Shooting Star [Edited]



Not all ending has a closure.



My second attempt at a drabble.

This time it's based on Lovelyz's Shooting Star (hence the title).


Kind of made a promise that I would do a one-shot based on this song (months ago when it first came out). It's been bugging me but I haven't been able to come up with a proper storyline.

A few days ago my friend published a collection of poetry she and her friend wrote and I kind of got inspired by that. I'm not artistic enough for poetry though, hence the drabble. Amazingly this time I managed to capture 100 words exact without much setbacks. Finished it in like an hour or so.

Hope you enjoy!

And feedback is absolutely loved =D


Update: 23 Feb '17; just entered this story into a one-shot writing contest A Freedom Writing Contest (Round 3). Wish me luck!


Update: 27 Jun '18; Just edited it, hopefully the grammar is easier to swallow lol




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