The start of a new day

For You

As the sun sets and the city was lit with bright colors, that made Lina's eyes twingkle as her and Jihyun was walking at the distric of Myeongdong.  That same day, Namjoon needed to go somewhere.  Lina was curious as to what was Jihyun and Namjoon was talking that same time when he waved at them goodbye. And since she doesn't know hangul, her curiousty grew even more as time pass by. "Jihyun" Lina called her friend. "Hmm" Jihyun answer. "What was you and Namjoon talking about earlier? I heard the word schedule and photoshoot, is he like a photographer or perhaps..." Lina said but her words was cut of by Jihyun who was strattled. "N-no...hehe, it's ah..."Jihyun paused, thinking of a better excused to her friend.  How am i going to tell her that Namjoon is a celebrity and that he has a endorsment photoshoot...I can't lie to her...but..aish, i have to...i need to protect my friend..Jihyun thought.  Lina was waiting for her to say something, or perhaps continue what she was about to say, when finally Jihyun smile at her.  "Lina, is that important right now?" she then asked her friend.  Lina blink at her, "Your right, sorry, I was just curious, you know, since i don't know hangul" Lina honestly tell Jihyun.  "It's ok, you'll get used to it...maybe in a couple of months your a pro on it" Jihyun encouranging Lina.  Lina smiled at her friend.  "So, were in the fashion district of seoul, where do you wanna go first?" Jihyun then said to her, trying to take her mind at ease.  Lina look around at the street of  Myeongdong, there where alot of tourist, but what caught her eyes was something even Jihyun counld'nt hide anymore.  "Omg! Jihyun...this is the store I was hoping to go" Lina said to her friend with pure excitement in her tone.  Jihyun giggled at her friend, "Etude House? Do you wanna go in, Lina?" she then asked her. Lina nodded as she smiled brightly at her friend. Lina pull Jihyun as they both went in into the costmetic store. One of the staff greeted them and smiled, that both girls returned with a smile.  Lina feels like she was in a candy store, with lots of things to choose from.  Jihyun look at her friend with amusement in her, she never seen Lina this happy since the day her 20 something birthday last year.  It was all a vivid memory that both of them want to forget.  "If only time can moved fast...if only" Jihyun murmur to herself.  Lina noticed the sudden glum in her friends expression. "Jihyun" she call her, Jihyun look up where Lina was, she then walk towards her friend.  "Did you find what you wanted to get?" she then asked Lina. Lina try on a pink lip gloss with a bit of shimmer on it, "What do you think?" she then asked her friend.  Jihyun examine her friend, Lina suddenly look a bit confused when Jihyun pick a lip stick in a shade of red. "You know I don't wear that color" she then said to Jihyun. "I know, but would it be nice to try new things...i mean you are in a new country..why not try new things" Jihyun persuade Lina.  Lina thought for a second, "you're right...I need to get out of my comfort zone, give me that then" she then snatch the lipstick out of Jihyun's hand.  Lina tried the lipstick as she put on in her lips. "How was it?" she then asked her friend but someone responded to her.  "That looks great on you, you look beautiful" the voice said behind Lina.  Both girls look where the voice come's from.  A tall guy with a mask on his face was smiling at the both of them, his eyes was like almond, hair fair as the color of his eyes and his skin is fit as a prince.  I didn't know guys in Korea was into this kind of stuff...what are the odds..Lina thought, despited her innocence. 


"T-thank you" Lina politely said to the man. "Your welcome" he then reply to her as he went on his way out of the store.  That little interaction made both Lina and Jihyun giggle as they look at each other. "Who was that?" Jihyun said to her friend, "I don't know but he's kind of cute" Lina reply back.  Little did they know that the man look back at them and was watching them with a bright smile behind its mask.  Ah, Kim Seokjin...what are you doing? but she was really pretty tho...wonder what her name was..he then tell himself.  Jin was suddenly was greeted by one his friend, Namjoon who was also wearing a mask.  "Hyung" he then said to him that made Jin strattled a bit. "Aish, don't scare me like that" he then said to the boy. Namjoon try to look at what Jin was looking but the older was quick to grab him by the shoulder and pull him out of that store.  "How was the photoshoot?" Jin asked Namjoon as soon that they are farther from where Lina and Jihyun was. "It was alright, it went by quick actually" he then honestly said to Jin.  "Hyung, what are you doing in that costmetic store earlier? did you buy something? let me see" he then said as he try to grab the bag out of Jin's hand.  "Aish, it's nothing important...but there was a girl over there, she was really pretty, I don't think she's from here tho" he then said to Namjoon.  "Did you talk to her?" he then asked, "of course i did, I kind of complimented her about her lipstick" he then said.  Namjoon nodded. "Ah, Hyung, we need to get going...the other members are hungry and there is nothing to eat at the house" he then said to Jin.  Jin look at him like a mother would to its son, "aigoo, is that what am I to you guys? huh!" he then said as he ruffled Namjoon's hair. Both laugh as they headed to the car that was waiting for them.   Lina and Jihyun walk around as they headed to more stores.  Both are having a blast at each other company. "You know we never get to do this when we are back in the states" Jihyun suddenly mention. "You're right...that's because we're both busy" Lina then reply.   Jihyun suddenly look at her phone to check the time, "Oh my, its getting late Lina, we should head home. Omma, wanted to make us a authentic korean dish" She then said, "I can't wait to taste your mom's cooking...i bet it's better than my mom's" Lina teased.  Jihyun shake her head, "don't say that, your mom was a pretty good cook...I kinda missed her cooking now" Jihyun then said as she reminisce at that time when she went to your house back in high school.   Lina giggled at her friend, she then grab Jihyun's arm "we better get going...or we won't be tasting that aunthetic dish your mom prepared for us" she then said to Jihyun,  both girls headed home to end the day worth of fun and laughter. 




An Update!!yay!!!

Thank you for 30 views, hope you all enjoying this so far. tell me how i do with this one, I like reading your comments, it inspired me to write more and thank you for stopping by to read them. ^^ Have a good day/night. <3

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Chapter 38 is up..please let me know what you guys think or if there's need to be adjustment on the font..leave me a comment or a message. thank you


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KawaiiDroid #1
Chapter 6: Really like story so far. Personally I'm always up for the elements in stories, but if there'll be none it won't hurt :3 *impatiently waits for new updates*
Chapter 1: yeez youre really good!