impromtu acting

Let's Play

“I’m tired. My gosh.” You complained as you got up from a one and a half hour lesson of humanities.

You turned your head to the right to see a messy patch of light brown hair on the table moving up and down.

Seungyeon was sleeping. You shook your head and lightly shook her shoulders. “seungyeon-ah, get up, seungyeon-ah.” (a/n: you thought it was changjo right? Hehe ^^ it’s not that cliché k, you had some classes with him but not all~ lalala k sorry moving on)

Then, a strong but gentle hand touched your shoulder preventing you from shaking seungyeon even further.

You turned around to see orange coloured hair touching your face. It was ljoe.

“arraso” you whispered to him and got up from your bent position. Before you made room for him to stand there you held onto his shoulder and went close to his ear to murmur, “Nice hair.” before leaving.

You turned to your table to get your stuff and ljoe saw you and smirked. You smiled back. He was a nice guy inside; you knew that he would do anything for seungyeon so you trusted him.

You were finished with your lessons for the day but had to be back later in the evening for psychology class.

You were strolling in the hallways when you passed changjo’s class. You popped your head in and noticed that he wasn’t there. You pulled your head back in and walked along the hallways out of the building.

Me: ‘yah, where are you? Skipped classes again?’ you texted changjo while walking.

About 3 minutes later, this was pretty long for him to reply.

Changjo-ahJ: ‘hey, mian. Working now. ttyl dear. ;P’

Dear? You laughed to yourself and replied simply with a ‘:P’ before stepping out of the school compound.

‘Honk honk’

You turned your head to the sound of a car honking and it was sleek silver Lamborghini.

The door opened upwards and a man wearing a white formal crisp shirt and a black blazer around it with a scarf tied fashionably around his neck stepped out.

He turned his head to face you and tipped his ray bans to his nose and smirked towards you.

‘What was his name again? ’ that was what you were thinking. Talk about ruining the moment of ogling over the hot guy.

He walked with long steps till he was standing in front of you. “ta. (Get on)” while showing his head to the direction where his car is.

You shrugged your shoulders and shook your head saying declining his request.

He titled his head to the side and smiled, amused. Then, he grabbed your books from your hands and walked calmly to the car.

You scoffed, and not wanting to cause a scene in front of the many people from your school which was looking, you adjusted your bag on your shoulder and strode to his car and got in.

He was waiting for you inside the car and grinned at your obedience.

He plopped the books on your lap and before you wanted to open the car door to get out he sped off.

“fk” you said so softly while your books fell from your lap and onto feet.

His eyebrow rose as he commented loudly, “oh~ someone curses eh? Feisty, I like.”

You rolled your eyes as you bent down to take your books and placed them firmly on your laps after buckling your seatbelt.

After awhile of driving, he broke the silence again, “ya, aren’t you going to ask me why I kidnapped you and where we’re going?”

You turned your head to the window, ignoring him.

“wa…that’s mean. I need you to help me with something. I really don’t know who else to ask besides you.” He continued.

You turned back to him with a questioning look.

He his lips and explained, “I need a girl to do this. If it’s someone else but you she’s going to be all clingy and I hate those kinds of girls.”

You motioned with your hands to mention him to carry on.

“ya, can you talk too? Seriously…” he complained and you looked blankly at him, not interested.

After a few seconds he gave up, “fine ok, anyways, I need you to do me a favour. It’s simple and easy. Take it as a…job. You can get paid if you want or anything else you can just ask.”

Soon, he pulled the car into the front of some fancy hotel. Your eyes widened. Hotel?

You grabbed your stuff and immediately walked away from the hotel.

“ya, hold on. Don’t misunderstand.” He said as he grabbed your wrist.

You glared menacingly at him and shrugged his hand off.

“I’m not going to do anything to you. We’re here to go to the hotel’s restaurant.” He emphasized and let go off your wrist.

You rubbed your sore wrist from his grip and he put out his arm for you to hook your arm into his.

“What the hell do you want me to do? Tell me, or I won’t go with you.” you finally said.

He looked at you, surprised, and then answered, “Just play along with me. It’s just a small favour; don’t be so petty about it.”

You were about to go in and help him but the word ‘petty’ coming out of his mouth which apparently describes you, did not make you feel too happy about it.

However, you let it go. You pushed his outstretched arm and said firmly before walking past him, “don’t ever call me petty again”.

He smirked knowing that this was your personality and quickly followed you inside.

It was a really grand hotel with the smell of rich people everywhere.

You didn’t belong here, not anymore.

You quickly shrugged that thought from your mind and waited for him to catch up with you before following him to wherever that restaurant is.

‘poissere mervere’was said on the front of the restaurant. Fancy...

