

The destiny of the people of earth are different for each individual person. Each individual has a different fate than the person next to them. Different beginnings, dreams, careers, lives and even the ending. Especially the ending.

For a huge select group of guys, all their stories are different. Different lives, different fates. Although, their lives didn’t last too long on earth. They left the earth far too early due to different tragedies. Eight accidents, one by choice, one suicide and two by murder. How these happened are different in every way and shows that anything bad can happen to anyone.

Though all of their incidents are different, their eternal fate is the same. Well, for most of them. Two of them have different fates from the rest. But for the larger group, they all end up at the same place and develop a connection beyond anyone’s imagination despite different abilities, fates and personalities.

Twelve guys. Different endings. Different beginnings. One Story.

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