
Pink Scarf

“I’m sorry.”

She walked out of the café in a quick manner, leaving the male speechless on his spot. He still couldn’t process what his girlfr—no, she had just turned into his ex just a few seconds ago. He thought their relationship was good enough; he didn’t expect her to dump him in a fine, morning Saturday. Not exactly dumping actually, she looked apologetic but did not state any reason.

“Hey, you okay?” A familiar figure plopped in front of him. “You look devastated.”

“How can I not be when I’m left by someone whom I treasure a lot?” He retorted, giving his friend a look. Instead of earning his mate’s usually-loud-chuckle, the poor boy received a frown.

“Life has its ups and downs.” He shrugged, “Maybe she isn’t the right one for you.”

“But we seem to work out really well.”

“Sehun, don’t struggle for something that isn’t worth it.” His friend sighed as he got up from his seat, “Someone will come pretty soon enough, so wipe that sad look off your face.”

“I hope so.” Sehun chuckled, “Go and work or your boss would push you off the cliff.”

“That’s what I’m planning to do.” He stuck his tongue out to the boy, “I’ll be paying for your bill, don’t even bother coming to the counter.”

“Fine.” He rolled his eyes, “Thanks, Luhan hyung.”

“Not a prob.”

Sehun sent him another smile before bidding goodbye, leaving the café which was now a place that he considered memorable; both in a good and bad way.

As the figure walked, he started scrolling pictures on his phone. Remembering what his friend told him before, his fingers shifted over the screen to delete every single photo of him and his ex.

After a few minutes of putting himself into deep thoughts, being single wasn’t bad after all. Maybe his life wouldn’t be as complicated as before—he didn’t have to take care much about his girlfriend. But one thing he disliked about being single was that how he turned out to be lonely. No one would accompany him to romantic places and spend time together, much to his dismay.

Sure, Sehun had many friends but his girlfriend was just another thing.

A sigh then escaped from his lips before his eyes fell upon a bus stop just approximately 5 meters away from him.

Sehun checked his wristwatch, which showed 10 minutes to 3. His sister shouldn’t be home yet since she would be helping out at the office. He doubted his mom would go for grocery shopping too, and his dad would probably be at a certain restaurant for meetings regarding businesses.

After heartbreak, he was going to spend his time alone at home.

Great. He thought, lifelessly heading for the bus once the vehicle stopped in front of him. Thankfully, it wasn’t crowded as he thought to be—or his mood would just worsen.

The boy aimed for the window seat on the fourth row, his gaze soon turned to the view outside. The bus station was quiet and no one seemed to be hopping in except for him.

As the doors were about to close, Sehun caught a figure running, tempting to ride the bus but she happened to trip on nothing—weirdly—as she fell onto the ground. He widened his eyes upon the view, noticing how it must’ve been painful as she carried a violin case on her back.

It was noticeable to the male but not to the driver. The doors had closed and the vehicle was about to speed off.

“Sir!” He stood up from his seat, “I’m sorry but there’s a passenger who wants to get on.” The boy said, referring to the girl.

“Where?” The driver asked, ignorantly.

“Can you please open up, Sir? She’s not in a good condition now.”

“How do you know?”

Sehun sighed, tired of the small debate. He took out his card and scanned to pay, “Nevermind. I’ll get off.”

He earned a scoff from the older one but he couldn’t care less. As the doors opened, he rushed to the girl’s place as he found her knee bleeding.

“Hey um, you okay?” Sehun helped her up.

“Ah, this is nothing.” She looked up, chuckling, as her facial features were visible to the guy. He was stunned by how beautiful she was, despite the clumsiness she had. “It’s quite normal for me.”

“How is that supposed to be normal?” He squatted, looking at the scar with concern, “Please wait.”

The girl confusingly stared at how Sehun started rummaging his black and white patterned backpack. He took out a piece of pink scarf as he gently started wrapping it around her bleeding knee.

“Wow, you like pink?” She giggled, “So the saying ‘no matter how manly a man is, a few would still love pink’ seems to be true.”

