Fishing for Fluff (with Jaeling)





Fluff from a non-fluff writer. Be prepared. These fluff pieces have been certified by Rose and gelle (and on emergencies, ann).

I have done extensive shoujo manga research, consulted with fluff readers, writers, and daydreamers, gone through many fails in order to reach holy enfluffment. Past fails include (but not limited to): Romance with Slight!Angst, Hurt and Comfort with Slight!Angst, Comedy and nothing , Comedy with Slight!Fluff, Comedy/Crack, WTF, WTF/Experimental with Slight!Angst. It was, indeed, a rough journey.

Yandere invasion. This fluff fishing collection may no longer be effective. R.I.P.

If you have Jaeling scenarios for me to DESTROY, please do not hesitate to offer it up to this fluffinator disaster. I will happily turn it CREEPY. Most, most happily.


Scenario List:

1. Snowy day worst to best (Rose)

2. Jaejoong's #1 Fan (Rose)

3. Holding Hands (Rose)

4. Love Song (Rose)

5. Marriage Proposal (Rose)

6. Comforting Nightmare (ann)

6½. Comforting Nightmare (ann)

7. Connected Dreams (ann)

8. [Pending Approval] Perfect Surprise Date (ann)

9. Continuation of "Secretly" (crystal)

10. [Pending Approval] y in the Rain (gelle)

10½. [Pending Approval] y in the Rain (gelle)

*All [Pending Approval] will be forever pending approval. The judges gave up on me once the yandere hit home.




Current PASS to FAIL ratio: [6:10]

*For the safety of fluff readers, failed attempts will not be shared in this collection.

Cover Image certified by ann as: Fluff

Layout is a distant relative of "Fishing Cloud"



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Chapter 1: This made me laugh so hard! I want to know more!