed it away.

“Woonie, it’s ringing,” Kikwang said innocently.

“Schedule’s killing you, Hyung,” Dongwoon frowned. “We’re in Singapore, can’t you just take a day off or two? It’s been a while since we’re together. I miss you.”

“I miss you too...but...I can’t,” Kikwang sighed. “The only reason they let me took a day off because I’ve been whining about it since forever and because there were too much Beauties whining on Twitter, asking why I couldn’t make it. I promised them I’d get back as soon as it’s done...”

“I’m coming with you, then.”

“You can’t, Woonie. Stop being so stubborn.”

“But I’m your boyfriend.”

“I know,” Kikwang smiled and leaned closer to his boyfriend’s face. “And I’m grateful to have you as my boyfriend,” he said before pressing his lips softly against Dongwoon’s. “I’ll meet you later at the dorm, okay?”

Dongwoon stubbornly still wanted to be with Kikwang at least until the taxi’s arrived, but they told them they needed Beast to sit as soon as possible. He had a hard time letting go, before finally, finally letting Kikwang’s hand out of his grasp. Kikwang left alone, and it hurt Dongwoon a lot.

Yoseob patted Dongwoon’s back comfortingly.

“He’s lucky to have you,” Doojoon smiled.

“I sometimes wished we weren’t idols, Hyung,” Dongwoon sighed. “He’s worked too hard. He needs to rest...”

“But then again,” Doojoon spoke quietly. “If we weren’t one, we wouldn’t’ve met, right?”

Dongwoon stared at Doojoon who slung an arm around Yoseob’s shoulder. He smiled. “You’re right, Hyung... You’re right.”






Finally the night was over and they went back to the hotel. Yoseob’s been clinging to the award—he even tweeted it, saying that the award should sleep with him and Doojoon tonight. Dongwoon said goodnight to everyone and he disappeared into his room. Hyunseung was already in the room, and when Junhyung was about to enter it, Hyuna stopped him.

“Hey,” Hyuna smiled awkwardly.

“Hey,” Junhyung sighed. “Listen, I’m sorry about tonight.”

“You don’t need to apologize. He’s your boyfriend afterall. Anyway, if it’s making you any better... One of the members of A Pink asked Hyunseung if she’s going to date girls now. He was only blinking to the question—God, his expression was so funny—but then he answered, and I’ve never seen him so confident before...”

“No. Junhyung will always be my boyfriend.”

“Afterall...”, Hyuna poked his side playfully. “What else does JS stand for, right?”

She wished him goodnight before going to her room.

And Junhyung felt thankful that it was Hyuna. It was Hyuna, his family, their Cube family, the person who’s been supporting and was always there for him—for Beast. Soon Junhyung’s gloomy mood was replaced with happiness.

Yeah, Jang Hyunseung, I will always be your boyfriend.

“You’re late,” Hyunseung mumbled sleepily as Junhyung entered the room.

“No sleeping for you tonight,” Junhyung climbed on to the bed and started ing Hyunseung’s shirt. “I need an explanation such as...why...did...you...kiss...Hyuna?”, he bit and Hyunseung’s gently between words. “And I told you no fanservice either.”

Hyunseung moaned shyly but letting Junhyung explored farther downwards. “Eh? B-but Junnie...you said no t-tongue slash saliva exchange...I did nothing of that, right?”

Junhyung stopped and sat up abruptly. “What?”

“I only kissed her...but not a deep kiss right? Beside, I only kissed the corner of her lip...it was kinda awkward though...”


Junhyung facepalmed. “Okay... I’ll try to be more details next time. This time you’re forgiven...with a punishment.”

Hyunseung actually didn’t understand and he wanted to ask more of the details, but as Junhyung took off his pants, he couldn’t help but feeling excited with the punishment he’s gonna get.






“I bet they’re gonna ask you about the JS thing,” Junhyung said on the phone. “Are you ready?”

“Yeah! I’m ready!”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t I be sure?”

Junhyung smiled. Because it’s about us? “Nothing. Good luck with the interview.”

Hyunseung pouted. “I wish you’re here with me.”

“Hey, you have Hyuna, right? I’ll be watching with the others from here. They all said hi.”

“So you’re gonna tell the world what JS means, right?”, Hyuna said excitedly to Hyunseung as soon as he hung up the phone, right before the interview.

“Yeah,” Hyunseung smiled.

“I bet Junhyung’s gonna be so happy!”

“Yeah, he  is—wait, why is he going to be happy?”

“Eh?”, Hyuna blinked. “Because—“

“We’re going live! In five, four, three, two, one...”

They finally got a day off and both Beast and 4 Minute decided to spend their time together, since they were going to watch Troublemaker’s live interview on TV. Sohyun had been bouncing like a little girl, impatiently waiting for her Noona’s appearance.

“Popcorns,” Gayoon put two big bowls of popcorns on the table and everyone dug in right away.

“It’s on! It’s on!”

“JS and Hyuna!”

“Wow, Seungie sure looks handsome!”

“And Noona looks pretty as ever!”

“So I heard from Hyuna,” Jiyoon turned her head at Junhyung. “About JS. Congratulations.”

“To be honest, I don’t even know what JS means,” Junhyung shrugged. “You know how Seung is. He tends to decide things for himself.”

“But come on, what else could it be? We can’t think of other options either.”

“So Hyunseung-shii...”, the interviewer on the TV said and everyone in the room fell silent. “Everyone has been curious about your JS initial. The fans believed that it’s a symbol for your relationship. Is it true?”

“Of course it is!”, Hyunseung laughed and flashed them bright, white teeth.

Junhyung’s heart almost stopped beating.

“It’s Jay Stomp!”

Hyuna snapped her head to Hyunseung in horror.

A few minutes after that, all Beast and 4 Minute ran away to save their lives.

That day, all of the other Beast members didn’t have enough courage to come home before Hyunseung’s home.














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For a moment I though Hyuna would appear in this (the title xD)
Chapter 1: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH JAY STOMP!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Hyunseung you little ball of oddness xD
Chapter 1: What's the meaning of Jay Stomp?? :))))
iecha_chacha #4
Chapter 1: Poor junhyung ..he really hope JS is JunSeung..but that not the matter.,they love each other... ^_^
And what is Jay Stomp...????
AnnoNiji #5
Chapter 1: Seriouslyyyyy when HyunSeung is 200% 4D you can't stop laughing :DDD poor Junnie though XD (but it's funny and he loves his Seungie!!)
Chapter 1: phahaaha oh seungie XD phahaha
LOL! Loved it. My partner didn't appreciate being woken by my shrieks of laughter, though...
mepastah #8
i'll never get over the jay stomp. EVER.<br />
seungie...wae seungie, wae?
I'm backkkkkkkk xD Do you remember me? You probably don't, but yeah, anyways.....<br />
THAT. WAS. HILARIOUS. I love it so much! <br />
I cracked up so much when Junhyung asked out Seungie XD But if a guy ever asked me out like that, I would kick him.<br />
<br />
Btw, what's Jay Stomp? :3 Lol, I feel stupid
This is totally AWESOME!! I just couldn‘t stop laughing throughout the whole story.<br />
Hyunseung is really naive. Kekeke~<br />
Do write more if this! I love it! :D