The Phone Call

Love, Jealousy, Tears

“Hello”? said Jimin. “How are you”? said Namjoon. “I'm good just a little tired”. “When are coming back”?asked Namjoon. “ Probably tomorrow.” Everybody looked so excited and happy. “Are you guys on your way to the dance studio? asked jimin. Yeah said namjoon. It's a long way said namjoon. Namjoon heard someone calling him. Jimin! It was Jimin's supervisor. Oh I gotta go hyung. Jimin said in such disappointment. Namjoon said I understand. Please tell the members that I'll be there soon and I love them.” Namjoon said alright take care bye. Jimin hung up on the phone first. and there was a long silent. Kookie and Tae were so sad. They haven't seen jimin for seven months straight. Jimin hyung misses us a lot said Hobie. He also loves us a lot said Yoongi. They continued their road trip in silence for 2 hours straight. It was getting late. Everybody was asleep except Jin. Jin made it to their dance studio in time. Jin was the first one to get off and check in. As soon he checked in Namjoon was already awake. Go wake up the other members up said Jin. Namjoon did as told. All the members woke up and started grabbing their bags and made it inside. They were all tired. They dropped their bags on the floor and started to stretch their legs in exhaustion. They all formed a circle to get ready to eat on the floor. Namjoon helped Jin set up the food. Hobie was hungry as a tiger, When the food was out they all reached to grab chopsticks and digged in. Tae thought to himself, it would've been nice of Jimin was here as he sighed. When everybody was done eating they were sent to their rooms. Their manager was already at the building before them.  Manager started to name out the names who will share a room. Namjoon and Jin, as he started, Hobi and Yoongi and Kookie and Tae. Oh I almost forgot. Jimin called me a few minutes ago and said that he will be coming back tomorrow so be prepared. He suppose to come at 10:30pm. almost midnight. Their faces turned into smiles and went back to their rooms.     

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HEY GUYS. It has been 2 years since I forgot about this story. Jesus, just looking at this story makes me cringe and my poor editing schools. I think I would like to continue this story if people are really into it. It just seems plan and boring. IDK


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HEY GUYS. It has been 2 years since I forgot about this story. Jesus, just looking at this story makes me cringe and my poor editing schools. I think I would like to continue this story if people are really into it. It just seems plan and boring. IDK
Pikapandalien #2
Chapter 1: Oh my goshh that is already so so cute :3 can't wait for the next chapter >~< love it FIGHTING AUTHOR NIM ♡ THANK YOUUU ☆