The Fate of our LDR


two people fell in love with each other from far to far .... they havent met before, how come? it was an LDR (long distance relationship)

LDR is not easy at all, but Kim ara and hwang jin uk faced it together until a point that they had to do an order from their parents, curious much ?

how is their life going to change ? what is their fate ? what happened to their LDR ?

Kim ara, she is shy, unbrave, unexperienced person when it comes to dating and love until she met jinuk, her first love that stole her first heart beat.

Hwang jin uk, brave, rich, cheesy, chrismatic guy that got lost in Ara's heart. 



I bet most of the readers, or a person out there knows what’s LDR; which is known as the long distance relationship. Which most of us, okay let’s not make it a big deal. What I was saying is that I have heard a lot of stories of people who are in LDR, and unbelievably they meet at one point and get closer, attach to each other, and some end up marrying each other. Isn’t that what they call “fate” or “soul mate”? I guess.

BUT ! I’m not saying that all of them succeeded, some got hurt and had to end it up in one point in their life … yep that’s the sad fact for most of the people out there and guess what I Experienced it before. Did it work out? , Were you happy? , What happened? So many questions to be asked, right?

Let me tell you about my story then … It all started with a dating app…yep… just like the apps you guys use. But no I was picky about guys, why? Simply because I am not attractive, y, cute, charismatic person… but I am simply a girl that is known in my school as the NERD.

You probably would think ooh she must be that smart, she must be the top student in the school, no I am not the smartest, I am not the roll student or the top student if that’s what you call it. Why the call me a NERD? Its all because of those damn glasses, pimples, shyness that I have… I am totally afraid of social life, before going to the “dating app process” let me tell you what happened till I decided to go to that app…


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