Chapter Fourteen

Fade Away

Chapter Fourteen:



Seunghyun had to physically drag Jiyong away from Seungri's room, pulling him down the corridor of the hospital as the leader struggled in his grasp, trying to break free.

"Seungri!" the younger man's voice echoed down the hall causing several people to poke their heads out from other rooms, looking about curiously.

"Stop it!" the older man hissed, forcefully hauling Jiyong up and shoving him out toward the lobby. He nearly got smacked in the face when the leader tried to turn back and go back toward Seungri's room, but Seunghyun was faster, grabbing the shorter man by the back of his collar and pulling him out into the parking lot like a child throwing a tantrum, "Jiyong, stop!"

Then the leader was lashing out, swinging his fists, screaming obscenities, and Seunghyun couldn't get out of the way fast enough, feeling one of Jiyong's punches connecting with his jaw. It threw him off balance, just enough to cause his body to snap to one side as he tried to right himself. In that moment, as the pain began to spread across his jaw line, he felt anger rise in him. Unable to stop himself, he lunged at Jiyong, hands grabbing for the younger man's throat.

The two tumbled to the ground and Seunghyun felt his elbows and knees scraping against the rough asphalt of the parking lot. They struck at each other, their voices crying out in rage. The older man could feel his hits connecting, but he could also feel himself being struck. For several seconds, he had the upper hand, he was straddling Jiyong. Unconsciously, he raised his hand and slapped the younger man as hard as he could. The smacking sound of his open palm striking Jiyong's cheek was so loud it caused them both to freeze.

They stared at each other for a long moment before the leader spoke, voice defeated, "Get off me."

As Seunghyun rose, he reached his hand out to Jiyong. The younger man took his offer of help and that was when he knew that the fight was over. It was then, as they were dusting themselves off, that they noticed they were being watched. Several people had gathered at the entrance and others already in the parking lot were staring.

"Come on," Seunghyun placed a hand on Jiyong's back, leading the younger man toward his car. The leader didn't put up any resistance.


Seunghyun drew in a sharp breath when he dabbed at his elbow with disinfectant, hating the way that it stung. It had been a long time since he had hurt himself in this manner, let alone get into a fight with someone. Jiyong, for someone who seemed so delicate, had a lot of strength behind his small frame.

"What was all that about?" the older man asked, looking at the leader. He had an inkling, but it was only speculation on his part.

"I'm afraid of what this means," Jiyong answered. He was looking himself over in a handheld mirror, turning his head this way and that, touching the darkening bruise along his cheek, "You got me good."

"Sorry, you provoked me."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"You're forgiven."

Jiyong sighed, putting down the mirror, pressing his hands to his face, "I don't know why he's doing this."

"Maybe he just needs to be alone for a while."

"Or he's going to finally do what he's been saying he wants to do."

"You mean stop his treatment?" Suddenly his scrapes didn't seem so important, "How can you be sure?"

"Hanna visited him yesterday. Then after she left, I had an argument with him," the leader's eyes were focused on one of the paintings on the wall, his gaze never wavering, "He said he hated living the way he was. He was so angry. I just can't help but feel like this is why he doesn't want to see anyone."

Seunghyun carded a hand through his hair, allowing his hand to rest on the back of his neck for a moment, rubbing the soreness from the area as he tried to read Jiyong's posture. The leader was rigid, completely tense. The younger man's lips were pressed together in a thin line, deep in his own thoughts, perhaps replaying the events he was speaking of.

"Ji, you know he'd never just give up," the rapper spoke softly, rising from his seat to sit closer to the younger man, "He's too stubborn."


"It's not just about his stubbornness. You know he'd do anything for the people he loves."

"Then why's he pushing us away?"



Seunghyun sipped at his water and watched as Seungri moved on the dance floor, trying to practice his maneuvers, even with the brace the doctors had told him to wear for his injured ankle. The maknae looked frustrated, but he kept moving, trying to figure out ways to stay within the choreography even with the restrictions he had been given.

Everyone else in the room was either talking with one another or had left to go grab a snack. But there was Seungri, working away. Despite how unmannered and arrogant he had seemed at the beginning, the maknae was a hard worker and didn't know when to stop - take a break and just breathe.

