AKP #11

《 Cosmos 》: Yunrae Entertainment's First Girl Group
Youtuber Hong Minyoung is in hot water after a failed interview with new group, Cosmos!
April 18, 2016 @ 9:02 am
by admin

Newly debuted group, Cosmos, has been into the spotlight after an interesting video surfaced. The group was having a photoshoot with a local magazine which included an interview conducted by hot Youtuber, Hong Minyoung - or Min as referred to her by her fans.


Min has worked in collaboration with this magazine multiple times as both a model and an interviewer - but it seems like her days are now limited. During the live interview with Cosmos, Min showed a careless and degrogatory manner towards the rookie group - even going as far as to openly insulting their company.


However, it seems like Cosmos isn't the type to let that slide. Maknae Ina fired her own shots back at the interviewer and stood up for her group. Netizens are having mixed reactions over this encounter, some are saying that Min overstepped her boundaries and deserved the backlash while others are berating Ina's unprofessionalism and lack of self control.


SEE ALSO: Rookie group, Cosmos, drops full MV of debut track!


Near the end of the first half of the interview, Min seems to lose her cool and calls Ina out. She stands up and states, "I could end your career!" After which, the live show is cut due to technicaly difficulties and a second half - which was noticeably recorded and edited with a different interviewer - was uploaded later on in the day.

What do you think? Did Min overstep her boundaries? Or was Ina wrong to break her professionalism?

Yunrae Entertainment
New Group
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minniebear · Posted April 18, 2016 @ 9:11 am
Cosmos is obviously in the wrong! They were just attacking Min when she was just asking the questions on the script! Everyone knows that the interviewer doesn't get to choose what they ask. If anything the magazine should be getting heat!
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monstaxslay · Posted April 18, 2016 @ 9:14 am
Yo, that Min girl was obviously hella salty about something. She was definitely trying to get Cosmos to mess up or something. How "professional".
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moon&sun · Posted April 18, 2016 @ 9:18 am
Ina is so savage omg. She gives absolutely no s - definitely looking into this group now xDD
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aprilismytinkerbell · Posted April 18, 2016 @ 9:23 am
Even if Min overstepped her boundaries, Ina shouldn't have done that. Min is their sunbae and they should still treat her with respect. It's probably because Ina is a foreigner - she obviously doesn't understand Korean culture or tradition.
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-oneirataxia #1
Chapter 36: wow wow wow,
amazing! i dont even
have a character in this applyfic
but it doesnt even feel like an applyfic.
its like one of those fanfics
with the oc and the author does a really good
job in writing it. i dont know
how to explain how excited and thrilled
i was. it made me look at liqin at a different
light because from what ive seen in the story,
she is a chameleon and doesnt really like sticking out.
i definetly seeing character development
and cant wait to see the others too!
im personally an ina biased fan because
she and i are so similar in personality
and thought process so i lowkey hope
that ina is next for the single chapter
just letting you know
i miss you and your updates <3
-oneirataxia #3
just want you to know
that i love this story
and cant wait for the next update!
stay healthy and live life boo :)
-oneirataxia #4
Chapter 35: im so mad that
i didnt know about this fic ;;
this is honestly such a great
applyfic <3 too bad
i was on hiatus when this apply was opened ;;
nonetheless, keep it up!
you are really good at this and
i enjoy reading it tbh
I love reading this
Chapter 35: so sorry for the late comment ;;
school got me like :(
none the less,
i missed reading your writing
and i could help but re-read the
story until you updated.

honestly, i like their comeback,
even if it was a huge change of
image since they went
from mysterious to upbeat.

my poor liqin is going to be on dream team.
i cant wait to see her dominate as she really is good
in sports but im worried as she isnt much of
a talker. which reminds me,
are you going to write a dream team special?
if you are, bless you <3

but can i just say something,
if some of the boys in yrb2016
are single and dont have a love interest,
liqin is up as she needs some drama in her love life XD
Chapter 34: Well I'm smiling now~~ okay cheese aside I rrally missed your writing you're so good it should be illegal. You have this really easy seemingly effortless way if writing that makes it so easy to read and imagine everything that's going on. Honestly your writing is so smooth I love it so much.

And Ina! I always love her pov chapters, she's so brutally honest about anything. You can really tell how much these guys have grown over the past months of being a group. Gone are the awkward four who couldn't get along and we're always stepping on each other's toes somehow and here now is this cameraderie of being a team. Nice little cameo from the Suite kids too (Seungcheol and his hair xD). I especially liked the car ride bit where they're all interacting with each other and trying to crash the car xD the chapter was on the short side but it was really nice and I loved reading it so I don't mind at all man.

You can really tell the personal growth that these four have gone through already like hold me Yun I'm gonna cry I'm so proud of these s. And the song is awesome too of course I love Melody Day. Good man. Also shout out to the new layout it's super pretty and I love it.
Chapter 32: I am so sad that 4 walls promotion is coming to an end.
also, when I saw how nervous liqin
was when they said a group was coming
/lowkey on the look out for yixuan/
none the less the chapter was nice.
I honestly love sistar's comeback
although I felt as if hyorin
got a lot of lines but maybe
that's just me.
lol liqin, man up gull.
your members are not body guards XD
also, your chara mirae makes me which
that mirae was actually in the group ;;
she would fit so well
but not at the same time (if that makes any sense at all)