After looking at the name of the restaurant you turned to your left to see him combing his hair and checking his reflection on his phone’s camera application. *what the hell…*

You crept up behind him and ‘snap’ took a photo of the both of you together.

“Hey! Omg I look so unglam. How could you?” he retorted and deleted that photo, or so you thought.

He looked ugly in that photo, but not you. You were playfully sticking out your tongue in that photo. Well, you were that bored.

He glanced over at you and locked his phone before placing it in his pocket.

“Hold on” you said as you held onto his shoulder.

He turned back to face you, “yeah? Scared?”

You rolled your eyes and went straight to the point.

“I’m not scared. And, what was your name again? I forgot.”

His mouth fell open and he stumbled backwards almost falling down.

“ya, you. Neon. Wa, unbelievable.” He said as he clutched onto his head with one hand and the other pointing at you accusingly.

You shrugged your shoulders innocently and smiled at him.

He glared at you then straightened his back and walked right in front of you.

He bent his head till it touched your forehead and placed his hands gently on your shoulders.

“ya,” he began and nudged your head with his.

You eyes looked upwards at him and he was just so close, as close as how ljoe was just now but you didn’t feel anything, yet.

He breathed out and you could feel his hot breath on your face. It smelled minty, well at least he brushed his teeth.

“My name is nam woo hyun. Don’t forget ever again.” He said slowly and pulled away from you, straightening his hair once again.

You half smiled not amused. He scowled at your lack of reaction to his flirty ways, when most girls would be dead and resurrected after that action.

He stretched his arm out again and placed your hand in his saying that this was the start of the favour.

You shook your head confused but followed him into the restaurant anyways without a clue that this could deeply affect the rest of your life.

Woohyun walked you inside and stopped at a table at the far right hand side of the restaurant. A young and rich young lady sat there.

She looked up at woohyun with a pissed off expression and her glaring eyes landed on you.

She looked from top to bottom then shrieked, “NAM WOOHYUN! YOU DUMPED ME FOR THIS PATHETIC LOOKING GIRL? AGHHHHH”

My gosh, she was so damn loud and annoying. Pathetic? You felt like slapping her face, with a chair.

“Lee seo ha, she’s way better than you and please shut the hell up. I got bored of you, I thought that we agreed that we could date then break up coolly?” woohyun asked unfazed by her screaming.

*wait, so what the hell is this effing favour? Pretend to be his girlfriend? What a joke.* you thought and stormed out.

Woohyun quickly pulled you back under his arm and whispered in your ear, “just pretend. So she’ll back off, I do not want to marry this girl.”

“What the hell do I have to do with this nam woohyun-shi? Don’t drag me into your problems.” You whispered back.


My gosh.

Woohyun turned his position so he was hugging you then whispered further, “The faster you help me the faster we can get out of here.”

You glared fiercely at woohyun and gritted your teeth. You were beyond pissed; you were on the point of throwing that damn wooden table at him. But you calmed down, there was no point being pissed.

“100 bucks, .” You said to him then let go and faced that noisy girl.

Your expression had a 180 degree change.

“oppa~~~ I love you so much, you do know that right? Hehehe” you giggled and grabbed his hand.

His mouth dropped. widened. You were giggling

Due to financial problems, there was a period of time where you had to work in a ‘maid café’ where cuteness had to be given to the customers when you served them.

You hated the job but the pay was good. No one knows about it but changjo who stalked you there once without you knowing.

You were super embarrassed and he kept teasing you about it though at first he was shocked seeing you in such a cute uniform though obviously you didn’t know. Dense.

About a month later you quit though and quickly found another job.

“I’m so sorry miss but oppa and I are getting married in two weeks so there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m sure with your good looks you can easily get a better person than him so I hope that you can let us off kay?” you smiled sweetly.

*wadafk* was flying across woohyun’s brain. He didn’t know you were capable of being cute…

She started shrieking again and you cut her half way. “Don’t worry, no one will know about this. Keep your calm; you have your pride too. This guy isn’t worth it so you can say you dumped him for all I care just shhhh.” You shut her up and placed your fingers on her lips.

She was humiliated so she stomped out of the restaurant.

Before she left she yelled one more thing, “NAM WOOHYUN! I will never forgive you!!!” she pointed at him then stormed off.

“aigoo…” you sighed after your work was completed and sat at where she was sitting just now.

Woohyun began clapping slowly and nodding his head in approval as he sat down opposite you.

“ya….daebak. You don’t even talk much to me but you said so many things once you accepted my favour. Here.” He applauded and took out a whole stash of $100 bills and chucked it in your hands.

You calmly slid one out of the whole stash and threw it back at him.