“That isn’t mine, it’s my ex’s.” He stated, “I planned to return it to her just now but she dumped me.”

Instead of responding with sympathy, he earned another giggle, but it was cheekier this time. “Well, forget about it then! It’s not like she’s the only girl in the world, there are still many fishes out there in the sea.” She childishly sing-sang.

Sehun chuckled as he tied the scarf securely, “Right. But I just can’t forget everything after what happened.”

“It’s not ‘can’t’, you’re the one who refuse to forget about her.” She shrugged her shoulders, “A person’s memory isn’t that strong. Stop reminiscing those past events, a bright future is surely waiting for you.”

He took his time to digest her words. She was childish a few seconds ago, yet, she could be wise at the same time. It was amusing to him.

“Anyhow.” She looked down to check out the pink scarf before she stared at him again, “Thanks for this. I had never come across someone as caring as you. Really.” She pouted, “Usually people would just walk away and mind their own businesses, but not you.”

Sehun scratched his nape in embarrassment, feeling his cheeks flushing any minute soon. “I’m just doing what’s right.” He replied, earning a chuckle from the girl. “Is hopping out of the bus a right thing to do? I mean, you ditched the vehicle to help me. That’s inappropriate, you wasted time and money.”

“It doesn’t matter.” The boy said, “Besides, the driver was being a jerk. He wanted to leave immediately despite how I told him about you, wanting to ride the bus.”

She titled her head in confusion, an imaginary question mark appearing above her head, “I had never planned to enter the bus. I only happened to glance at it as I passed the station.”

His cheeks turned even redder due to her statement. Sehun jumped into conclusions too fast that he regretted it pretty much now. Who would’ve thought that she was just glancing at the bus out of blue without thinking of hopping in?

“How about you?” She snapped his thoughts out, “Weren’t you already inside the bus? Shouldn’t you be heading somewhere right now?”

“Uh, not exactly.” He stared at the bus schedule, then at his wristwatch, “I was just about to go home but no one would be there though.”

The girl nodded in understanding as she patted his shoulders twice with a smile appearing on her face, “Well, if you have no one, at least you have your phone.” Laughing lightly, she lifted up the strap of her violin case, “Sorry but I gotta go for practice. It’s really nice meeting you, Oh Sehun.”

“Wha—How did you know my name?”

“You hung your name tag on your bag, silly.” She stuck her tongue out, “And it’s quite visible for me to see when you were busy with my knee.”

The guy’s mouth turned ‘O’ as he grinned shortly after, “You’re surely detailed.”

“Of course I am.” She stated proudly, “And I’ll probably return the scarf on—“

“No, it’s fine. Go and keep it.”


He pointed at her, “I insist. Okay?”

The girl sighed and dropped her shoulders, but a small smile accompanied instead, “Thanks again, Sehun. Sorry for the burden.”

“Nah, it’s fine.” He waved his hands a few times in denial, “I like helping people anyway.”

“Aww, you’re sweet. I’m pretty sure your future girlfriend would be lucky to have you.” She flashed a broad smile before skipping away from him, “I’ll see you around then, Sehun!”

“Sure do.” He replied while giving her a wave as a goodbye. The male watched the figure disappear little by little, as he widened his eyes after he remembered the most important thing.

Not only her contact number, but unfortunately, he didn’t even get her name.

He groaned loudly, frustrated by his own actions as he stared at the bus station’s name. Sehun then took a note of it, sighing lightly.

Maybe, someday, he would meet her again passing by this bus stop to go for her violin practice.

Author's Note: LOL I know this is so short hahahaha but thanks a lot for reading! :D 

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Chapter 1: I want more this is cute.
zangsia1 #2
Chapter 1: nice one authornim
Kazia_s #3
Chapter 1: Awwwhhhh I need a sequel!! This is so cute!! *^*
Chapter 1: aww sehun is such a gentleman
ciarashii #5
Chapter 1: Sequel please :))
sukianna #6
Chapter 1: so sweet. It was clean story with good flow.
Chapter 1: Ah you should make the sequel~