If Ever

If Ever

'If you ever need someone to lean on, come back to me. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be here. Right where you left me, I'll be waiting, shedding too many tears. If you ever start to miss me, just come back. Why did you leave? Why have you not come back? Please come back. I had only you left. Now, you're gone too. I hope you are happier now. Although, you were my world, I wasn't yours. Knowing that, I still loved you. The only thing I need beside me is you. Please come back.'

The lyrics weren't in order yet, but this was how I felt right now. It had been a year now, but all the stuff she left here, stayed exactly where she left it. I wasn't going to move any of it, just in case she came back. Getting upfrom my desk, I made my way downstairs and pulled on my jacket. Slipping into my shoes, I stepped outside, deciding to get some caffeine from a cafe just down the street. It was a cafe that Miyong and I had often visited before she left. I wondered if I would ever see her again. the bell above the door made a tinkling sound, as I walked in. Without looking at the menuboard, I walked up to the counter, already knowing what I want. 

"One large iced hot chocolate to stay, please," I told the person at the counter.

"Coming right up!And that will be $5.65."  I quickly paid with cash.  

"You can take a seat and I will bring it over to you once it's ready," she smiled at me.  I sat down at the window and looking outside, saw a familiar face. 'Miyong... with someone else. Oh, Miyong.'  I grabbed a napkin and started jotting down a few more lyrics.

'If you come back, I won't even question why you left. It's not important anyway. Because, I mean this, the only thing I need is you. Every single day, you're always going to be the only one in my heart.  Come back. I'll take care of being hurt on my own. I can take care of waiting all on my own. Just remember this one thing. My shoulder will always, forever, be there for you. So, whenever it may be, don't worry about it and come back to me. If ever you need me again.'

I put down the pen, as my drink arrived. Miyong had walked past the window, not even noticing me. 'She may have left me behind, but I will forever be waiting,' I thought and took a sip of my drink, wiping away the tears, flowing down my cheeks.




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