“I only asked for one.” You smirked and kept it in your wallet.

“You could have it all you know. Your performance blew me away~” and he did some stupid actions with his hands.

You closed your eyes and sighed. Woohyun looked at you, concerned.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

You shook your head not wanting to answer. He started to grow worried.

“ya, you okay? What’s wrong? Want me to take you home right now?” he asked further as he got up from his seat and sat beside you.

You shook your head and just sat there, eyes still closed.

Woohyun was close to freaking out, this was his true self behind that cool pretence and it was slowly leaking out in front of you.

He was actually about to carry you bridal style when your eyes opened and gave him a shock.

‘Calm down. I’m just tired from talking so much. Heh.’ You mouthed to him.

 e__o that was his expression. Then he let out a sigh.

“Let’s go home.” Was all he said as he helped you up from your seat.

While waiting at the lobby for the car to come, he asked you “you do know that you’re a really 4d person right?”

You nodded lazily at his question. Even you yourself knew that you were 4d at times.

He didn’t know what to say and the hotel staff told him that the car was ready.

He tipped the guy then walked towards the car with you following behind him.

He bowed 93 degrees to him as he passed and so did all the other staff at the hotel. You were weirdly looking at all of them and went inside the car.

“Why were all the staff bowing to you?” you asked.

He started the engine and zoomed off to the centre of the road.

“They bow to everyone.” He simply replied.

You tsk-ed him under your breath but he heard that.

“psh, don’t tsk me. That hotel belongs to my parents. It’s the ‘Namuzé.’” He explained.

You choked on the water that you were drinking on. The Namuzé?? It was a world famous, high class 6 star hotel where only the richest of the rich can afford to stay there or even dine there.

Woohyun smirked at your reaction, “why? Surprised? I told you I was elite with Infinite.”

You scoffed and blew your fringe out of your eyes. You looked adorable like a little kid to woohyun and he smiled.

Too soon, your expression changed back to the cold one you usually had and pointed your finger at his face then to the road.

‘Keep your eyes on the road’ that was your message to him but instead of saying it you motioned it to him. You were the coolest chick he has ever met.

He turned his eyes back to the road and asked you, “so where do you stay? Let me drop you home.”

You simply reached forward to his gps system stuck on the front of the car and typed in your address before leaning back on the comfy leather seats.

“Smart .” He muttered and you beamed playfully at him then stared straight in front onto the road.

After a quiet drive as he was turning into your neighbourhood he asked, “Your voice is really nice you know why don’t you like to speak?”

Right on queue you yawned to actually say that it was because you’re tired. You were amused at your own reaction and smiled to yourself.

“ya, seriously. How the hell do those teentop people actually stand you not talking?” he said randomly out of frustration.

You stopped smiling and faced him with scary eyes.

“Don’t talk about them that way. They accept me the way I am. Don’t judge my friends.” You said coldly then said quietly “stop.”

He was stunned by your fierce response. He was just joking, but to you teentop was like your second family without them, you were sure that you would be stuck in the past forever.

“Hey! Im sorry! I won’t talk about them like that ever again. Don’t be mad.” Woohyun apologised bringing you back from your thoughts from the past.

You waved your hand saying that you’ve forgiven him and stepped out the car. You aren’t a person to hold grudges.

He came out to help you with your books but you waved him off and smiled one last time, a bit forced though, before walking to the front of your apartment.

However, woohyun could see past your fake smile. He looked around your neighbourhood to see homeless bums around and graffiti on the walls.

He was creeped out by the place and wanted you there out immediately but he didn’t have the power to do so.

He sighed and walked back to his car and drove off.

What the both of you didn’t know was that changjo was at the side seeing everything.

So, the reason why you weren’t able to reply his messages was because of that rich guy.

Changjo closed his eyes and crushed the two full cans of sprite in his hands as the liquid oozed out from the crushed can.

He slowly walked away, misunderstanding everything as a heavy weight was placed on his heart.

//ok I’m so sorry for the late update T_T shall update again soon~ thank you!! /bow/ //

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favoriteboy #1
Chapter 7: be mine! what fdksja love it!
MavisJae #2
update soon
minhee_hong #3
Omona, Changjo! Don't misunderstand! NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kyoko_chi #4
Be mine? >:)<br />
I'm already yours woohyun!<br />
minhee_hong #5
Update soon! ^^ I want to know how Woohyun and ~~~~~ meet again ^^
deulliechan #6
hehe thanks you guys for commenting! im so touched really<3 ^^
TEENFINITE!!!!! Excited for this story!!! It's gonna be DAEBAK!!! ^^ HWAITING!!!
I wonder what the storyline is going to be about? ^^