"Why can't you take it easy for a day or two, huh?" the rapper finally asked, putting down his water bottle and approaching the younger boy.

Seungri looked up, his face of concentration melting away and becoming one of slight embarrassment, his signature smile plastered across his features, as he spoke, "We have too much work to do, hyung."

"I'm sure we can switch up what we're going to perform so you won't have to move so much."

"But that's not what the fans want to see," the maknae retorted.

"Is that really so important when you're in pain?"

"It's important, because they support us."

In that moment, Seungri looked so serious Seunghyun didn't feel he could argue. So he simply shook his head and went back to the row of seats at the back of the room and took a seat. He was ever watchful of the younger boy, catching those moments when Seungri would grimace when he stepped in just the wrong way or when he would shut his eyes tight, his features showing clear aggravation.



How am I going to explain this? Seunghyun wondered as he studied his face in his bathroom mirror. He could also see the dark bruises on his torso, which were tender to the touch. He never would have thought Jiyong could throw punches that hard. It was shocking.

Earlier, he dropped of Jiyong at the hospital parking lot. He made sure to wait until the leader was in his car and the younger man was driving away before he headed home. He didn't want another incident. He was certain that the pictures of them fight would soon surface, too many people had seen them, and they would get a very stern talking to.

This is crazy, he thought, opening the medicine cabinet to see if he had a good concealer he could use. He had a few, but wasn't sure if the coverage would be good enough as he had a feeling he would also need a color corrector for how dark the marks were. How in the world does Seungri cover his dark circles?

The thought of Seungri made him pause in what he was doing.

He couldn't fathom what the maknae was doing, but knew that he would have to give the younger man time.

None of them could force Seungri to see them if he didn't want to.



"You need to exercise more," their trainer was scolding Seungri, who looked like he was about to start pouting at any moment, "Do you even do anything outside of the time you spend here?"

"I do!" the maknae insisted, starting to look more and more like a child being told off.

"Hardly. There hasn't been any improvement in your physique."

Seungyun started laughing, despite the fact that he was running on the treadmill. He just couldn't take it anymore. Seungri looked so offended. The others were starting to notice what was unfolding and they started snickering.

"He just like junk food more than working out," Youngbae said with a smirk.

The maknae was beginning to full on pout as the trainer crossed his arms, eyeing Seungri. They were all supposed to be following a diet plan so they'd be ready for their upcoming promotions as well as photo shoots. The words "junk food" were practically forbidden.

"Seungri," the trainer said, his voice a warning.

"I'll do more! Really!" the youngest said, jumping onto the closest machine he could to start his routine. It was an obvious ploy to get away, but the trainer had had enough by that time, throwing his hands up in defeat.

Seunghyun giggled to himself, knowing that no matter what Seungri said, the maknae was going to do what he wanted. No exercise plan would ever keep the kid from junk food or over indulging. They've all tried to lecture him about it, but it was never of any use.

So, they'll do what they always do and let it be. They'll wait until Seungri runs to them complaining he's gotten too flabby and make him work out vigorously until the cycle repeats itself once more.

That was just the way it was.



The sound of his phone vibrating on the bathroom counter made Seunghyun pull himself from his thoughts.

There was a new text from Seungri.

I'm sorry, hyung.

His fingers paused over the screen for a long moment before he responded, Don't apologize.

I just need time.

I know.

Thank you.

And Seunghyun knew that there was nothing else that needed to be said.

The rest was up to Seungri.


Note: Thank you for all of your comments everyone! The next update may be a little delayed as I have something things to attend to, but I'll be back soon! Please enjoy for now and thank you again!

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Chapter 15: Wow you drop the bomb when im less expect it
Chapter 14: This hurt too many people
Chapter 13: What the - Seungri?
Are you giving up already?
Chapter 12: This getting sad
Chapter 11: Everyone deserve second chances =(
Chapter 10: Wow... pls dont pull not ready
Chapter 9: That was hard to read w/o crying..
Chapter 8: The flashbacks make it even better eventho it actually a pain to read
Chapter 7: At least he hve his hyungs
Chapter 6: Oh..this hurt