ENVOLE - MOI | fly away and wild , young |


envole moi:
a kakaotalk roleplay



Welcome to envole moi! We wish you all fun and happiness forever. This is the place for you to escape from the reality of being an idol and mingle around with new faces or even the familiar one. no one shall be discriminate and everyone must have fun, or if you are an introvert, do not worry my child - we will make sure you will at least thousand of friends to talk to. in envole, we encourage you to be real and to be nothing but yourself. tired of being an idol? tired of pretending not to be real? in envole, you can be anything you wanted to except something extraordinary because damn, you already special in the eyes of us. so what are you waiting for, lets join us and be part of this growing family.

go to base →
Member Count
— rules & guidelines

001. subscribes, upvote if you think we desrve to be one.

002. no face chase. strictly we are not encourage or even allowed face chasing stuff to be around. we don't mind if your bias are around and you can't just control the temptation, we understand. but make sure talk to everyone and not to let even a person feel unwelcome.

003. strictly no ooc drama. we don

t want to see any and never welcoming any. childish fight? go to your pm and handle it wisely.

004. reserved your character. comment below. masterlist will be updated soon. inactive after 2 weeks.

— how to join

001. No password needed because i'm to lazy but make sure you understand and read it the guidlines carefully.

002. after done with your character reservation and admin responded, pm any of the admins.

003. admin sehun  (dktyss) admin kai (envolemoi). with caps off,

004. State your name, age, orientation while applying.

— updates

02/23/16 officially open.

00/00/00 Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.

Short 4 line event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.

kai. sehun. baekhyun. chanyeol.

Group Name
name. name. name. name.

Group Name
name. name. name. name.

Group Name
name. name. name. name.

Group Name
name. name. name. name.

Group Name
name. name. name. name.

Group Name
name. name. name. name.

Group Name
name. name. name. name.

Group Name
name. name. name. name.

Group Name
name. name. name. name.

Group Name
name. name. name. name.


Name wishes for
name. name. name. name.

Name wishes for
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Name wishes for
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Name wishes for
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Name wishes for
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Name wishes for
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Name wishes for
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Name wishes for
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Name wishes for
name. name. name. name.

Name wishes for
name. name. name. name.


Name and Name
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Name and Name
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Do Kyungsoo
Byun Baekhyun
S-rare: Wu Yifan
avadakedavracx #4
Officially open!