Falling for.. Sleep?

Unexpected x10

Kang Iseul didn’t want to be standing in front of a Korean Dunkin Donuts, fumbling with won  while trying to pay for a jelly donut.

She didn’t want to be that awkward American people were staring at in line.

She just wanted ..




“Ah, here we go, 1,800 won. I’m sorry for the wait.” Iseul mumbled while bowing and taking her receipt.


“You better be happy with that donut, we just spent 1,800 won on it.” Iseul took her luggage and started walking to the chairs.


“YEA DUH OF COURSE I’M HAPPY, I WAS STARVING ON THE PLANE. THE FOOD THERE IS NASTAY.” Seojun did a 360 twirl while munching on his donut.


“Aigoo. Just don’t go anywhere, we’re supposed to be meeting iimo (aunt in korean) here.” Iseul sat down and put her headphones on.


“ISEUL- AH, SEOJUN-AH IIMO IS HERE.” Aunt Eunjung quickly walked up and gave both of them a hug.


“Omo, Iseul you got so tall and SEojun-ah you look so much mature.” Aunt Eunjung dotted.


“Aha.. thanks iimo.”

*sigh I don’t even get a minute of rest before my crazy life in Korea begins*


“Come on, I’ll get you guys some food and we can go back to my flat in Seoul.” Aunt Eunjung gestured outside.


A few days had passed since they landed in Korea, and Iseul was already familiar with the area. Her aunt lives in a flat near Gangnam so Iseul decided to walk around and do some light shopping. She was 16 after all, which is probably old enough.. right?


Iseul was walking across the street when she heard her phone ring. She quickly ran to the other side and picked it up.


“What? iimo? Why are you calling?” Iseul scrunched her face up in confusion.


“Ahh your cousin want to meet you in Gangnam,” Aunt Eunjung replied.


“Uh iimo, my cousins, your children, I saw them off to middle school this morning..” Iseul scratched her head.


“No, No This is your cousin from your dad’s side, they contacted me through your dad. I’ll send you the location. Have fun!” her aunt said.


.”oh ok arasseo, I’m hanging up,” Iseul ended the call and checked her messages.


She was confused, all the korean still screwed her up. Iseul was fluent, but she had trouble writing and couldn’t read as a fast as a native since she

never actually got practice outside of speaking with her family and friends.


After a few minutes she finally figured out the location and found out that it was actually very close to where she was.. but in a weird spot since she had to circle around 3 times before finding the building.


*aigoo, jinjja wtf dear cousin -,- what kind of place is this* Iseul thought when she peered up at the semi-tall buisness/housing/cafe? looking building in an alley.


Iseul just put her hair behind her ears and walked into the front.


She was about to open the door when a security guard stopped her.



“Oh.. my cousin ____ told me to meet him in here..” Iseul awkwardly stood.


“Oh my, I am so sorry, sasaengs have just been getting worse around here. You can meet ____ in the first room to your right”, the security guard gave a sheepish smile.


“Ah, thank you.” Iseul nodded in acknowledgment.


*So he calls me out here and doesn’t even show up?! Great. Now I’m awkwardly sitting in an unknown location while I’m waiting for my cousin.

Might as well get a little comfortable.*


Iseul sat on the floor, pulled her knees up to her chest, put her earbuds in, and finally put her head down.

She had never noticed the exhaustion from her flight and adventures from the previous days and somehow fell asleep. Which was odd because she always felt extremely uncomfortable from sleeping anywhere else other than her own bed.

“Junhan- ah, I met your cousin like 3 hours ago. I think she’s been waiting for you this whole time, you better check up on her,” the security guard remarked and patted Junhan on the back.


“HYUNG YOUR COUSIN IS HERE?!!!? YOU HAVE A GIRL COUSIN.??!” Dino jumped up and down.


“Oh shi- I totally forgot about her since the huge schedule conflict on stage today.” Junhan groaned and quickly ran to the practice room. The rest of Seventeen followed him.


He quickly spotted the young girl in a curled up position and lightly shook her awake.


“Iseul, Iseul wake up before I tase you,” When she didn’t reply to that he actually tased her sides and tickled her which led to Iseul bumping her head on the table.





Right then Seventeen walked in to witness the sight and it got pretty awkward.


Iseul, not noticing the other guys stood up, and procceeded to yell, “ YAH OPPA WTH, YOU RANDOMLY CALL ME OUT HERE AND SHOW UP *reaches for phone to check time* 2 HOURS LATER.”


“Kang Irene, don’t yell at me like that, and especially in front of other people." Junhan sighed while flicking her forehead.

Iseul turned around in horror to see 13 guys all staring at her.

Wait wtf, what kind of situation is this?!!

HIII. Finally got the first chapter up. I hope you readers like it. I like redid the beggining 3 times after writing a whole page XD I'm so indecisive. Anyways comment? and give me some criticism thanks :D

Ah and i'm really sorry for barely introducing seventeen here >,< I know its going slow, but bear with me ;-;

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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 1: Oh my god ?!? WTF ?!? Cliffhanger already !! Noo~~ What happen neXt ,??
ReenRieX #2
Kyaaa.. So hot !! Verno is looking hott !! Updates pleasee.. Love the verno pic