
Black Masks

"He went this way!" An officer called, his loud footsteps being heard in the empty streets of the town.  

"I'll stay here near the road while you keep running." Another officer called back, her breathing fast as she stopped near an alleyway the other officer ran down. The male officer chased after the man, dodging trash barrels and trash bags. The black clad man with the brown bag full of money in his hand.  

"Stop! Stop or I'll shoot!" The officer called as he held up his gun, and pointed it at the man. He placed his finger on the trigger as he stared at the masked man who kept running. He shut one of his eyes while running and pressed his finger down on the trigger. The masked man dropped, taking his last breath as the last thing the man thought was,"plan succeeded..." before his life faded away.  

Officer Min looked at the dead man with a sigh. "You should have stopped..." He thought as he walked over to the Man. He kneeled down and picked up the bag. He held it in his hands and looked inside.  

"What the...?!" He mumbled in disbelief.  

Officer Song looked down the road, looking to see if she could see the culprit if he were to come out. She spotted a running figure on the other side of the road. The person was peeking out of the alleyway and began to run down the dark empty street. The officer looked to see something in the hands of the mysterious person, only to see the same bag as the criminal Officer Min went after.  

"Officer Min, I report we have another criminal from the bank robbery. I repeat we have another suspect." She called in with her radio. She quickly began to run after the suspect, her footsteps could be heard in the dark empty night.  

The criminal could hear the loud footsteps of another person behind her. She turned her hooded and masked face to see who it was. 

 "! It's the cops!" She thought before smirking.  

"They won't catch me this time." She began to run faster, taking a dim alleyway as a shortcut. She knew everywhere to go in this town, what alleyways are what, the tunnel system, what streets are what, and where the police are scheduled to drive around. She climbed up the ladder as the officer turned into the alleyway. The criminal climbed up on the building and ran to the other side. 

 "I need back up on Alleyway 337. I need you and the boys to catch me 229" She mumbled in her small microphone attached to her thin black sweatshirt.  

"Roger that 445." He replied into her ear piece as she turned around. Another cop had climbed the later and was now on top of the building with me.  

"Freeze!" He called, as pointed his pistol at the criminal.  

" That doesn't scare me." She replied, using her voice changer that was attached to her mask.  

"Just slowly with your hands up, walk over to me and we can do this safely and less painfully." he called while slowly walking up to her.  

"Like I would do that and risk my freedom!? you!" She laughed in her voice changer. She looked down and saw the black masked boys waiting for her. She turned back to the officer. 

 "Its too late anyway...Goodbye Officer Min, it was lovely to see you." She smirked through her mask before leaning back and falling.  

"!" He cursed while running to the edge where she slowly fell off. He put away his gun as he looked down. He saw the group running and no dead body.  

"Code 116, I repeat they are on the run down Banhway Street." He called into his radio.  

"Backup is on their way." the station called. He stayed standing on the building and watched the small group run down the street.  

"That was pretty clever...I'll find you though. I always do.." He mumbled, before turning around and walking to the rusty ladder he had climbed up.. The sound of sirens can be heard as he climbed down the creaky old latter to Officer Song.  

"The person got away, they planned this. smart people, but they aren't smart enough." He said, walking out of the alleyway.  

"What will we do now?" asked Officer Song with a disappointed look in herself and her partner.  

"They'll come back and cause more trouble, all criminals do. And when they do, we'll get them. Especially the runaway one. I'll get that one, I have to." He mumbled with a stern face as he walked down the street to his police patrol car.  

"But what if they don't cause anymore!? What if that were the only time?" officer song called, running after him.  

"They will, I just know." He smirked, getting into the driver seat of his car. 


Little did the officer know that the young runaway criminal was watching them.  

"I'll remember that Officer Min, and I'll make sure the chase is fun..." she smirked, as she had taken off her gear and handed it to her colleagues who ran back to the base. She watched the patrol car pull away from the dirty sidewalk.  

"I report that the police have driven away and are not around anymore. the path is now clear and we are officially being watched for. The game has began guys, now I, 445 will go check on our friend who had been shoot in the line of our game. Over and out." She whispered into her microphone that was attached to her light blue t-shirt. She looked nothing like how she did when in her gear. She knew what to do and to act as if nothing had happened and she was no where's near suspicious. She walked down the dark sidewalk, her phone in her pocket as she had pretended to text someone like a normal teenager would. She turned the alleyway, turning the dark corner as she saw the body of her friend laying there, motionless. She saw police officers surrounding the dead body, doing reports and such. She looked around with curiosity. She saw the two officers that had chased her before hand. 

 "Ma'am you are not allowed to be here." a dark haired officer said, walking up to her short self.  

"I'm so sorry officer....Jeon, I just came to do my normal midnight walk through the streets." She lied, shuffling her feet.  

"Well ma'am, you would have to leave. This is an investigation and we can't have any bystanders around watching. so if you would, could you go back to your home or take a different route for your walk." The Officer Jeon said, his eyes showing a stern look upon his young like face. 

 "I'm sorry to intrude." she replied, looking down and putting a fake guilty face on her tannish American face.  

"Officer Jeon, we need you over here!" called a chocolate haired boy, his eyes a puppy brown.  

"Officer Min! Please this girl back to the street where she will need to either go home or walk somewhere else." officer Jeon called to the black haired, pale bodied officer, who had been talking to his partner Song about a big plan on the case.  

"Roger that!" Officer Min replied. The girl smirked internally as she made eye contact with the other officer. She played innocent though and blushed. 

 "Come this way M'am" He said, walking a little in front of her. She followed behind, taking a glimpse of her old partner in crime before turning ahead.  

"What happened?" She asked softly, her innocent side kicking in.  

"Robbery, he had tried to get away and hadn't listen to any orders to stop and freeze and he was shot down and killed." He said, turning to face me.  

"Oh..." she whispered. 

 "Why are you coming down and alleyway late at night anyway?" Officer Min asked the young girl, his curiosity getting the best of him.  

"I needed a walk is all." She replied, fiddling with her fingers, 

 "Yeah, what's your name by the way, you seem a little young to be all alone." He said, walking beside her now.  

"I'm not young actually, unless you call 19 young then yes I'm young and my name is Rain. I don't actually know my real name to be honest." She lied, she can't give out the real information behind herself, she can get caught that way. 

 "Pretty name, I'm sure you'll know one day. And I guess it's not young, anyway. This is your stop. I would consider that you go home Rain. Your gonna need some rest." Officer Min replied to her, a small smile on his face as he looked at the girl.  

"Thank you again Officer Min, I'll see you around!"She fakely grinned perfectly while she walked away from him.  

"I'll see you around Rain...I hope. I wanna help you find your real self." he whispered, watching her before turning and walking back to the crime scene of the dead body. 

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